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Subject: Ten Wacky Animal Facts

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:56 AM   -   Ten Wacky Animal Facts

Mr Bash


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1. The house fly hums in the key of F major.

2. Tigers have striped skni, not just striped fur.

3. A goldfish has a 3 second memory.

4. The giant squid has the biggest eyes in the world.

5. The male gypsy moth can smell the virgin female from 1.8 miles away.

6. A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.

7. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

8. Pigs can become alcholics.

9. A Blue whales tounge weighs more than an entire elephant.

10. The waste produced by one chicken in its entire lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100-watt buld for 5 hours.

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Message 21/76             02-Nov-02  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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polar bears' fur is actually transparent. each hair is transparent (not white!) and hollow which causes visible light to scatter such that it *appears* white. hard to grasp unless you are familiar with optical physics, in particular the phenomenon of scattering. UV pictures of polar bears show them to be black. Plus they give out so little heat that they don't show up on infrared photos.

"In recent times elephants rip the tusks out of dead elephants and smash them something which they never did in the past."

got a link, or some other source? I'd like to read more about this...

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Message 22/76             02-Nov-02  @  03:01 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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kick away. as long as I have a juicy, salty slab of pig in my mouth you won't hear me complaining.


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Message 23/76             02-Nov-02  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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j-type some time ago I saw a documentary on the box in which there was footage of elephants ripping the tusks out of dead elephants the narrator said that this behaviour was a very recent phenomenon and was thought to be in response to ivory poaching there was some famous wildlife painter on it and he recited a huge list of facts about elephants that was one of the things that caught my attention.The following link has some info and briefly mentions how some elephants carry tusks away among other unusual and human like behaviourisms it seems that tuskless elepants are becoming more common and there is conjecture that this may be natural selection at work as tuskless elephants aren't as valuable as tusked ones and are therefore less of a target for poachers,it could just mean that the tuskless ones are becoming more noticeable due to tusked specimens gradually being poached out.

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Message 24/76             02-Nov-02  @  04:38 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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thanks for that, fascinating stuff

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Message 25/76             02-Nov-02  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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well thats weird. polar bears go against the whole physics of colour reflection? (as i was taught it on my degree)

the whole point is, nothing in the universe has colour - there's no such thing as 'white' or 'brown' fur or a 'red' wall.. once you remove the light source they cease to have colour as the visible perceived colour is just the remaining colours NOT absorbed by the structure of the object or paint etc.

when people talk about something having say a 'green' pigment, it doesnt mean the leaf is actualy 'green', it means the leaf cells absorb ALL colour bands EXCEPT green.

thats' what i was taught anyways.

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Message 26/76             02-Nov-02  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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which is why applying different 'clear' glazes to colours changes their tone even tho they are transparent, the matt or gloss quality of the glaze allows more or less light absorbsion reaching the actual pigmented reflective paint cells. - again place tow colours adjascently and it again changes the tone of the colours as light reflecting in a complimentary or uncomplimentary form from the adjascent tone reflects onto the second tone altering it's reflective range cos what is hitting it is NOT pure spectrum daylight. again, why Flourescent lights make colour appear different to daylight - (RULE NUMBER 1 when painting - NEVER do it by artificial light cos in daylight the tones will be different - never show colour examples to a client at night by artificial light, always in the daytime in natural light.)

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Message 27/76             02-Nov-02  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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which is also why wet paint has a completely different tone to dry paint. (even 'white')

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Message 28/76             02-Nov-02  @  05:34 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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Message 29/76             02-Nov-02  @  06:42 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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I know what he's saying, but think about it k. The polar bears aren't breaking physics, just obeying it. All white hair is actually transparent, even on humans, so little light is absorbed, and you get the whole spectrum reflected to your eye. White.

Polar bears aren't any more special than my grandma.


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Message 30/76             02-Nov-02  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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like a rainbow

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