aaa Was he had??? - The lounge forums
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Subject: Was he had???

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Original Message 1/35             18-Jul-03  @  02:47 AM   -   Was he had???


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This guy started a thread at the SOS forum announcing his up and coming studio
His equipment choice has drawn some flak what do you think?Ever heard of XYTAR?

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Message 2/35             18-Jul-03  @  03:03 AM   -   RE: Was he had???

Broken Silence

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never heard of xytar, but i want a 96 channel mixer

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Message 3/35             18-Jul-03  @  03:32 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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its a fuckin MX9000


it even SAYS behringer on it!

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Message 4/35             18-Jul-03  @  03:39 AM   -   RE: Was he had???

Broken Silence

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manufactured by behringer

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Message 5/35             18-Jul-03  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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and modded by XYTAR what next castle greyskull.

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Message 6/35             18-Jul-03  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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This XYTAR thingy 2 behringer mx9000s and a collection of behringer mikes for £240 a day or mobile recording with a korg D16 for the same price.The guy paid £15000.00(about $23000)
for that system

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Message 7/35             18-Jul-03  @  04:15 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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modded my ass

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Message 8/35             18-Jul-03  @  04:23 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Did you?

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Message 9/35             18-Jul-03  @  05:27 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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like i said in chat, no matter how many virtual channels he's got, he's got 6 shitty mics and a handful of disgusting preamps. whatever he records will sound like shit, and he doesn't have enough mics to be "full service" to a band.

and that company he bought his gear from! Hilarious! Worse than Carvin catalogs when it comes to bottom-of-the-line, all-shortcuts-taken gear. Those people are making a fortune off of studio owner wannabes and posers. I'm not making this shit up people:

"the 48-channel analog input mixer provides 24-bit performance..."

er, nice literature...


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Message 10/35             18-Jul-03  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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where the fuck does it say that?!?!?!

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Message 11/35             18-Jul-03  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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on dude's webpage, pict's original link. In the gear section about his desk. Looks like jpg screen captures of the company website literature (the graphics on dude's page are all ripped from there).

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Message 12/35             18-Jul-03  @  06:22 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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This is horrible. Didn't this idiot ask some friends or look around AT ALL before paying $23,000 (verified on the xytar website)... OK, if the computer can really record 32 trax simultaneously it's got some value, but the mixers are crap consumer gear (OK, I have a small behringer sub mixer in my own home studio, they're "all right" below 0db but not "pro" studio material).

Those mics are crap, the monitors are crap, Jesus, even the headphones look cheap!!! Too bad, I can think of a lot of better ways to spend that kind of money!

"Arby Studios is the first professional studio in the UK to use
Xytar Digital Systems"

If I rented space at Arby and that's what I found when I walked in I'd laugh my ass right out of the door. I've seen MUCH better set ups in people's bedrooms!

Too funny... so funny it's sad!!!


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Message 13/35             18-Jul-03  @  07:16 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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I'm guessing that it HAS to be a n00b with more money than sense. It always blows my mind when people get ripped like this. "A fool and his money..."

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Message 14/35             18-Jul-03  @  07:47 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Q. Am I getting value for money and a quality product?

A. In a nutshell, "Yes". Try a London studio with the same level of equipment and knowledge and you could be paying at least twice as much for the same service. Alternatively, try a cheaper studio and you may find amateur knowledge with mediocre equipment who just do recording part time for extra cash. You will certainly be left with a product on a CD that will be of more use as a coaster. Trust me, I have the evidence and the experience and the nightmares still haunt me! Arby Studios feels it offers more than the normal studio at a very reasonable cost.


Not with all that crappy gear!


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Message 15/35             19-Jul-03  @  06:48 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Well, there is one other odd possibility and that is that the whole system was bought, and the crap components replaced with better ones. You can mod a mixer to give it better response. Better higher quality power supply, better pots, better preamps, etc... In the right conditions, what may seem to be shit speakers may (VERY RARELY) be tuned into having a correct response, especially if the components are all matched. That's a very small possibility, and chances are the dude took one in the keyster, but one never knows. Oh well, hope he's a happy camper with his new XYTAR system.


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Message 16/35             19-Jul-03  @  11:19 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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you know...looking at the specs on that Xytar system...a 24/96 file of 32 tracks does not really give you much time on a 2.2 gig removable drive I think this place is probably shite. Just a guess.


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Message 17/35             19-Jul-03  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Reading even further...The amps provided...peavey and Line6...oh my. This guy is on the cheap. I'm sure he had the best of intentions, but he's got shite.


