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Subject: Why I dont eat dairy!

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Oct-02  @  07:48 PM   -   Why I dont eat dairy!



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actualy I stopped after me dad got cancer, and I was looking on the www and found some interesting data about territorial cancer rates linked to dairy consumption

i stumbled across this tho - eek!!....

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Message 11/25             08-Oct-02  @  10:39 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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Jesus, if it doesn't have cream or cheese all the fuck over it, I ain't eatin' it. PERIOD.

Nice slab of hot red meat doesn't hurt either.

Throw some germs on there, too, please.


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Message 12/25             08-Oct-02  @  10:43 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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fucking driving me CRAZY

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Message 13/25             08-Oct-02  @  11:23 PM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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Message 14/25             09-Oct-02  @  12:34 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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mmmm.. chocolate nesquik... mmmm

drunk with a teaspoon.. ice-cold milk.. mmmm

average lifespan of westerners now over 80..

average lifespan of rest of the world around 40...

quit whinging... drink more milk...

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Message 15/25             09-Oct-02  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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^heŽs got a point there. imagine how long weŽd live if we didnt eat dairy, meat, and all other toxic things! phew!

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Message 16/25             09-Oct-02  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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head on over to analog cottage (or collect the 'popular electronics' mags from 64 i think it is..) and build yourself a plant chattin' machine.. hear them scream when you think about seeing them naked.

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Message 17/25             09-Oct-02  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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heh. thats true on the long life thing. Hell I dont even WANT to live that fucking long.

I am quite convinced that there is a faction of the population that just refuses to do anything except be raging doomsayers...always lookin for the next conspiratorial wrongdoing.

Im fucking sick of hearing about it. honestly.

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Message 18/25             09-Oct-02  @  01:57 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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sometime around 2am last night my deceased grandfather ticked me under the armpits for a laugh.

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Message 19/25             09-Oct-02  @  02:49 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!


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did he do it softly or in the cruel tortoruous way that most adults call tickling?

I kicked my aunt in the crotch once cuz she wouldnt lay off. Hasnt tickled me since

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Message 20/25             09-Oct-02  @  03:08 AM   -   RE: Why I dont eat dairy!



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HAHA. I can kinda imagine influx as a kid. Angry crotch kicking days.  

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