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Subject: REMINDER: Enjoy life

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Original Message 1/11             04-Mar-03  @  07:53 AM   -   REMINDER: Enjoy life


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Just saw 'Waking Life' the other night and have been watching snippets of it the past day or so. If you haven't seen it, it's a wonderful film that embodies many of the philosophical ideas that we often exhort and readily imbibe here at Dancetech. It's been mentioned once or twice here.

Basically, upon reflection of my own philosophies with other people, it has been drawn to my attention that I can appear rather negative at times. I won't get into specifics, but it made me realize that when we focus on our ideals, at times it is easy to get rather gloomy when considering the fate of the world. And it can be difficult to factor in other people and our interactions with them when developing one's personal belief system. The tendancy is to delve into oneself and lump the rest of the world into the "illusion" category.

But interaction is all we have. An isolated individual has no frame of reference in which to place themself in the universe. They are a pointless void with no purpose to the betterment of the human condition. Don't fall into that trap! (Yeah, i'm talking to myself!)

People, we have music. We have love for each other and respect for what we do. We have millions of people around the world saying "no, we don't want any more wars." Most days when you wake up, the sun is still shining. Just think... you can think! Think about it!

And come back to this thread when you forget. That is my hope.


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Message 2/11             04-Mar-03  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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"it has been drawn to my attention that I can appear rather negative at times." Indeed I have this feeling that i am the misery and the words i say are to bring down the reader. But wait... if we respond then sad reading can bring happy feeling, so the point of sad writing is happy feeling, but NO happy feeling brings relative sadness afterwords

"difficult to factor in other people" that could be an understatement Psy. I mean I do not know myself and if people respond to other people then this dynamic has more variables than participants. Of course there must be generics when propaganda works and futurists pull salary...

"lump the rest of the world into the "illusion"" -it is at least reliable.

"An isolated individual has no frame of reference in which to place themself in the universe. They are a pointless void with no purpose to the betterment of the human condition" You are weak Psy. This is all we ever are and will be. All of the gods and pseudo gods (love, family, technology, belief etc) are just systems to sooth our minds from the despair of lonliness. I am not lonely but i am alone

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Message 3/11             04-Mar-03  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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I'm not..

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Message 4/11             04-Mar-03  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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Ah keep it to yerself Psylichon ya bastard!


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Message 5/11             04-Mar-03  @  12:31 PM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life

man called clay


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tis agin the duality....we are all alone and not.
we are born of something somewhere....and though this may be the case...we may very well die feeling alone.
a little isolation from the collective can be a good thing....and though art film literature can espouse and reflect many a warm fuzzy feeling...yes!
love! yes!

a little isolated experience can broaden and
sharpen the senses......just as some time away from the dank can.
everything in moderation.....
but not too moderate.

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Message 6/11             04-Mar-03  @  02:30 PM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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The oneness of oneself and the environment. Part of enlightenment is the the complete experience of this and the inevitable compassion for all things it brings. I suppose there is still a feeling of aloneness in that realization because one would be clearly in the minority and at a quandry as to how to lead others, kicking and screaming as most would be, to that state of being. But I believe that the feeling of being seperate from other sentient and insentient beings is a veil of dilusion.

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Message 7/11             04-Mar-03  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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"All of the gods and pseudo gods (love, family, technology, belief etc) are just systems to sooth our minds from the despair of lonliness. I am not lonely but i am alone"
Talk about weak. Being an Isolationist is just about the weakest, laziest, choice any human being could make. It's the ultimate cop out to human responsibility. I don't blame you cheddar. I can understand why you would choose to remain alone. No one will ever be able to blame you for making decisions that might change the world for the good or bad, you just simply exist. If something bad happens you can never be held accountable, and if something wonderful happens, you'll never be in the spotlight. What a wonderful grey world to exist in. But, I don't believe you. You are not alone.

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Message 8/11             04-Mar-03  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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Cheddar should have his own forum locking everyone else out and should be locked out of the rest of the forums :P

joking cheddar.

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Message 9/11             05-Mar-03  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


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no really guys, what do you need to fill full, i have love and family, time passes quickly sometimes, sometimes not, its not sad or lonely existence - its the nearest the skin gets to the body, dolphins dreams, collective ids and weather aside. Human animals really do seek collective for want of introspection

Do agree with lazy though

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Message 10/11             05-Mar-03  @  04:45 AM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life

man called clay


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saw the hugest full rainbow today.
it wasn't red white and blue.
how enjoyable this was.
and yet it was connected and disconnected from all things.

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Message 11/11             05-Mar-03  @  07:59 AM   -   RE: REMINDER: Enjoy life


Posts: 7627

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you never really struck me as negative, psylichon. Quite the opposite actually

and..sometimes..ideals...are depressing. Its knowing what could be that makes it difficult to accept what is

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