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Subject: Poof Daddy...........

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Jun-03  @  03:37 PM   -   Poof Daddy...........



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Anyone heard Puff Daddy's "dance" tunes. Hahahahah. Lets all blame Darren Emerson cos all he did was copy Beltrams Energy Flash and Let Poof Daddy sing "lets get up and lets get ill" on top of it. hahahaha.

Read some shit in a dance mag and Poof Daddy was saying "yer man, I've always been into dance music - I used to rave at The Paradise Factory"

Umm no you didn't cos that would have meant you were raving at 11 years old. What a Poof Daddy!
Does he really think that we believe him?

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Message 11/14             13-Jun-03  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: Poof Daddy...........


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what would you like to ask Charlie?

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Message 12/14             13-Jun-03  @  07:34 AM   -   RE: Poof Daddy...........


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Trent. You know, a couple of years ago there was a Trent thread in which I gave him credit for single handedly destroying industrial. I am not ready to recant completely, however, a recent CD by a seemingly unrelated artist did give me pause. I have to give him credit, and not just a pat on the back but pretty major props (like what I think about him really matters, right?). I guess these days I'm not sure if I'd want to meet him to chat in a cafe, or meet him to throw down in an alley.  

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Message 13/14             13-Jun-03  @  01:53 PM   -   RE: Poof Daddy...........

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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All kinds of shit I'd like to ask Charlie. Like how he approaches a remix, dose he write new stuff or just mangle the audio from the original. What is hisfavorite sound design tool. It seems most of the recent interviews of his Iv'e read have been kind of advertisements like the one and the albeton live one. SO i'd like to hear a more unbiased version of some of the stuff he talked about in those interviews. I would be most interested in the sound design side of things if I was talking to Charlie. One thing I have always wondered is when he programs a new sound or sounds dose he do a bunch at once and the start composing or dose he create new sounds as hes writing a track and most importantly dose he hear the sound in his head before he creates it or dose he just have a general idea of what hese going for. getting sounds from my head to my speakers is my ultimate goal, so I'm always interested in how other people do it especially someone like charlie who makes such nasty nasty sounds. Why do you ask Influx ? Do you Know somebody or just making conversation ?

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Message 14/14             13-Jun-03  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: Poof Daddy...........

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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I've heard other people say that before Mick but I'm not sure I understand what you mean ?

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