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Subject: enlightenment?

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Oct-02  @  03:10 PM   -   enlightenment?

Defector Z


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Okay - so with some elections coming up, of particular interest to me is the election for governor in my homestate of Taxachusetts, I decided it was time to check the candidates. Over the last couple of years here at DT, my awareness of the fundamental problems with our countries political situation has risen significantly. While still a supporter of my country and many of the positions it stands for, I have found myself increasingly abandoned by the mainstream parties. On many issues, I was represented by one party or the other, but as the years have gone by, the 2 major parties in the US have gotten closer and closer to each other. Kind of frightening. Not news to many of you here, but for me, changing my political views is a gradual process.

So this year I registered Libertarian, after voting for Nader last year. I'm not anti-big business, but I am anti-big business with its forays into politics. I also don't think zero state income tax is going to work either. So perhaps libertarian is not where it's at.

Soooo, my research came up with the green party. And this bit of information I found particularly interesting...

Perhaps I am Green, then? Jill Stein (candidate for governor in Taxachusetts) is on target, I think.

So for the other Americans around here, is there anyone willing to answer the questions "who are you voting for" and "why"?

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Message 21/37             15-Oct-02  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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"hey influx, what's "too feminist" about the greens? I'm not challenging you, just a question, like I'm wondering if some of their candidates have some kooky version of it. "

no, nothing kooky. I just dont buy into half the shit. writing MORE laws to impose "balance"? Hell some of them might even use words like womyn and grrl...

sorry. turnoff

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Message 22/37             15-Oct-02  @  10:58 PM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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i normally place the way i vote in this order:

issues candidate stands for
character of candidate
political party of candidate

subscribing to a political party doesn't appeal to me (its the last thing i consider) but i am registered republican.


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Message 23/37             15-Oct-02  @  10:59 PM   -   RE: enlightenment?



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it isn't as though I vote blindly for greens. Just that it seems to be where I fall most often.


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Message 24/37             16-Oct-02  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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Message 25/37             16-Oct-02  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: enlightenment?

Def Z


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Sounds to me like there are some people who are justifying their commitment to inaction. Can we agree that one society is not going to be perfect for EVERYONE? Why not try to create one that fits most?

You can't please all the people all the time, but you can do your best. The green party certainly doesn't represent me perfectly, but they are a lot closer to my views than any other.

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Message 26/37             16-Oct-02  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: enlightenment?



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i vote for those who vote for me

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Message 27/37             16-Oct-02  @  09:34 AM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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My first (pony  economics teacher said "vote marginal". If you vote with the flow the party don't have to win your vote and the opposition knows they don't stand a chance so surprise surprise - no new swimming pools or theatre support for that constiuency - whether they voted for or against the winning gov

Second point is that we can never have coherency beyond the length of the term, no strategy longer then say 5 years. So only the first 4 years do anything (probably less) since new laws take years to get through and the last year is appeasement to catch voters. With countries with mid term elections the problems are worse. What is the right answer. Sorry but I think issue specific bodies which governments are answerable to at least allow for long term strategy - BUT current gov isn't going to give up power so they would be toothless - see Kyoto and many of the other treaties seem to be only fodder for compromise

answers. Change follows stimulus, if evolutionary principles can be applied to day to day change (if we ever change) then punctuated equilibrium decrees that only significant stress can effect change. Perhaps anarchy could be a fair play (is it moral to kill a monster - Theodore Sturgeon).

Question for the pampered bored. Do we actually want change?, Do we have any idea how frail our lives and lifestyle are, how much it costs (others) and what sort of sacrifice would be involved. "Hey, like it's terrible but now they want me to stop commuting with the SUV"

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Message 28/37             16-Oct-02  @  10:09 PM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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yes. I do. I know it would require a lot of 'sacrifice' but...Id like to see it happen

thing is...the place where things really need to change is at the ultra-wealthy level. THEY are the ones with the acute case of gluttony

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Message 29/37             16-Oct-02  @  11:31 PM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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but bless 'em, their hearts in the right place, right here in 'mericur. we're the peak, the peak! i tell you. we're everythnig else put together with all the worst parts left in i meant aken out.

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Message 30/37             17-Oct-02  @  09:10 AM   -   RE: enlightenment?


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finger pointing, Fire!

Whats that German word where you wish bad things to other people as a way of making yourselves feel better..?

"You can't handle the truth" (if that's the quote|-|)

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