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Message 18/35             20-Jul-03  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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but REALLY! who CARES what IT SOUNDS like!?!?!?!?!
the question is: does it LOOK cool when his lil~girl walks in and he starts playing some oakie track on it and he talks of the quality and expense and agin...does iT LOOK cool? does it make her want to rub his balls and go ooohhh you hot modern sound master....power studio guy> he don't need to make ANY tracks long as she's rubbAN his thang! yes?! no?

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Message 19/35             20-Jul-03  @  01:33 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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no...I dont get that impression. what seems to have happened is that some jerk at Turnkey just sold this guy all this shit, and the guy was a dunce and bought it

Im really diggin the 24bit analog mixer!

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Message 20/35             20-Jul-03  @  02:32 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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absolutely, those have more "head" room

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Message 21/35             20-Jul-03  @  03:04 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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maybe it just ain't my day but i'm finding it hard to feel sorry for a guy who's all-of-a-sudden ended up wit 23k as if he'd been saving up for it and now ready to buy some serious gear...and then don't GOT A CLUE what's what.

i still got my sequential TOm for sale...for $50.
with midi and line cables!

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Message 22/35             20-Jul-03  @  03:08 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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you should be able to get $50 or actually more

register with ebay, man. its the best exposure out there, and for "rare" items...its quite good

kinda flooded now otherwise

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Message 23/35             20-Jul-03  @  05:13 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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you know me influx...i'm lazy when it comes to that sort of thing. how about if i trade you the TOM for your virus sound-diver?
along with the other deal re: the sysex tutorial/demonstration?

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Message 24/35             21-Jul-03  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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If you were a professional studio would you advertise having any Yamaha PSR type keyboards ??? erm, hello !

Sounds like a twat, purely for that reason alone.

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Message 25/35             21-Jul-03  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Aye the PSR made laugh out loud but I dread to think what he paid for it.Have any of you listened to the sample of his song about dyslexia?

"This is also a fine example of Rich's abilities as a musician which is invaluable experience in the studio"

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Message 26/35             21-Jul-03  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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stop sniggering at the back!

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Message 27/35             21-Jul-03  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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check his drumming on the first one too.

dig the fills, man!

not that i can play 'em, mind you.

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Message 28/35             21-Jul-03  @  05:38 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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I guess the Xytar system doesn't offer Autotune.

Those V-Drums could cook up some seriously hot karaoke tho...

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Message 29/35             21-Jul-03  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: Was he had???

Defector Z


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Shit - I have better stuff in my studio...

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Message 30/35             22-Jul-03  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: Was he had???



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I suppose if he gets business then good luck to the chap. He may be able to work wonders with the equipment his got.....

*peice of tumble weed rolls past*

whats that five pointed star on the wall ?

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Message 31/35             24-Jul-16  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Wow, this has kept me entertained 13 years after!  Thanks for some interesting comments and deserved ridcule everyone!  It was 100% worth reading as I never saw this at the time.  In answer to the topic title "Was he had...?"  The answer to that!  I got my $20k back and kept the gear (which of course, I sold immediately).  I learned a hell of a lot from this time in my life.  Not just about music and recording....but business and success.  I am now a full time musician after quitting my job after cancer and life is simply incredible.  In terms of recording.....yep, I still dabble on my Korg D32XD and I'm much happier with that format.  To be fair, I was a bit of a tit for doing what i did back then without any knoweledge or research but as i say, I got my money back so alls well that ends well.  But I just had to register to and hello again!  :-D  

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Message 32/35             29-Jul-16  @  04:21 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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I'm surprised I didn't buy that studio. Sounds right up my alley. 

Great to see all you guys here, posting away. How is everybody?  

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Message 33/35             29-Jul-16  @  04:58 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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Oh and after caring for my mom for 7 years I'm back to writing music again. Now you guys know me as the guy who wrote dance music you can't dance to but here's my philosophy. I believe I make club-goers better dancers. Whereas you guys write tracks that are easy to dance to, my tracks challenge the crowd. Dancers have to think, "how the hell do I dance to this?" And now I'm back!

You're welcome.  

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Message 34/35             01-Aug-16  @  08:05 AM   -   RE: Was he had???


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sitar wrote:

Oh and after caring for my mom for 7 years Im back to writing music again. Now you guys know me as the guy who wrote dance music you cant dance to but heres my philosophy. I believe I make club-goers better dancers. Whereas you guys write tracks that are easy to dance to, my tracks challenge the crowd. Dancers have to think, how the hell do I dance to this? And now Im back!

Youre welcome.  

Hey mate. How's it going?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 35/35             01-Aug-16  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: Was he had???


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k wrote:

Hey mate. Hows it going?

It's going well. I hope everything's good by you. 

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