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Subject: My Weed Problem

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  03:32 PM   -   My Weed Problem



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I've a problem. I'm addicted to weed. I think I need weed to make tracks but when I smoke it I end up, after 20 mins, turning off the studio and turning on the TV.

While I watch the TV, I say to myself "I gotta give up the weed". I say "I don't need weed to make tracks. I'm gonna give up and have my last puff this Sunday".

I go to work and get excited about the fact I'm gonna give up weed 'this sunday'. I go into the studio during the week and smoke 'my last quarter' and just mess about on the computer 'getting things ready' for my new life being weed free and actually making some bloody music.

So, it gets to Sunday and I have my 'last big puff' and go through all 'the routines of my last day puffing'. It gets to Sunday night and I pack my 'last' joint with a ten draw cos its my last puff, I'm going to really make an effort 'this time'. I smoke my last joint and go into my studio and stick on Massive Attack "protection", cos that's the right music to listen to whilst having my 'last smoke'. I go to bed and feel excited.

I get up on Monday morning and feel fine. I finish work and rush home to get into the studio all sober. I switch on the PC, load up some drums and say "jesus man, I could really fancy a puff" and "I can't be creative without some weed".

About 7'oclock Monday night, I ring my dealer and get in the car, park on his dodgy estate and buy some weed. I rush home, skin up, last about 20 mins and then turn on the TV.

And so the cycle continues.

D'you think I should just give up music making, resign myself to the fact that this is all just some dream and I ain't never gonna make shit..?

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Message 21/32             31-Mar-03  @  12:26 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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Don't sweat it dude... Weed it not chemically addicitive like other stuff, Its just a state of mind, if it means you write crap music, then stop, you might miss it for a little while. As for me, I only smoke when I'm starting a track from scratch coz then my thinking is a little warped but when it comes to mixing and mastering, clean head is needed.

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Message 22/32             31-Mar-03  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

man called clay


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but definitely cut the television/couch glue routine.

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Message 23/32             31-Mar-03  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


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wht clay said... Probably a LOT worse for you than weed (the TV that is...)


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Message 24/32             01-Apr-03  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

Weed User


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Look addicted, you gotta know how to use weed. I see people packin' their joints and then, as you say, after 20 mins, they just end up listening to the same loop for hours and hours. People don't know how to use the weed.

God knows, I couldn't just sit down infront of the computer (after a day in the office) and start gettin "all creative". The thing is you gotta just sprinkle the weed into the joint. You just need a tiny bit to make your ears (and mind) open up.

As said by others, I never "have a smoke" when I'm mixing or mastering. You end up thinkin it all sounds great and then when you play it back over another system, the balance usually sounds pants.

As said mate, I usually try and do a track a week. I'll have a little smoke on a Sunday and sketch out an idea. I won't get to tied up in small details but rather just try and let things flow out. Then I'll spend the rest of the week (nights) not smokin till the end of the night, using my clear head to build the track, get the groove tight and all that. My smoke at the end of the night usually helps me write notes and ideas down to try the next night. I have the track done by friday night and usually go out. Then I'll use Saturday (unstoned) to mix and master the track. I'll leave it all up till Sunday then listen to it that morning. Then I wack it onto a CDR.

Then I'll go to the gym. I'm usually stoned by 2pm sunday and I'll start getting stoned ideas for the next track. And thats my working week.

No wonder I don't have a grilfriend.

Addicted, I wouldn't worry to much about it. Learn how to use it to YOUR advantage.

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Message 25/32             01-Apr-03  @  01:27 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

Pure Phase

Posts: 51

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well said....

( anyway it's the nicotine that your addicted to ... er... and the TV )

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Message 26/32             01-Apr-03  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem



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yes, westerners tend to treat drugs very casualy, whereas other cultures originaly used them with more respect, often ceremoniously -

weed/dope is good for 'creativity' but not dso good for work - so perhaps try crewating hooks and riffs and ideas with pot, then be dry for the linear composition work, then appraise the work you did 'dry' stoned - it often reveals interesting results.

when you listen stoned, make notes rather than trying to 'fix it' while charged, or if you want to tweak the linear mix while stoned, then save a new copy for the 'stoned mix' and use that to work on.. mebbe also make notes... it's good to vary things, dont let drugs become a habit basicaly.

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Message 27/32             04-Apr-03  @  03:20 AM   -   RE: My Weed Problem


Posts: 145

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weed is not your enemy you are. weed makes me stoned, not creative. Im creative already. If I smoke, im creative and stoned. Jeez man. Roll one up and dig in to you gear. Unless you are one of those unfortunates who get stoned and stare at something for an hour before you realise you need to breathe.

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Message 28/32             04-Apr-03  @  04:03 AM   -   RE: My Weed Problem

man called clay


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or you can just smoke lotsa weed every day and twiddle knobs and pretend you're making ALL the funny people on tv move around and stuff.

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Message 29/32             04-Apr-03  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: My Weed Problem



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You lot are making me paranoid. Or is that the weed?

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Message 30/32             04-Apr-03  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: My Weed Problem



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Boy Addicted, you don't listen so good do ya? ;)

No one is making you paranoid, weed isn't making you paranoid, YOU are making YOU paranoid. YOU are making YOU watch TV. YOU are making YOU feel unproductive!

Quit playing the victim routine. Fix it, and make 'dem BEATS, yo!

(sorry, must be on some kind of period this week)


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