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Subject: xoxos vs. clay

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Jun-03  @  04:15 PM   -   xoxos vs. clay


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fantastic concept..

come on, mud-man, let's demonstrate

our contestants: xoxos, pure abstraction, meme, plain old consideration, love, and boy, love can be tough..

clay: base form, malleable, returns to itself, everyman's man, earthbound and humble, let's rumble..

what hand shapes you, oh clay.. perhaps you are the foundation upon which pyramids are built..

is it love that causes you to offer your hand, "brother, are we not so different.. come, know peace, be mud with me.. look on the bright side, forget your troubles"

earth-captive! beetho! "accept.."

child and still yet father of flesh! what spirit it may possess.. a clod.. does iteration renew the spirit?

are you 'down' with calling people 'dawg?' lowest common debilitator, prideful of being humble "grr, i said join me, brotherr..."

didn't i tell you once where i'm from? didn't i tell you once where i'm from? aah, dull, little light

"aah, sorry dawg, my bad" echoes until the feedback overdrives and cracks the amp, sad mongoloid children bumping onto each other on the playground, laughing and tearing at the weak, pustulent skin, and laughing, laughing as ice crystals jut through the skull

are you clay? is that what you aspire to be? are you proud that this is what you are, acceptance is your great proclamation?

hiphop! cobblestone!

dude, your music is like being clubbed to the ground by inbred cops

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Message 21/43             08-Jun-03  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


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yeah, i needed that victory.. 'you dodge like one..'

all pose, no substance is my call..

'i ever so humble'

except when someone mentions the cojones, then you want to come to my house and show me "how hard you work"

~*~ come on, man! ~*~

as to me "being in san diego.." where i am, clay? makes note.. 'allegedly humble, but may have difficulty acknowledging error..'

you said something to the effect of "few have benefitted from a conflict with me.." and this is where we differ.. i try and ensure that EVERYONE who conflicts with me benefits.. aah, you see? what a divine opportunity.. 'spirit vs. clay..' too good to pass up. and thus, i demonstrate....

dear clay, is this really humility, to pronounce your humility? you radiate that, in some manner or essence, we are all basically the same, and that this is somehow good.. you're crushed before you're out of the gate like that.. like music made of endlessly repeating notes, the semblance innocuous, but does it uplift the mind, or quagmire?

i understand hinduism fears the heaven-world more than the hell..

"..when i was your age.." "..when you grow older.." fit the mold, fill the form, GET IN THAT MOLD DAMMIT i can smell it on you.. that pyramidal-base stink.. "hold them to you, cling, be as one.." 'frieeennndd..' 'broootherrr...' face melts


here's my creaky-voice: i see a pigeon.. pyramid's pigeon.. clay pigeon..

what do they like to call it.. 'stoic?' 'ye do whut ye kin and find yer peace with thet.. efter awl, i have my frends un kin, en thet's awl a gud men neyds ayuneewayuh'

hard work.. deserves sympathy, but respect? you gotsta be kidding me..

first they kill your ability to dream, the rest follows with nothing to lead it.. placeholder.. yes, i am a dreamer..

dream, clay, dream BIG, because when your head is in the clouds, comments about your balls are beneath you

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Message 22/43             08-Jun-03  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


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Cheddar, yes it means no mas, unless its with you of course

but then again, I cant really make any promises.

this one's weird tho

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Message 23/43             08-Jun-03  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay

man called clay


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why am i so flattered?
it's NOT like this kind of attention is THAT new or anything but from someone with such a manner!!!
now this IS TRULY something.

were i braver man....i'd muster up the courage to argue endlessly....but about what?
this is what evades me.
but i must say i'm glad my name ain't rurik.

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Message 24/43             08-Jun-03  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay

man called


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i never said no one benefited from taking me on.....i said no one profited.
not as they'd intended at least.
a fine distinction...but yes....what i'm saying is that those who strived to "get me" gained some knowledge....but that wasn't what they were looking for. they wanted a piece of me. these pronouncements
were often made in the open and some were more covert. nevertheless.....the intent was clear and yet unachieved.
we need not get into specific scenarios as they have little bearing upon our immediate situation. i dare say, though...when i challenged you on matters before (copyrights etc) i was at least making an honest attempt to make disagreement nothing more than that.
i never mentioned one's manhood.....nor genetic
point of entry into the universe.
and yet you summoned me to reverse and exit.
you said you were done...totally done.

well....this is the basic scenario as i've seen it. me walking through a phalanx of goons saying here i am. and then nothing. and then for weeks or months a bunch of bristling mad little hyenas wanting to get at me. history having taken note of missed opportunities.'re taking that path well.
in fact, you walk it like a master.
and if you say you wanted ME to benefit, then so i will.
i find it difficult to believe anyone can win such a charade of macho intellectual bravado....but you
my good sir do score big points for keeping the issues nebulous and perhaps even nonexistant except that you are obviously bristling....from not sticking/following through with our first row. why you shoooed me away is still unclear to me.
perhaps i was right?

but now we're just children. mere idiots flaying away and about....and you commanding people to pay attention.
you are funny for a guy who shouts death to controllers.
well...the fact of the matter is that a few are paying attention.

but no matter.
you've proven your might.
again....i bow to your ability to dream the good dream. perhaps one day you can quit dividing every camp into mere fragments....and tell us what THAT dream is.
i hope it's not just the one of loosening the yoke your family inheritance has burdened you with...spiritually.....emotionally....and at some point....physically.
it's an inexhaustible quest to rid one's self of the sins of one's father....i.e...slavery, war....murder...theft. but alas...we are all faced with our own individual challenges.

i wish you luck with yours.
and look forward to your next.....
victory speech.

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Message 25/43             08-Jun-03  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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like i said i'm still alittle overwhelmed my mere mudliness could be elevated to equal-billing with the great wizard....but since we're doing this> could you answer me this?

what dream is it that a nihilist dreams? and are you so sure you are indeed a nihilist? since i recall you parading some facts and cautionary conclusions regarding the dangers that a certain dam project in the southwest usa would have on it's immediate environment.
you sounded like peter gabriel for a minute there.
i never said i disagreed with everything you've ever said.
i do agree with the assessment that the dam is dangerous.

but again...are you sure you're a nihilist?
and what dreams do nihilist's dream?
thank you again.

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Message 26/43             08-Jun-03  @  10:47 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 7627

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aight dude let it rest maybe? I know I know...dont have to read it...

but why dont you guys just fight in email or something?

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Message 27/43             08-Jun-03  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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would it make me a hip-hop rap down-dawg if i said...peace?!!!!!!

or a pussy?

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Message 28/43             09-Jun-03  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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They used to call it acid.

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Message 29/43             09-Jun-03  @  08:56 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 4573

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You guys make me look less egotistical.

And that's a feat.

Honestly... get over yourselves. And be ashamed that I had to tell you that!


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Message 30/43             09-Jun-03  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 4573

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lol.... just read it through for real.... HAHAHAHAHA!  

Next time either of you tell me I waste my time in sex and beer chat, I will laugh harder.

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