aaa give yer cops some guns - The lounge forums
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Subject: give yer cops some guns

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Original Message 1/22             19-Dec-02  @  06:52 PM   -   give yer cops some guns


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i know we go thru this argument every three months but won't you uk types at least get your cops guns even if the law abiding citizens can't have them?????


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Message 2/22             19-Dec-02  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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they have guns, they're just not all issued with
them. they have armed response vehicles
and every other patrol car has a pair of
shotguns inside, there's no need for any more
than that.

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Message 3/22             19-Dec-02  @  08:15 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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WHY, man?

you know what?

you ARE a troll, in the internet definition sense. sad. really, really sad

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Message 4/22             19-Dec-02  @  08:40 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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yah i know its a troll but man i just keep imagining these cops all running around scared to arrest people because they may have guns...

i may be the other kind of troll too haha


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Message 5/22             19-Dec-02  @  11:44 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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yawn... again.

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Message 6/22             20-Dec-02  @  12:31 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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Message 7/22             20-Dec-02  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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slaps self on wrist....

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Message 8/22             20-Dec-02  @  07:08 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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whats the other kind? lives under a bridge?

seriously, though, man...sure violence is bad, but cops having guns just doesnt make it better AT ALL

ever, ever, ever, ever.

it starts at birth. people need to be TAUGHT...

'sides..they DO have guns!

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Message 9/22             20-Dec-02  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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Perpetual war for Perpetual Peace!

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Message 10/22             20-Dec-02  @  11:53 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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there ya go. hey..its good for business!

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Message 11/22             21-Dec-02  @  12:48 AM     Edit: 21-Dec-02  |  12:49 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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who was it thet said "fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity"?

actually i know- yvonne ducksworth, of Jingo De Lunch fame. if you dont know, dont ask.

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Message 12/22             21-Dec-02  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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Keep up the good work, I need to expand

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Message 13/22             24-Dec-02  @  04:58 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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Think about does our society really hold itself together? It's very simple. VERY simple. Hasn't changed for thousands of years, in fact still works the same as it has for all of written history. Somebody with some sort of violent superiority makes the rules, and if you don't obey them somebody, or a whole bunch of somebodies will find you and either hurt you, or hurt then imprison, or simply kill you. It hasn't changed at all. We still do it the same way to this day. Either you follow the rules or you will be either injured or killed. Simple.

Changing the tools or trying to say it's is the fault of the tools is a fucking weak pathetic, and pitiful cop out. It's shameful, and indicitive of an unwillingness to address the real issues which revolve around deeper social and physiological issues than the gun control nuts can bring themselves to admit. You want to solve the problem? First acknowledge what it is. Don't try to candy coat it and just put a band-aid on it. Guns are not the problem. Our abilities to acknowledge, respect, communicate with, understand, and accept each other are much the real problems here.

These are much bigger and more difficult issues than guns, so why not just go after the easy stuff, and let somebody else solve the real problems later? Weakling shits. Tough is not the ability to harm one another. It is much more closely related to the ability to carry on in the face of opposition, fear and adversity and succeed without harming, violing, or being disrespectful towards others.

So...can't we all so a little better?



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Message 14/22             24-Dec-02  @  11:24 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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rock on P

But can we change?, are we hard wired - as you say, in which case we could be wasting our time/emotion in trying to change it. Perhaps better to get on with living and be unguided by it. Arguably - as a human being - you should ackowledge this core driver and go with it..., although perhaps not.

Wait. Power influencing, personal musical capability in public = power. Communication, barriers, gatekeepers, public release, tolerance of self...together with others. act react. fame.

"Our abilities to acknowledge, respect, communicate with, understand, and accept each other are much the real problems here.
" is probably worth more like a $1.50

thez celebrate christmas tonight here, so i will get me presents way before you lot do

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Message 15/22             24-Dec-02  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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"Our abilities to acknowledge, respect, communicate with, understand, and accept each other are much the real problems here."

Couldn't have said it better, so I won't!

(right up there with your special olympics comment in the other thread! hehe)


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Message 16/22             27-Dec-02  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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Thats all well and groovy that we may realise our faults and acknowledge, respect, communicate, understand, and accept.

BUT and a BIG BUT. What difference does this all make when our leaders run around acting like a couple of complete and utter s. Who the voted them in ? It wasnt bloody me thats for sure.

Erm what are we talking about here. I think I may of branched off onto the Iraq, North Korea subject. Where am I ? Are those my feet ? Who are you ?

Jeez I gotto stop drinking this floor cleaner.

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Message 17/22             28-Dec-02  @  01:19 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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nothing wrong with drinking floor cleaner - I've done it for 15 years now and it's never done me any harm.

my manager said I'm the best worker burger king's ever had.

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Message 18/22             28-Dec-02  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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2 - 0 you slags   it's happening again, watch us up the playoffs when we should have been automatic

*typical celtic gloom sets in again*

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Message 19/22             30-Dec-02  @  10:07 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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whats the difference between Celtic gloom and normal gloom ?

and no, that wasnt a feed line to a shite joke.

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Message 20/22             30-Dec-02  @  10:59 AM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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it's darker and more morose, probably wet, with some mist too.

and will someone please shoot enya?

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Message 21/22             30-Dec-02  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns


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If you must, then. Think of a girl humming enya tunes whilst riding crazy mental runaway horse, think of her raising and lowering the tone of her humming as crazyhorse takes her toward and away from near death experiences.

this thought makes me think of enya thinking this 'health food supermarket - tum te tum shit' up by starting with a constant tone and imagining variance according to the girls experience of crazy horse riding.

I could explain again but it's not worth it

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Message 22/22             30-Dec-02  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: give yer cops some guns



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I'm scared now. Are you a mentalist ?

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