aaa is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?... - The lounge forums
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Subject: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...

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Original Message 1/11             13-May-11  @  03:32 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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so i'm sitting here with a new htc android phone and a 3gs, which to use?

so i start by wanting to remove photo's from the iphone, managed it via an app, then deleted them all, but no! the fuckers are still in playlists, even tho all images delete and no way to delete

also cant get musoc off the damned thing

i'm updating the OS, but it seems that iphones are designed to be 100% automatic but when you wanna do something outside of simply syncing it to a mac it cant do anything at all, lol.

hmmm, anyone got one? i spent 4 hours so far and still havent got the music or images off the phone, lol


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/11             13-May-11  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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I've had a 3G for years, and just reluctantly upgraded to an iPhone 4. I didnt want to, but Apple forced my hand. They release these OS updates which are aimed at the 3GS and 4. My poor 3G simply couldnt handle the upgrades and became virtually unusable, with slow performance, apps crashing, and all sorts of issues. To revert back to a previous 3G friendly version of the OS would mean losing any data since upgrading.

Anyway, so, I have my iPhone 4, I completely forgot about the antenna design flaw.  The well known issue that it seems people dont care about. If you knew Zanussi released a washing machine with a known design error that meant it didnt wash your clothes properly you'd avoid the brand, but for some inexplicable reason this is not the case for Apple.

So I now have a phone whose signal cuts in and out depending on how I hold the phone. Yes, I could get a case for it. But I dont want a case, I think cases ruin the phones look.

And as for the iTunes interface, it is shit. It is appallingly poor. I dont hold any hope of getting any of my data transfered from iPhone to my next phone (as it WILL be non Apple).

Apples behaviour is appalling. They should of recalled all those handsets and redesigned the phone, but of course they didnt. 

Also, the way they behaved with their iPad tablet is way out of order too. They release the first one with two deliberate vital omissions, a condenser mic and a video camera. The device would have been a perfect skype tool. But no.  Lets deliberately let people shell out for one (if they are stupid enough), then release the iPad2 a few months later so they have to upgrade to that as well.  And then theres the Flash omission and no USB either.

Fucking Apple. and I thought Bill Gates was a cunt, but not anymore. It seems Steve Jobs has won the cunt award this time.

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Message 3/11             14-May-11  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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lol, well mine 3gs seems to be handling the update ok, it doesn't add very much feature-wise tho.

i'm kina getting to understand how it works now after a whole day fraught with problems and "what the fuck!", and the bottom line i spose is that iPhone when first released was designed for people primarily as a combined style item AND a phone for those who actualy didnt want to do anything customisation-wise. I'm also learning how tied in to apple desktop OS it is, you really need a mac to get the best out of it or frankly to use it 100%, not sure how you'd backup contacts without a mac for instance.

i finaly discovered how to make the texting text bigger than the default "miniscule point size" so that's now a bit better, although i cant see why apple decides to force texting in a tiny panel which sits inside a massive light-blue area which does nothing & is wasted space - seems to me i'd rather type and see the text appear full-screen-width in the larger light-blue area above the typing box.. oh well.

i kinda also like the speech bubbles to layout txt's sorted by contact-name into 'threads', but on the othe hand i think i'd also like an option to make those bubbles switch to a standard list.. i'd also like to be able to sort txts by sent/ inbox/outbox/drafts etc but i can also see that the text-list design must be a consequence of the overall OS design which as far as i  can see is done so that everything (email/text/phone etc) is all tied to each contact-name in your book as the primary upper-tier way it works. Everything starts with the contact names and works down from that it seems.

still not sure whether to go android tho. I've got a brand new HTC Wildfire sitting here whimpering, and i'm tempted by 2 things

1. better customisability

2. i dont wanna go iphone 4 (hence i ponced the old 3gs) and if iphone 5 is a bit of a let down when released, i wont loose so much going android instead now, cos i could upgrade to whatever Desire HD model is out at that time, and it'd prolly cost about £380 instead of £580 for the iphone, and i've seen the current Desire  non-hd model in action and it is phenomenal.

