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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 31/113             29-Jun-99  @  12:39 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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crime compared to the UK???... you gotta be kidding me... it's zilch mate - you wouldnt fuckin beleive what it's like here,...did you know we have more people in jail than ANY other european country - and no, it's not cos 'Phoney-Tony' Blair passed a law to lock up anyone who doesnt toe his party line (although he might as well do) - i think you'd be totally fucking shocked if you saw the state of some of the places people live in here in the Uk - did you know 2/3rds of British people live BELOW the official UN poverty line??? - mate... serious we have places here in the uk even the fuckin police cannot go into - it's not all buckingham palace & stratford-on-avon you know....

perhaps they steal your bike cos you aint got a lock for it?? - still, having said that i've had 4 bikes pinched (all good new expensive ones), 3 cars, one complete studio (yup the whole fucking contents!!), half my record collection, one motorbike,(my beloved Kwak 400 S3 triple ..."sniff-blubber", god i miss that bike!!...) my TR606 with seperate output mod at a gig, my beyer mic at a gig, etc etc etc.... mate - it's so bad here a mate of mine was standing outside his house a few months back talking to his next-door neighbour at his front garden gate with his door open and this guy walked past him, up his path, into his house, and came out with his fuckin TV set !!!!!.... needless to say he was told to 'walk-off' in no uncertain terms, 8 weeks or so before that the local Italian squat-junkies cleaned him out...

my cousin came over after 6 years living in NY trouble-free and was mugged the first night in London,... i've been assaulted at least 30-40 times 50% all in broad daylight with everything from fists & bike-helmets, to stanley knives & hammers etc... i've even had cars driven at me to run me down, and even was assaulted in broad daylight in a famous central London square by an off-duty policeman for fucks sake !!!!.... i mean the guy lammed me for over 3 fucking minutes !! - - i've even had a guy chasing me round the circular road with a revolver just cos i hooted at him when he pulled out causing me to nearly crash !! - and i'm a guy who AVOIDS trouble !!!!.... you want to see the scrapes some of my more fiesty mates get into !!!... i mean even fucking Glastonbury is like a holiday camp for tea-leafs, with about 300 tent thefts reported after the first day this year (and that is just the reported thefts !! - no-ones going to report a half-oz being pinched are they now !!) & the shooting 2 years ago (one of my mates wont go there since as he was about 30 yards away when the lead started flying and it freaked him out) - mate beleive me - this country.... !!!

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Message 32/113             29-Jun-99  @  08:31 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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fun rant. first, a prominent u.s. university did a study some years back on experimental drug use and psychological stability. it found that those students who had experimented with drug use were on average more well adjusted than those who had not. now the reasons for this are up for debate, but most believe that well-adjusted people are more capable and open to experimentation in general.

as for drug policy, i'm with craig. the u.s. policy changed drastically in the 80's when the then director of drug policy (name eludes me) changed the rhetoric on drug use from a health debate to a criminal debate. since then, drug convictions have skyrocketed and minorities in this country have had to take the brunt of the offensive. meanwhile, tobacco and alcohol, which claim more lives than all other drugs combined, get off scott free. not to mention, many studies claim tobacco is more addictive than heroin.

natural vs. processed drugs. please don't take offense when i say, imho, it doesn't make a bit of difference (except in one's preference). look, a chemical is a chemical is a chemical. we are bio-chemical entities and the body cares little (except in respect to the psychologically induced placebo effect) where something comes from, but rather what is it made of and how it reacts with our normal functions. psyllisibin (sp?), regardless of it's origin in a mushroom, screws with your brains normal biochemical functioning, just as ecstasy does (albeit in different ways, hence the different sensations). and be honest, the herb of today is not the herb of yesteryear. on average (at least here in the states) the drug content in marijuana is higher than 20 years ago. why? careful cultivation and breeding, just like in any agricultural venture, leads to better product (but is it truly natural, as marijuana didn't naturally occur this strong). true, you're chances of o.d. from smoking too many bowls is a hell of a lot less than from snorting too many lines, but whether a drug is "natural" or not isn't the issue, rather the level of content with respect to how much the body can handle.

finally, on the artist and drug use. i heard a fairly well known clinical psychiatrist here in the states speak on artists and drug abuse. his assessment is that the personality types of many musicians (apparently he has more than a few stars as clients) are that of people who find danger and the extreme pleasurable, much as "extreme" sports athletes do. on top of that, many artists, addressing psychological issues within themselves and living within the pressured confines of the "scene", find drugs more readily accessible to deal with problems than the average joe. in this way, its easier for many stars (he used jimi hendrix as an example) to go from experimenter to addict. for my part, i would say the drugs are less a reason than a symptom of the pain and/or general psychological complexities most artists funnel into their art. thus, i see drug use only as a byproduct of outlook that can be purely experimental (used as a means for exploration) or dangerous (eg. addiction), but ultimately irrelevant to the success or failure of the artist.

sorry about the thesis paper. -p.

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Message 33/113             29-Jun-99  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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If we only had more clear-headed people like you guys running for office... Look, as far as I'm concerned, you only get one life, one chance to experience whatever it is you want to experience. I think it's ludicrous of any government to limit my (or anyone else's) ability to live life to the fullest, whatever their definition of that may be.

Especially when their reasons for such policies are based on lies, duplicity, and bullshit, and they've used my tax money to spread their rot and enforce their lame policies... As far as I'm concerned the US government is responsable for every single drug-crime related murder comitted in this country, the same as the government was responsable for all of the booze-related crime during US Prohibition in the 30s.


