aaa Beware Register Fly's New Policy - The lounge forums
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Subject: Beware Register Fly's New Policy

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/2             13-Dec-06  @  08:53 PM   -   Beware Register Fly's New Policy

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

Hows this for irritating...
Went to look at one of our sites yesterday, a local community thing, and found a different site with the same name - one of those really annoying vari-search-type things. Clicked the 'why am I seeing this site' button and was taken to Register Fly's page, where it said the site had expired (as it had, to the day, but no renewal notice or standard 'grace' periods)

Sent them emails and tech help things on their site, rang them (USA) again and again but no answer. Finally got through to someone this evening. Turns out their system crashed.

So if anyone has domains from Regurgitated Flea that are due to expire you should renew them pronto.

We're currently paying for this community domain but Reg Fart are still using it for their advertising. They say we'll have the use of our site back in about 24hrs!!!!

No apologies, no compensation. How will this affect SE rankings? What about those who paid to advertise on our site? Domain based e-mails? Blart.

Anyone about to register a domain beware of this tail...

Think we'll register all our domains with 123.

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Message 2/2             15-Dec-06  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: Beware Register Fly's New Policy

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

Link?: Link

File?:  No file


Still don't have control of my site. However, I've now got loads of domain names in my account!!!!

Is your domain name in my account?

How's that for security!

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