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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 21/113             22-Jun-99  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

zwolf the elf


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of course, elves are incredibly lucid and can achieve the greatest states of physiological pleasure without chemical stimulation, being very much in tune with the true nature, which is intensely pleasurable. oh isn't it? why's that? well, you better have some of this, then. it will make everything seem better  

errm.. pretending that a musician is a drug addict makes those on drugs more likely to relate to them and receptive to their message, which may often require several albums and years to relate effectively..

drugs and musicians. drugs can be a way of perpetuating a state of mind necessary for telling a story, because it may take many years to develop effective story telling skills. the paranoia of illegal activity.. the fear and destructive life patterns that led to a chain of events which must be taught. by numbing the soul and keeping the body in a closed space to keep it fresh.

twelve the eleven.

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Message 22/113             22-Jun-99  @  02:07 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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yes Zwolf...Rumi him say: "drugs is the un-enlightened mans way to a 'mystical' experience"

ah -so

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Message 23/113             22-Jun-99  @  03:59 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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I think mind-altering herbs (not synthesized substances) are not bad at all. The problem is that people use them to pleasure seek instead of as medicine for the psychic. There are plants to heal and build the body and their plants to heal and build the pyschic.
We just have to learn to use them correctly and for the right reason.

We are such a plesure oriented society, it's natural that drug use would be high. After one has exhausted the boundaries of pleasure the only thing left as a sensation is pain.


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Message 24/113             22-Jun-99  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Well said, man! Even tho this is a tech chat, its cool to see such intellectual discussions!
I myself am a firm believer that there are certain, NATURALLY OCURRING, substances that can be quite conducive to forward (mental) movement. The majority of my years in school, from Junior high on, were spent investigating psychedelic drugs and the cultural movement that went with their "discovery" (even tho these substances have been around since day one probably) and have realized gradually that the majority of these substances are only harmful when used irresponsibly, in a purely hedonistic manner. Substances such as heroin and cocaine are so far-removed from any sort of natural origin that they have no real beneficial qualities whatsoever. other substances, like psylocibin and mescaline...morning glory, broom, jimson weed..all those that occur naturally seem to blow things wide open, and give one a view of the world that is quite different from the humdrum "real" world.

OK..Im rambling too, but my point itself is a form of this type of "escape"...a well composed piece of music is, for both artist and listener, a means of getting beyond the humdrum world in which we exist. Drugs, mainly psychoactive ones (being drunk isnt usually too profound) accelerate this escape, and sometimes facilitate the transition from ordinary to extaordinary.
I think a lot of the musicians of the past (can you say Rolling Stones) were purely hedonistic in their drug use, and simply wanted to get FUCKED UP, but there have surely been countless others whose drug use allowed/helped/made them far more able to let out the anger/pain/humor/beauty inside...

Craig-props man...well said! and Kilo...we've been fighting that fight over here for FAR TOO FUCKING LONG..with all the Lemmings giving the DEA props for a job well done, and then shuffling to the store for a carton of smokes and a fifth of Beam...fucking idiots have no idea that they are being murdered slowly but surely!!!

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Message 25/113             22-Jun-99  @  08:57 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Then of course there is the purpose.

Thinking last night that use makes you slow I woke to imagine that use and distance traveled were a lesson in relativity. I mean enjoy the state and those surrounding you with their state and the slowness. Topologically it only gets you along the road to B and you probably never arrive - again, except with another re-working of the trip.

Hey how come I keep being amazed by the same things again and again?
I don't complain to find wonder most everytime is good for me and it is joyous to recognise the same themes in other systems but if lifting the back foot moves the body forward and everyone tells me I have to move the body forward then will I end up walking around it in circles.

And then contemplation circles back turned to a world pulling spagetti from the plate.
We are stuck in our grooves.
We behave for the most significant viewer
Convincing to find reactions to satisfy a level or apathy and greed

I thought to try to know myself and then I would know everyone but I fear the sharks with dead eyes frighted me to look at.

eyes open in the womb

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Message 26/113             22-Jun-99  @  09:09 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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>>in Holland where there is hardly any drug related crime

Erm...sorry to break the myth....

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Message 27/113             22-Jun-99  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Yup, no drug related crime here
in Groningen, The Netherlands

Then why the hell they keep stealing
my bike at least twice a year??.

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Message 28/113             22-Jun-99  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Maybe they should start to give the people free bikes too?

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Message 29/113             22-Jun-99  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


Posts: 424

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Naa, they'd just sell the free bikes to get better models or something.. The government would just end up inadvertently financing the black market in mountain bikes.

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Message 30/113             29-Jun-99  @  02:52 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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mountain bikes in holland? Hmmm

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