the biggest thing that is useless on iphone is the total inability of your computer to see it as a USB mass-storage device and simply copy images/music/video to/from the phone... the whole itunes thing i really dont like - i did discover a tip tho; you can easily copy images to your mac using Image-Capture (in applications), dead easy! now if ONLY you could do the same for music, but it's 100% tied in to itunes.

on the other hand i get the whole itunes integration for buying media & apps and organising.. i just hate itunes tho, lol

i reckon iphone is so tied in to itunes & apple desktop etc and switching is such a nightmare that apple iphone users are kinda forced in some way to "carry-on apple" once they've bought in to the system

bottom line i think is the iphone is designed to be regularly docked, and then you do the real organising on your desktop mac... dump camera images as often as possible etc. On other phones backup is more about not losing stuff. on iphone it seems more essential to organising things.

dammit! decisions decisions!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/11             15-May-11  @  12:30 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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yeah the iTunes interface is appalling. I suppose you could always jailbreak the iPhone to make it fully configurable.

I hate and completely resent the fact that I am tied to apple standards and I am sure Apple are shooting themselves in the foot. There must be loads of people who dont like iTunes and Apple format files and are moving away to HTCs and Android.

It seems that the iphone does a lot of things, but all in just a nearly satisfactory manner. For instance, you mentioned the texting, it could be more powerful.  The same with the iPod (which I dont use because its limited) and the phone/contacts folder, and pretty much everything else. Its a collection of bland functions basically !

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Message 5/11             15-May-11  @  02:19 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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i did get impressed yesterday tho - i sent an email out asking people for numbers - when they replied i found if i just held my finger over their phone number in the email the phone recognises you have touched a phone number & a pop up bubble appears askin if u wanto use the number to crate a new contact or update a previous one - that was clever! no need to even copy and paste - just touch the number within the email text and it asks and then updates a contact u choose

that was impressive! i dunno if android can do that, prolly yes tho


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/11             15-May-11  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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also the android thing - it's tempting as i say cos of the massive customisation, but apparently android handsets are being targetted by malware, and attacks are increasing so they say in reports.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/11             15-May-11  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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aye, thats the other issue, you'll never have a virus/malware issue with the iPhone. My wife has an HTC something, and she's constantly having to sort out her virus protection software, making sure its updated.  None of that bollocks with the iPhone.

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Message 8/11             16-May-11  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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well i spose i;d better bite the bullet and go and get the front glass replaced, thats how i go it, it's been dropped and the front glass is shattered all over... mind u that says something about the build quality maybe, cos despite cracks all over the front glass the touchscreen is still perfect, calibration even is 100%. i cant be dealing with virus's etc on a bloody mobile tho, funny i never saw an av etc s/w on my mates android sets


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/11             16-May-11  @  05:41 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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I shattered the glass on my 3G and it worked perfectly. It has also been dropped into a pint of beer, I ran it under a cold tap to rinse out any sugar and stodge from the beer and gave it a blast with a hair dryer and it worked fine !

In fact its been dropped and damaged so much but still worked (apart from the effects of the OS upgrade slowing it down and crashing apps).

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Message 10/11             17-May-11  @  11:04 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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when i updated the OS i completely wiped the phone first (inc apps) after a complete backup - wiped it clean, THEN installed new OS, the sync to get content back.

maybe try that - can u roll back the OS tho to even try re-intalling it? i doubt

must say now i've run it a few days even i'm starting to get it - yes it isn't nearly as impressive as the HTC's for fiddle-ability, but it works anyway, actualyhas a surprisingly good signal & i can flog the boxed freebie htc and use that to buy a new glass - total cost £0.0p! that's what i like to hear

u in taaaaan anytime (central)? we shud have a pint & compare handsets.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/11             20-May-11  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: is the iphone actualy an expensive joke?...


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yeah mate, I can meet you for a beverage or several.

I'm working horrible 12 hour shifts at the moment, but do get days off. So we'll have to sort something out.

e me at and we'll organise something.

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