aaa I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!! - The lounge forums
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Original Message                 Date: 17-Oct-02  @  09:10 AM   -   I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 76

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bought a sampler because you said so, bought a sequencer because you said so, gonna buy a pc because...

now how do i keep from totally turning into a studio rat? i took a week off from work and i havent done anything but tweak and rtfm and find loop points and recable and AAARGGHH!!! I HAVENT EVEN GONE TO THE BEACH OR ANYTHING!!! (tropics=beach weather all year round) i went to ONE party, went to the mall once...shit..i used to have a life, i used to be an ordinary my back is shot, im out of shape physically, im broke, i stay up all nite and sleep till noon and f*ck if i have the killer tunes to show for it...worse its back to work on monday...

"i tried so haard...and umm um uh..." you know, the linkin park song

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Message 11/29             18-Oct-02  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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Well, I just bet a stamp collection wouldn't be as interesting on mushrooms.

We all need a hobby that fits our lifestyle.


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Message 12/29             18-Oct-02  @  01:32 PM     Edit: 18-Oct-02  |  01:33 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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Its the flashing lights... they're hypnotic... your studio is alive and it feeds off your creative life energy.. feeding and feeding and feeing until...

..You become a UK garage producer... ;)

There is no turning back... bring out your dead... save yourselves...

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Message 13/29             18-Oct-02  @  02:50 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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Hmmm, ok that does it, I'm selling all my stuff.

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Message 14/29             18-Oct-02  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 76

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um i dont have that many flashing lights...i have about $200 more to spend.. what can i get that has flashing lights?

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Message 15/29             18-Oct-02  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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christmas tree, one which responds to MIDI. hmmm, this is lame.

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Message 16/29             18-Oct-02  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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No one listens me to me, but still I ramble.

Get 2 (not one not 3) lava lamps. put them next to your monitors and dim the lights! Oh yeah... boom chigga waga waga!!


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Message 17/29             18-Oct-02  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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lavalamps are cool (I have one myself) but they are so standard in every homestudio... it's almost cliché

You also need a light dimmer...hehe

Chroma, just make something and don't care if it's good or not. Just make it for fun and have fun making it..

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Message 18/29             18-Oct-02  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 4573

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yeah, parodies are fun. We should have a parody contest. That'll get us using our gear for something at least :}


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Message 19/29             18-Oct-02  @  05:47 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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Hey! I have a light dimmer too! And a blacklight intalled in the ceiling on a seperate circuit! hmmmm, maybe I'm just old!

Paint it black! And then have your friends come over and graffiti the crap out of it! And paste rave flyers for all your shows all over the ceiling! And put up some serious hardcore Hentai manga sh*t where the demons are just workin' some sailor moon character!

Oh, and don't forget the little statue of buddha necxt to the mixer!


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Message 20/29             18-Oct-02  @  05:51 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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cool, I need blacklights. I wonder if they will release a synth with flashing blacklights instead of usual leds.. hehe.

Or an analog synth with a lavalamp that shows how hot the circuit is.. how's the filter flavour today?

I want a magic 8ball that has knobs too.

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