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Subject: the sports corner

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Original Message 1/12             16-Feb-10  @  04:05 AM   -   the sports corner


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this is why american football is preferable to figure skating. in figure skating you have "judges"
who decide scores. one judge might give a skater 7 while another gives her 6.5 and still another
gives her 7.6. what's up with that? it's all subjective. in football if you score a touchdown you get
6 points. you don't get 8 points for style or 5 points because the running back didn't do a full
triple turn as he busted his way into the endzone. a touchdown is a touchdown. 6 points. it's the
same with european football, or dare i call it soccer. you score a goal and it's 1 point. it doesn't
matter if you scored it Pele style or tripped over your own shoelace and somehow you caught
the goalie sleeping. one point. that's the way men think. no judging. no controvercy and no
drama. i think that's why women tend to be the watchers of figure skating. all kinds of
controvercy and drama there, not to mention judgement.

and you heard it here first from the guy who espn should have hired. i give you sports like they
mean something!

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Message 2/12             17-Feb-10  @  01:05 PM     Edit: 17-Feb-10  |  01:11 PM   -   RE: the sports corner


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and another sports report. this is about why although i tried to watch them this year i am going
back to NOT watching the olympics. shoot me if i'm wrong but i think the olympics are about
nations realizing they have more in common with each other than they have not in common, that
we have shared dreams and mutual respect but once again american arrogance trumps that
lofty ideal. why the hell do i want to hear the story of the athlete who finished 6th or lower simply
because that athlete is american and yet hear nothing about the medal winners because they
weren't americans? holy crap. why should anyone care about the "disappointment" of the
american snowboarder who was "supposed to" take home gold but screwed up once again
while hearing nothing about the snowboarders who won, simply because they aren't
americans? to me that self centered kind of reporting and cheering is totally contrary to the
intended spirit of the games. oh yeah the reporters will throw a bone of information about the guy
from switzerland who's way ahead of the pack but then quickly go back to the "touching" life
story of the "great american athlete" who's in 41st place right now. is the reporting that bad in
every country? i hope so. at least then spectators from all over the world can truly find
commonality and by changing the channel on our televisions in disgust we can demonstrate
unity and thus demonstrating the olympics are not a total loss cause.

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Message 3/12             17-Feb-10  @  02:44 PM   -   RE: the sports corner


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i tuned in several times to the winter olympics, but apparently they only have snowboarding now... I've seen no other 'winter' sports when tuning in


i actualy agree snowboarding should be in, but the way they've done it is like some halfassed stupid feeble little bmx style race, it just looked totaly amateurish

i expect to see them do the exact same slalem as the skiers.. and at full fucking bore as well!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/12             17-Feb-10  @  11:44 PM     Edit: 18-Feb-10  |  12:32 AM   -   RE: the sports corner


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i've seen a few events. i agree with you about the snowboarding. i can't stand watching mogul
skiing...i think that's what it's called. so annoying watching skiers go bumpity bump down the
slope. my knees hurt just watching them. i enjoyed watching the married chinese couple inning
the gold in couples free style skating. first time i've watched figure skating since tanya harding's
boyfriend wacked nancy kerrigan's knee with a crow bar...or was it a baseball bat? in retrospect
it seems even more bizarre now than it did then.

did you see the video a few months ago of the female soccer player who pulled another player
violently to the ground by her hair, sucker punched another in the back? just when you think
you've seen it all.

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Message 5/12             18-Feb-10  @  05:06 PM     Edit: 18-Feb-10  |  05:40 PM   -   RE: the sports corner


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Couple years ago I received messages about land being stolen from the native peoples in Canada. The Corporate Circus was starting to build roads for the Olympics back then, blasting dynamite through the mountains to make roads, deforestation. Rape and pillage, the long standing tradition. A clear violation of treaty agreements and Natives exhausted all efforts to stop the plunder of mother nature upon their treaty land. It was rumored, that the EZLN was arming the Canadian natives for resistance. And at this point, considering the generations of of continued betrayal, I would not be surprised.

Native Resistance 2010 Olympics (Native Rights Activists) -

Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) -

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Message 6/12             18-Feb-10  @  07:03 PM   -   RE: the sports corner


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we are certainly making a mess out of this planet and it's always for profit and lacking respect for
other people. all it would take to turn things around is for people to learn the value of mutual respect
of others. i guess i shouldn't watch any more of the olympic games.

something i find crazy is i know someone who loves The Simpsons. over the years the show has
poked fun at just about every major religion and it's always funny. this person also thinks it's funny
until the show makes fun of jesus at which point she says "why do they have to make fun of religion?
" holy crap! so many of us have an immature notice that "we're the only ones", we meaning what
ever group they happen to be a part of.

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Message 7/12             18-Feb-10  @  08:56 PM     Edit: 18-Feb-10  |  09:37 PM   -   RE: the sports corner


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I was mistaken, there is no treaty, its stolen land -

Although I remember hearing that one of the roads built for Olympics was on treaty land...ohm need more info.

Here in America there are more than 400 treaties, because unlike Hollywood has led people to believe, the Indians did not lose the war. The colonized mind could not defeat the Indians so they settled on making treaties--and today the colonized people and the corporate statism does not honor those agreements.

If you enjoy the sports, then watch the Olympics. Polarizing the issue is not going to change much or could make things worse. Historical proof shows that protesting and boycotting does not bring long term effective results. Polarizing issues is not going to bring the results you desire, on the other hand changing your worldview does. And changing your worldview does not happen over night. Watch the Olympics if you enjoy it but please decolonize your mind.

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Message 8/12             19-Feb-10  @  04:54 AM   -   RE: the sports corner


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well you don't have to think for 20 seconds to realize the land was stolen. sometimes i think all the
stupid people in europe woke up one morning and said "i think i'll move to america today".

yeah we can't go back and change things. "decolonizing your mind" is a good way to put it. even after
hearing your story about what was done in vancouver for the olympics i still think canada has a better
civilization that the u.s. atm. native americans. it's a shame what happened. i wonder what america
would be today had they been left to their own devices. i know they were also not perfect, humans
being humans, but they were and still are an amazing people. at least that's my perception.

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Message 9/12             23-Feb-10  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: the sports corner


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well it's incredible these protests weren't on any news at all. typical.

i did see an older doc about the crim stuff the olympic committee are up to, bribes and backhanders and it's all big money stuff

same as fifa the football lot, arent they still under investigation by interpol etc?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/12             24-Feb-10  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: the sports corner


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why are so many people corrupt? of course the answer is not a simple one. one thing more of
humanity has to learn is money is not everything. actually i believe many people understand that. (i
was paid to say that btw. ) still too many people don't and some people
will further burden the lives of millions if it means they will make a profit.

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Message 11/12             31-Mar-10  @  03:32 AM   -   RE: the sports corner


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Message 12/12             04-Apr-10  @  10:32 PM   -   RE: the sports corner


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thats bloody outrageous ffs!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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