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Subject: Minus one for the doom sayers

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Original Message                 Date: 22-Mar-03  @  08:05 AM   -   Minus one for the doom sayers



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Despite that most (not all) of the somewhat comical protests are funding by communist groups, the US troops are in fact welcomed by Iraqi people....see article.

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Message 11/44             22-Mar-03  @  09:56 PM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers


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Message 12/44             22-Mar-03  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers


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It never ceases to amaze me how arrogant right wingers are.

"communists" eh? most of the leftist groups who are vocal now are more accurately Social Democrats who believe that the people should be in charge of the government.

what a horrible, stupid idea, wanting a say in affairs.

come on, jon. you can do better than that

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Message 13/44             22-Mar-03  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers

Def Z


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and how 'right' left wingers are...

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Message 14/44             23-Mar-03  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers



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I'm trying  

The communists (it's not all a last name) realise how easy it is to influence the college mind.

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Message 15/44             23-Mar-03  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers


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I didnt say the left was correct either. its all pretty stupid really

but just keep on with your "I got it all figgered out" shit.

at least there are some people who recognize the need for a change in the busines as usual practices of the "western" world

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Message 16/44             23-Mar-03  @  03:34 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers



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another cowboy strolls into town and wants to prove his speed methinks... sorry Jon, I dont think anyone here needs educating by you on the concept of how indoctrination causes people to beleive that others seek to indoctrinate them...

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Message 17/44             23-Mar-03  @  03:39 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers


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heh. always thought it was funny how Christians that i knew were on this "cult" crusade. Everything else was a "cult"

so all other political POV's are just communist plots to brainwash, eh?

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Message 18/44             23-Mar-03  @  03:59 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers

man called clay


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yeah...the only people who ever performed (tried at least) an exorcism on me were totally and madly gonzo....christian.

what comes over people?

it's true. weird...i know.
i was 15...what was i to do?

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Message 19/44             23-Mar-03  @  04:42 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers


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Jon I didn't realise you were an intellectual.

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Message 20/44             23-Mar-03  @  06:59 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers



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Well, take a look at this picture. It sums the justification of the means. I love the joy that is on their faces; it made me smile.

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