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Message 34/113             30-Jun-99  @  02:34 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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good points chaps, and i agree about a chem is a chem is a chem... which is of course from a chemistry point of view absolutely correct - a chemical molecule is the active ingredient wether naturally ocuring or synthesised - and P yer right about destructive people- and following the Shit-styms logic, soon they will have to ban say free rock climbing cos people get killed going for a high doing it...

actually just for reference the story on dope/weed goes like this.

Pre-1930's weed was a BIG-time commercial crop... 'hemp' - it was used for poor peoples' alternative to cotton for clothing, and of course rope amongst other things, (did you know for example the actual original document: 'The Declaration of Independance' was written on hemp-paper !!!??.. fact.!!)..... then Dupont invented & patented NYLON.... hmmm.... only one market competitor---- hemp...

so it turns out, the owner of Dupont's legal firm has a brother who is a Senator - he goes to the senate and presents a bill calling Hemp the "single most social-evil facing the country" or word very close to that effect and introduces a bill to illegalise hemp... and hey fuckin presto... Hemp is made illegal,,,, and the rest is history... and Dupont made shitloads of money as there was no competition from hemp any more......

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Message 35/113             30-Jun-99  @  02:50 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Drugs.....hmmmm......I never really thought too much about em until someone very close to me devoloped a terrible speed addiction.....
In terms of so many talented musician's using drugs though, I think it becomes a horrible crutch. To name a couple of my personal favorite artists that have now gone "sober" and might I add, gone completely down hill musically: Ministry, Hole, Janes Addiction, and Alice in Chains. All these band's made wonderful music when they were completely fucked up on that they have gone sober, so has there creativity.
My advise is this: If you need to use to create, that's your deal, just remember, be prepared to die from a drug overdose and die for your art, because if you sober up and try and move on creatively, your music is gonna suck anyway.

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Message 36/113             30-Jun-99  @  05:28 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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You know, maybe the reason bands suck after they kick (Not everybody in the bands you listed are sober tho by any means) is not that drugs are their source of inspiration... Rather, the reason that they were great and they reason they took drugs were very closely related - and the opposite approach is what killed their music, AND made 'em stop taking drugs - IE, playing it safe. You don't take chances with your music, you stagnate creatively..... Same goes for your life, experientially.... However, I'm not saying that no one should quit using drugs..... There is a line where "Not playing it safe" becomes "Toying with death".... Living life to the fullest is what it's all about.... Exploring different states of being, developing interpersonal relationships, seeing and doing all those things that you wanna pack into your short time on earth, because they make you happy.... But when you chase after just one of those things, you cut yourself off from the rest of life's experiences, and you stop living your life, much less to it's fullest extent. Now, I see nothing wrong with drugs... I mean, truthfully, where would dance music really be today if the advent of MDMA hadn't occured?... But when you pursue a high to the exclusion of everything else is when you need to reevaluate your life and turn that shit around. And, though it may be a cynical way to look at it, I think that the strong ones who survive it and pull out are the ones fit to go on. It's survival of the fittest, and those who are too weak to hack it are picked off one by one, because that's real life. Also, if one really has nothing to live for, and truly wants to die, I see no reason to not take that road to it's ultimate and logical end, another issue in which I think every individual should (And of course does, I just mean should have unopposed access) have free choice in. And if drugs are their preferred vehicle to that destination, it's really as good as any. Even so, I don't think that means that you shouldn't try to help your friends and those you love when they're going through addiction. After all, we're all fallible, make mistakes, and we do all need help sometimes, as much as we might like to think that we don't.

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Message 37/113             30-Jun-99  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Its all opinionated bullshit if you ask me.
Drugs are one of the last bastions of glory for those who like to get off on prejudice and self righteous indignation.
I did not spend an eternity evolving into what i am now to have some old wanker tell me what is best for me.
So if you dont like it simply fuck off an stick your oar in somewhere else as we are sick of your pompous ignorance.
So there.

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Message 38/113             30-Jun-99  @  11:00 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Ison@Golem98.Demon.Co.UK :
It is all opinionated BS, just like your post is opinionated BS. What old wanker is trying to tell you what is best for you? Self righteous indignation? Really. Prejudice? Really. Amazing how all these 'drug addicts' sound just like 'normal' people, eh? And 'fuck off'(?) I do it it as much as possible, that is when I've the time and I'm not sticking some shit in my arm, down my throat, or up my nose. Stick my oar somewhere else? 'We'are sick of your pompous ignorance? Who's 'we'? It seems you are in the minority here, as this 'bastion' seems to be mostly pro choice as far as drugs are concerned. You know you sound a bit like a zealot yourself.

Speaking for myself (as I light up a fatty), I don't see a lot of prejudice among drug users, sure some of them are distrustful of those who 'don't', but far more seem willing to live and let live. You might try it yourself sometime. Oops! there I (read: old wanker) go telling someone what is best for them....

Peace All


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Message 39/113             01-Jul-99  @  01:41 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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just a side note:
have any of you seen reefer madness. fucking great. they've made a play out of it here in l.a.

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Message 40/113             01-Jul-99  @  02:02 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

The Ultimate Rasta


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ere's a reefer do you wan't some policemam... ere's a reefer do you want some lass...? ere's a reefer do you want some ISON? or would you prefer it if i stuck it up your ass..

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