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Subject: guns

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Oct-02  @  04:59 AM   -   guns


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Just saw a trailer for Michael Moore's new movie "Bowling for Columbine." It's all about guns in America and it got me thinking. Why are guns such a problem in America? How 'sacred' is the second amendment?

Personally, I don't think guns serve any purpose but to kill. You can target shoot without lethal potential and you can kill animals without firepower. I don't like the government telling us what we can and cannot own, but I really don't see the need for guns in any society.

I'm curious what you guys think. Do we need guns? Would it make a noticeable social impact to outlaw guns? I think it may... more than waiting for the average American psyche to evolve.

Quoting Linda Richomond, "Twalk amongst yahselves"

I love the smell of stirred shit.


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Message 31/147             18-Oct-02  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: guns



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like Thatcher?

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Message 32/147             18-Oct-02  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: guns


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" Yes that's right. I said it's the government behind this. "

ha!!! i knew it!!! i *knew* someone would try and say the US gov was behind this just like they said the gov was behind 911..

moving on....

guns, we do this like every 6 months right?

lemme find that article talking about the crime rate in london in the late 1800's when everyone carried a gun around versus today when only criminals have them... nah i may as well not because then someone will start on their causality speech.

pongoid i agree with you about the guns but not about the conspiracy bit :-)

the obvious alternative is to move to the countryside where you actually *need* a gun...  

then again you probably need a gun more if you live in the inner city.

think about it, no one is going to rob the apartment with a guy who is known to own a gun and puts smith & wesson stickers on all his windows... they are going to go for easier less life threatening prey.

i don't own a gun. if i move to the country i would get a pistol and rifle. target shooting is great fun!!!


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Message 33/147             18-Oct-02  @  02:13 PM     Edit: 18-Oct-02  |  02:27 PM   -   RE: guns


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i've NEVER said that.

*please* don't even think about putting women in power (well...)

killing is easy.

"i will take my life if you will take my life, and we will love each other"

jamey: you still don't believe your "government" is responsible for 911? hunh, that's some real wild shit. oh yeah. "need" a gun. heh. "need" a gun. i'll say it again, i'm having such fun, "need" a gun... "mommy, i *need* it!!!" holy fucking shit. totally wild, man, wild. that's like jazz infusion logic.. hey.. it would be cool to put that need part in there.. copacetic, man, copacetic..

you know man this crazy cat in town he needed some hubcaps early this year.. i think he got $70 for them too!!!!! he only had to waste a mother and two children to get 'em too!!!! how many kids you got now, formant? say it with me now, motherfucker, need.. yeah.. i need that...

(i just say this.. it needs to be said.. all love for ya j tho you never seem to know it.. calm as the surface w/o wind..)

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Message 34/147             18-Oct-02  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: guns


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Message 35/147             18-Oct-02  @  02:31 PM   -   RE: guns


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oh, and since no one else called him on it.. love ya too, p., but damn.. you shot yourself with your own gun? can't you taste the irony of that??? i won't taunt you, because i know that shit hurts (been shot at, never hit (except by a ricochet) but i've been with shootees)

align yourself with the luck plane! smoke more frop!

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Message 36/147             18-Oct-02  @  05:35 PM   -   RE: guns



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"think about it, no one is going to rob the apartment with a guy who is known to own a gun and puts smith & wesson stickers on all his windows... they are going to go for easier less life threatening prey."

Yeah and if everyone had them stickers and them guns they'd be shootin each other far more often. Like I said, i see both sides and I definately thik that the people should have as much physical power as the corrupt, contemptable and F*cked up government. But i do think it's like nukes! Especially where Jamey's point is concerned! This goddamned cold war mentallity of I must have the same weapon as my enemy. It's what causes this crap! It's what causes a lot of the secondary conditions in our culture that make people the ANIMALS they're accused of being.

I prefer to see the potential in people and trust their goodness. Really! But if you don't want to, I'm not interested in taking away the security you have chosen. Our society's completely twisted and humans are unreliable. And if you want to own a gun, you must live with the consequences of that decision.

I could kill a person with a baseball bat much quicker than with a gun if they were in close quarters... hand held, stricking weapons are better than guns if you're indoors!!! Especially in the dark. A few of you have met me, I'm a pretty big guy. It better be a 45 if I'm pissed and I want to hurt you (not likely, it's an example kids)... 9mm would slow me but it wouldn't lay me down unless you were a good shot! Think about that when you're trying to protect your house/family. I'd rather have a sword!!! hehehe


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Message 37/147             18-Oct-02  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: guns


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Formant: So, if I have 'AK47/Light Artillery' stickers on my windows do you think they will go after the Smith&Wesson guys instead of me?

Then the guy next door upgrades to 'tactical nuclear weapon stickers' and I'm screwed again right?

I guees i could upgrade tio chem/bio stickers... hmmm...

Or whatever the North Koreans claim to have, which is 'worse than a nuke'

Which reminds me, shouldn't we be invading North Korea now?

If not, why not?

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Message 38/147             18-Oct-02  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: guns


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zactly, zazza.

I'm puttin' in John Tesh stickers right now.


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Message 39/147             18-Oct-02  @  06:52 PM     Edit: 18-Oct-02  |  06:55 PM   -   RE: guns


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suck my Koch!   lol!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 40/147             18-Oct-02  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: guns


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hey!... checkout their groovey techno intro music!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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