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Subject: Windows Mobile 5 and Gmail push

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Jan-07  @  12:12 AM   -   Windows Mobile 5 and Gmail push


Posts: 4573

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This one is for cheap geeks (of which I'm sure there are at least a couple here)

So I busted my old smartphone recently and had to replace it with a better model (gosh darnit), and in the process learned that WM5 smartphones now support push email. If you've bought a Windows Mobile phone in the past few months, you probably have the capability already. Otherwise, it's a free download upgrade.

The coolest thing, besides turning a WM phone into a blackberry, is that it's all free (beyond the prerequisite data account. mine is $20/mo unlimited). I use a Gmail account (free), which has email forwarding to a mail2web Exchange account (also free), which remotely "activesyncs" to my phone and pushes the email instantly. In addition, it syncs my contacts and schedule to a remote site that I can check from any web node. schweet.

Very useful if I lose my cell and need a number, innit. Plus, if it's lost for good, I sync a new WM phone with mail2web and get everything back.

p.s.- Oh, you Treo geeks, there's some program called "chatter" that will do the same push thing, i think. It came up in my searches on the subject

p.p.s- Ya know, I just realized today, after 1.5 years of smartphone useage that you can set your ring profile to "automatic"... which will switch between "normal" and "meeting" profiles based on your schedule. this feature is golden for engineers...I put every booked session into my phone... The phone goes into silent mode automatically now during scheduled sessions...

don't even get me started, I loves me smartphone!

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Message 11/11             09-Sep-07  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: Windows Mobile 5 and Gmail push


Posts: 5701

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any of you tried Fring yet?

i just switched to 3G with a good data package, installed Fring and was making skype calls all over the world!

skype out calls are the next to try... will let you know as soon as i try it

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