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Subject: Faith

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Sep-02  @  05:37 AM   -   Faith


Posts: 4573

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Persuant to another thread in another forum in another land...

I'm really curious about the kinds of things we put our faith into. There's a lot of talk about various religions and the differences between them lately, but a lot of the talk sounds like a book report. What I mean is, it sounds like well-collected information culled from various readings (most of them from reputable sources, no doubt) used to form an opinion about a subject. The problem is that we can't read everything. And even if we could, reading without bias does not occur. You have an opinion before you start that affects everything that passes through you, and you only take what you feel is important. It just seems like a snowball effect that leaves you old, bitter towards the world, and highly opinionated (often complaining about how others are stubborn in their reasoning... etc....)

I think live, interactive debate cannot be surpassed as a learning experience. To really take in someone else's view on life and the things that are important to them is one of the greatest gifts we have (it's reflected in our music, and subsequent appreciation of each other's creations). The same biases can take place as in reading, but I think the dynamic nature of a conversation eliminates unchecked bias without reason.

Ok, now to my point. I was raised Christian. My mother is very active in the church, and follows very conservative Christian values. I used to be very active in the church with youth groups, mission work, and stuff like that. After the self-exploration that is college, I strayed away (does this sound familiar to anyone?) My mother and I lately have been getting into spiritual conversations, and she is ever more vocal about her disappointment in the direction my beliefs are heading.

I want to know what it is about Christianity that makes it so prevalent in today's society? I mean, millions of people don't choose this lifestyle just because their parents did. I know that Christianity goes deep, I've just never felt it. And I don't want slagging answers from non-Christians... "it's a crutch, a lie, a shame, etc." I've heard all that and I don't learn a thing from it. I want a personal account of why someone puts their faith in Christian ideals.

And so help me if someone accuses someone else of trying to "force" their opinion on others, I'm gonna shit all over you because that stuff just kills the kind of debate that I'm looking for here. And I don't want philosophical ramblings that you've heard and can relate to and they sound cool, but they aren't you. I want only deep ideas that have really been thought out.

This kind of stuff is important to me, so please take this thread seriously. If the lounge is not the place for this kind of discussion, let me know and I'll take it elsewhere....?

Thanks for really thinking about it, guys. This could be really cool...


p.s. - Yes, Jamie, I know you're the resident Christian here, and I'm kinda hoping you'll help me start things here, if you want...

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Message 181/188             24-Nov-02  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: Faith



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Reality is an algorithmic creation of the mind. This algorithem is a utility... a tool used in order to experience the result. This theory is mirrored in everyone, and in every way...

One designs/developes there personal reality... in example, One will veiw marrage in whatever way. In doing so, this person will experience the resalt of this mental machine.

This is fitting for physics also... A physisist designs a formula useing the syntax of mathematics... in doing so, one can split an atom and perform many other feats. One can apply this to any type of thought.

Now, in this way, one can imagine anything and design a means to acheive it. That is the power of the mind.

Wisdom on the other hand, is knowing whether or not use should use the design/modal... Or... in what way it should be used...

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Message 182/188             24-Nov-02  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: Faith


Posts: 673

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I disagree with everyone.

Reality are the pieces you feel becoming you. The knowing to look in the eye of the receiver to tell you your description is right

Religon, science and the bloke down the pub all have to say it again and again because that's how the teller remembers (had to remember) and the listener needs to imprint him

my reality is more real than yours... discuss


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Message 183/188             25-Nov-02  @  12:45 AM   -   RE: Faith



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What you said is completely valid. As are ALL realities.

"my reality is more real than yours"... I will respond with, "your reality is more real to YOU then is mine"

My point is reality is not an absolute.

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Message 184/188             25-Nov-02  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: Faith


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"I refute him thus!"

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Message 185/188             25-Nov-02  @  09:07 AM   -   RE: Faith


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But that is all nonsense. I am the only real - all of this... is a manufacture for my pleasure, details to soothe my paranoia

well done - do carry on

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Message 186/188             25-Nov-02  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: Faith

That cheddar - I know he is a solipsist


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Sorry Onemind but your

""your reality is more real to YOU then is mine" " - who told you that?, I mean maybe you had had a bad day - things were getting a bit too large and someone thought some kind words may help to calm or 'earth' out your state of mind - doesn't really matter anyway it's nonsense, all nonscentience.

I spoke to this lady...

I read a book...

I understood what you said...

I remember that guy...

I woke up feeling like a new improved version of myself

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Message 187/188             25-Nov-02  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: Faith


Posts: 90

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Is reality conscience.

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Message 188/188             25-Nov-02  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: Faith


Posts: 4573

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not at all

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