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Subject: Bloody yanks

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Apr-03  @  02:51 PM   -   Bloody yanks

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I know as individuals you are cool. But your government really are a bunch of cunts, and I wish I could be put in a ring with that Ronald Dumsfield. Looks like they wanna pick a fight with Syria now, are they mental or something ?

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Message 101/131             23-Apr-03  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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DZ, Im assuming you were takin the facetious route with that one?

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Message 102/131             23-Apr-03  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

Defector z


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Settle down folks. I'm not questioning the value of the contents, come on now - I been around enough to know. But think about it. I have a WHOLE BUNCH of books, as do most of you, and all they do is collect dust. I'm sure many of your books do the same thing - can you honestly say that you've gone back through your books to reuse/recycle? I don't have a better answer - computer screens suck, and having read War and Peace a couple of times, I can't imagine reading it on a computer monitor, but just think about it. Lots of trees cut down every year...

(Unfortunately, I think I've dug a hole here that you folks won't let me climb out of...)

* I bite for you - grow up.

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Message 103/131             23-Apr-03  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks



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I hope so... what's great about books is that they are there when you're done with them. To be lent around, or handed down to children. The only thing left of a culture or a people is what they write down when they're gone.

You know, there's this real concern because the national archives and the library of congress are comitting everyhting to disk. Pretty short sighted I think, to assume the future will have IBM compatible cd rom drives in it!


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Message 104/131             23-Apr-03  @  01:49 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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The only book that matters is The Bible

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Message 105/131             23-Apr-03  @  03:18 AM     Edit: 23-Apr-03  |  03:19 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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"Bob" is of obviously referring to "The Book Of Subgenius".

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Message 106/131             23-Apr-03  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks



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ah, c'mon Fh... (i'm still working on the pronunciation), cut him a little *slack*

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Message 107/131             23-Apr-03  @  04:43 AM     Edit: 23-Apr-03  |  04:55 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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C'mon, I spelled it out for ya. Don't try too hard though its gonna change soon out of respect for Pict, Bedwyr and the other shee.. oops, I mean Welsh folk. Its all fun and games till someone puts an eye out ya know. Ahh, if only the family name had stayed "Dafis" I too could use words (authentic ones having meaning) with arcane and mystic spelling conjuring up images of a world long forgotten (as opposed to simply forgetting the previous night's inebriated behavior).  

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Message 108/131             23-Apr-03  @  05:31 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

man called clay


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i guess there's a great deal of waste when you think about how much paper gets used on books about janet jackson etc...more new yurk city cop with girlfriend stories etc.....but mark twain, albert einstein, carl jung, albert camus, hemmingway, shakespeare, douglas adams, herman hesse......this stuff is gold to me...the meaning of life contained therein. i have my king james version sitting next to the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy (gold embossed version...waste of gold embossing...blessed be). in a world most rapidly becoming dictated by commercial interests vis a vis the's conceivable that even owning a copy of prison memoirs of an anrchist or 1984 would be illegal.....just like owning a dixie chicks cd!
well...THAT should be illegal. heh heh.
next topic...the waste which is plastic.

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Message 109/131             23-Apr-03  @  06:44 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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adverts=triple waste - 4+ colour HQ print works + creation of want+perpetuation of classic dodgy stereotypes (girl on car bonnet!) - what a waste, books. If we make the jump to paperless - who thinks they will not re-edit - US English only anyone?

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Message 110/131             23-Apr-03  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

man called clay


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yes true cheddar...but alas...the feel of an old book's pages rustling under one's fingers on a blanket in a meadow on a sunny windswept day...perchance you must know this small ecstacy?
or is it so painful one chooses to forget?

and alas....waste is but a by=product of existence .i.e...we eat...we excrement. breathe in, breathe out....basically...everything's a waste but not if you can only enjoy just a bit of it.
especially with art....isn't this the domain of the nonfunctional?
so why make excuses?
just rustle her pages.

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