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Subject: Ironic

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Apr-03  @  05:43 PM   -   Ironic


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Message 31/103             05-Apr-03  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: Ironic



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Hey! if you wanna bash America fine, but be fair about it. I am an American citizen and I didn't vote for Bush. Most Americans didn't. Realistically, I have no more control over what the Bush administration does than you do over Tony Blair or any other world leader. Hell, thousands of people over here protested the war and didn't even get on Tv. Who's fault is that, the protesters? America was after all founded by EUROPEANS! not the Russians or Chinese. Would you prefer that the Soviet Union won the cold war instead? My Grandmother was born in Oslo, and my grandfather was born in Prague in 1878! If America sucks so bad why do people keep coming here. I wish they would stop! I hate overpopulation. Half the people living in my hometown don't speak English! Thousands of Immigrants are coming from Asia and India every year. There are so many immigrants from other countries moving here white anglo saxons won't be in control much longer anyway. Who will you blame then? If you don't like America thats fine but don't make blanket statements about the population. We have every nationality on Earth living here. We have Capitilist pigs, Facists, Communists, W Supremisists, Atheists, Socialists, Anarchists, and people who pratice voodoo. Fact is America is what it is because we have the greatest wealth and the largest military. I won't make excuses for our dismal foreing policy but I suspect that if any other country in the world took over they'd probably pull the same crap we do. Money and power spell corruption. Pretty much the way its always been.

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Message 32/103             05-Apr-03  @  09:50 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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"The US was settled and developed by Europeans who were sick of all of the wars, poverty and governmental problems in their homeland and so the settlers chose to completely ignore such things in a bid to put the problems behind them, as the belief was that the US was going to be different"

I'd say more like - it was a place where people went to escape the plight forced upon them by industrialists back home only to find they were fucked over all over again by the same people once they also had gone over there to exploit the resources and the people, just the same as they did in europe  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 33/103             05-Apr-03  @  09:53 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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zazza, SOMEHOW I KNEW that was what you would bring up.

slavery, while without question a horrible thing;
a)was not limited to, developed by, NOR MONOPOLIZED by the US


Native Americans?

SICK situation, one deserving of far more "reparations" than have ever been offered.

but you can fvck off with your condescending little 23 year old bullshit, my man. You and all you little typical liberals who do nothing but regurgitate the "facts" as you read them

you arrogant little prick! I fvcking LIVE HERE, ok? I see whats wrong with the place for the most part, and I also see clearly what is RIGHT, which you refuse to acknowledge even exists

so you can go and have a blast wanking off in your US-Bashing trendy little euro attitude, while I do my best to think of ways to make this a better place instead of just fvcking crying about it all the time like you brits and other snobby fvcking euros do

slavery is OVER. What happened to the indigent people here is for the most part over. The repercussions are horrifying but dont you fvcking talk to me like youre some god damned enlightened motherfvcker and Im just some piece of shit that doesnt know a single god damned thing ok?

arrogant fck

how old are you, really? Id be willing to bet that youre not old enough to carry the sort of burden you knowledge you claim to carry.

Ive had enough with your smug self-important regurgitative leftist "activism" that is nothing more than words, accusations, and COMPLAINING.

do you DO ANYTHING? Are you out in the streets trying to convince people there is a better way? I TRY, ok? It aint easy, but I try.

people like you make me sick. you read too much and then point your fingers at everyone else. you dont know SHIT about anything you claim to know about, my man, and that is clearly illustrated by your typically naive choice to single out the United States as the sole perpetrator of these injustices you cite.

make me wanna spit on you and your kind

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Message 34/103             05-Apr-03  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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lol! - zazza's old enuff to be your pop influx  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 35/103             05-Apr-03  @  10:35 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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All I said was 'living hell for others'

And.. I did NOT say 'slavery was MONOPOLIZED by the US ' duh..

'little 23 year old bullshit' I am 23 ? I wish! heh

My wife is black, I have two black daughters, one of whose father lives in Georgia, so we get some interesting feedback...

I have visited the US and it has both good and bad points...

All I said was that the US was a good experience for some people, and a living hell for others.. yyour reply was 'bullshit'?

Well, Im just disagreeing with you.. live with it..

At no point do I beleieve I have 'bashed the US'

Quite willing to tell it like it is about George W and his band of thugs tho..

How many tens of thousands of young and old men, brothers, fathers, lovers, poets, sons have they just crisped? Men who mostly didn't even want to be in the army anyways.. (conscripts)

And some fucking US barbie stubs her toe and it's 'meet the family' on fox.. bah

Where are the human interest stories about the Iraqui children crying for their lost father?

Not on FOX Bullshit News that's for sure..

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Message 36/103             05-Apr-03  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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Eurotrash: I agree with you completely..

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Message 37/103             05-Apr-03  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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we would agree on many points, but you come off, like all the cliche euro US bashers, as if the whole damn place is nothing but filth, oppression, and tragedy

youre right. you said "living hell for others"

funny thing is even the worst of the worst HERE is better than anywhere else.

many wrinkles need to be ironed out, no doubt.

Im not having it about the black thing, man cuz racism goes ALL ways..not just black on white, white on black, etc.

hate to say it but that slavery argument...tired. how long before it gets put to rest and stops being used as a tool? the holocaust?

IMO the people who are STILL suffering are the natives you mentioned. an entire culture hobbled by their mistreatment

oh hell I dunno youre still smug

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Message 38/103             05-Apr-03  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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hm...i tried to login so i could show off some limited
HTML skills ;) but i kept receiving an error message.

whoah there, influx. i just can't pass this one up without
comment. i've never seen you fly off the handle like that
- and in defense of THIS country no less? Zazza was
succinct and DEAD ON.

it is certainly and will always be, for some, an ongoing
hell. you're a white male from southern california, for
jeebus' sake. i'm not having a dig at you or anyone in
your statistical shoes, please understand that. but
you're spouting some alarmingly blind BULLSHIT!!!
your point of view is suffering some severely faulty
depth perception. ;)

the privilege you speak of stops at the doorsteps of the
PRIVILEGED. i can't believe you are so adamantly
refusing to admit that. i couldn't disagree with you more
about the *opportunity* this country provides its people.
and sorry to say it looks like it's only going to get much,
much worse.

oh...and the worst of here being better than anywhere
else? hardly. i cannot believe you said that. how the
hell would you know??

and lastly, why so quick to get defensive about that
picture? it says a lot, really. my initial thoughts about it
were "damn, those are some sorry MFrs", not "oh jeez,
more stupid americans". YOU'RE the one that turned it
into some kind of anti-american insult! personally i had
a good laugh because it shows quite well the EMPTY
GESTURE people are putting into every last action...the
escalators to get to the "Sculpt My Vacant Image"
Fitness Center says it all!! they prob stopped at McD's
on the way home. but since you tied together the fact
that this is a US image...there's no getting around these
people do make up the MAJORITY of the US
population. quite disgusting really. but as an american
i found no reason to take it personally, why did you?

i dunno. email me? and until then, go sit in the corner!!
for shame.

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Message 39/103             06-Apr-03  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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I wasnt going to respond to this..

actually..Im not. I couldnt care less what you people say, really. Im not stupid, Im not blind, I see quite clearly the horrible faults of this nation, but the fact remains that there truly is an avenue for almost everyone. the doors get smaller and less frequent the further down the scale you go, no doubt, but even people from the very bottom have the opportunity to come up.

yes, people are mistreated drastically, every single day, and like I said Im definitely out there trying to open the eyes of those I come in contact with, but..

well, thanks so much for insulting me. I really do appreciate it. Shows how far we've come in our interaction.

but hey..I dont know shit, right? Im just another stupid ing american, and Im JUST a stupid ing white boy born and raised in SoCal so I can have NO idea how the real world works. NONE WHATSOEVER, right?

so yeah..I'll go sit in the fvcking corner for defending this HORRIBLE country that allowed YOU and others like you to make what $50 an hour for drawing neat pictures. what a horrible place, that doesnt allow ANYONE the chance to do anything except be a pawn.

thank you SO much for your wonderful insight into my shallow beginnings and my utter lack of ANY sort of understanding.

in fact, yeah...I think I WILL go sit in the corner and stop giving a shit about the inequities here in the US. Perhaps I would be better off to quit reading this bullshit.

you are right, tho. It was me who added that tinge of anti-americanism but that is because zazza, roughley and the like are CONSTANTLY talking shit about AMERICANS as if we're all just worthless pieces of shit based solely on our place of birth?

FVCK THAT SHIT dammit, Im sick of fvcking hearing about it.

now why dont you all just quit BITCHING about how bad it is here cuz youre really not trying to do anything about it, and LEAVE? go see how other governments treat people! go see how HIGH taxes are everywhere else. Gas? shit. all the little plastic and wires we so love to play with? yeah..try affording that A3000 in canada, or the UK...

damn...I need to open my eyes?

ok. well..theyre open and I see quite clearly that this place is a good thing gone bad but despite all that still provides a long list of options for a huge number of people. we dont own a monopoly on inequity, dammit, and the gap between the rich and the poor is fvcking disgusting but Im just sick of hearing fvcking couch-ridden communists who wouldnt lift a finger to enact any sort of change!

this looks so out of place now as a reaction to a stupid photograph.

respond all you want. call me stupid, blind, naive, whatever, but Im fvcking through reading this shit here. this place doesnt provide me anything anymore but a bullshit guilt that Im tired of having heaped on me

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Message 40/103             06-Apr-03  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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oh and believe you me, when the time comes and there is a large enough group to ACT, I will be one of the first to move, be it picking up a gun and eliminating the "oppressors" or whatever it takes. Im so fed up with the "majority" here but the fact remains that most of you assholes INSIST that we are "ALL" like that!

and far too many of you assholes HERE bitch and moan while you live some incredibly privileged lives, provided by the foundation that is your home. Hate it? LEAVE!

Love it but are disgusted by where its going? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

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