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Subject: the force is strong with this one

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  12:28 AM   -   the force is strong with this one


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fat kid + star wars = greater than a sum of its parts.

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Message 31/163             07-May-03  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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This is where I step in. Being fat is not funny, and it's not always "their" fault. Imagine growing up you entire life, being picked on because you were fat. Taunting, name-calling, being beat-up, not having friends, all because you were fat. You didn't know why you were fat, you didn't overeat, and no matter how hard you tried to get thin, it just wouldn't happen. You grow up, build a tolerance, and you just deal with it. It doesn't matter how much talent you have, how beatiful your face is, or how amazing your personality is. No one cares about what a wonderful person you are, all they see is a fat person, and that stigma will never leave you. So, you hit your mid-twenties, still fat, and the doctors finally tell you that you have a disease, a disease caused by infertility and your body's confusion of how to work. So they say, hey, it's not your fault, it never was, it's not your fault you're fat! Well what to do next?? can take these pills to make your body work now, but it took to long to figure out. So, no children for you, and I'm sorry, you're still fat. FUCK YOU ALL who say it's funny and it's "their" fault. You haven't walked a step in anyone else's shoes. Have a little compassion for chrissakes for people who might be different from you. Please........ the fact that this argument is even here, makes me want to puke.


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Message 32/163             07-May-03  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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oh shut up errata. pain is not funny? what are you on about? pain is very very funny, that's why there's a whole subgenre of comedy dedicated to it, slapstick.

misfortune is funny. somebody else's misfortune is even funnier. this poor kid has the misfortune to end up being laughed at for his crap lightsabering. that's funnier still.

everything is funny. sex, life and death are funny. everything in between as well. except steve, he's not funny at all.

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Message 33/163             07-May-03  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Im still sayin it wasnt the fat part that was really the focuse. like E said..if the kid had done it well ( still might be kinda creepy tryin to emulate a light saber fight at his age )...

its just...well..there are clearly some of us here who feel like theyve been hindered by social ridicule, and that is NOT funny.

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Message 34/163             07-May-03  @  06:02 PM     Edit: 07-May-03  |  06:06 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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Please tell me you're joking. Please tell me that you are not completely ignorant of medical conditions that cause obesity. You can't be. Its impossible not to know that in any number of cases obesity could be the result of genetic defect. It can also be the result of poor parenting or simply poverty (unhealthy fattening foods are cheap but filling for the less fortunate). Kids sometimes have very little choice in their diet.

Its always easier to say "its their own fault", isn't it? Making oneself feel better about being a loser whose self-esteem rests upon deriding others is an important character trait to develop when one has decided to become a tool. Perhaps being a tool is a genetic defect as well and the world should have some compassion....? Oh wait, lets just ridicule the tools. That's it! Hmmmm being a tool, wanker, as$#ole, cu@t, spineless coward, etc., is something to be made fun of. Of course, I have a theory that the wankers of the world end up being ridiculed in their old age by kids the likes of themselves.

Puerile name calling has made me feel better now, thanks.

Dharma is real. I've had the pleasure of seeing it in action.

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Message 35/163             07-May-03  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one



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Beds... slapstick is an emulation of pain... it allows us to laugh at our own misfortunes by identifying with it.

Laughing directly at pain, in an existential way is valid... of course it's all funny (death, pain, happiness...), hell what's funny is that ANY of us take ANYTHING seriously. But I suspect those who laugh at this kid are not taking that tact... in fact, i suspect it's more of a "glad it's not me" approach... which makes the laughter sad as well.

Monty Python did a great sketch once on the village idiot... it was hilarious... but in reality, when confronted with this brand of disfunction (or rather, just... difference) how funny is it? If you're laughing at other people's misfotune, you're an ass...

You surely doon't need me to tell you guys that!

Mick, careful with that word, you sound like a religious nut! hehehe


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Message 36/163             07-May-03  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one

Broken Silence

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it may be different now, but fat people at my school definatley have friends. i have no idea where you are coming from saying that fat people are excluded from the society etc etc. Thats gay people now, not fat people (jesus not this discussion please). some of the most popular kids at school are fat and no one picks on them. I was joking about too (hence the :D), but i don't know one fat person who doesnt eat way too much (and we're not talking about salads here). When people say that being fat is a medical condition, then fine its not okay but do you think (this is a generalization) this kid who is obsessed with starwars or whatever is going to the gym everyday and watching his diet? It sure as hell doesn't look like that.

But if you are going to restrict yourself to not lauging at anyone who may have some sort of condition or problem, what the fuck are we going to laugh at? "Hey! you shouldn't laugh at that kid who just ran into a glass door! He may have eyesight problems" or "Now don't tell me you just laughed when that dude busted ass during the silent prayer at church, he may have rectal-discharge syndrome" no, not gonna work well.

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Message 37/163             07-May-03  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one



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BS, that's BS!!!

and I suspect you know it... it's simple misfortunes you're on about... unavoidables. That's SLAPSTICK, this isn't. I'm not saying, "Don't laugh the things that happen to people"... I'[m saying,

"You're an asshole when you laugh at the person and not the event!"

If I hit my head on a branch, It's funny. And we'll laugh together. If I hit my head on a branch and you call me a graceless idiot, we'll have a problem!

Can you see the difference?


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Message 38/163             07-May-03  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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rhyze is dead right on the natural selection part. in this culture, your survival is based on what people think of you. if people had a livelihood outside of society, it would be different.

but why should you care, asshole? you'll always need someone to take the jobs you wouldn't, so just demean everyone you can to fill those slots.

hand up your ass, monkey-puppet.

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Message 39/163             07-May-03  @  08:28 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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"hand up your ass, monkey-puppet"


Where do you come up with this stuff. Xoxos, you really remind me of a guitar player, Palmer, I worked with in Orlando, FL. An infuriatingly caustic wit with a disturbingly keen eye for absurd irony and senselessness. A maddeningly incomprehensible human being sometimes.

I miss the guy. His GF offed herself and I never heard from him again after he related the story to me over the phone.

By the way, did you just agree with me?!?!?!

Does this mean we're on "speaking terms" again? Do I have to, like, be nice to you an' shit?  

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Message 40/163             07-May-03  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: the force is strong with this one


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yes you're right about the slapstick thing errata. that's why cartoons are even funnier. tom, jerry, itchy & scratchy  

you too influx, social ridicule isn't funny.

and you old mick.

i hope this poor kid can laugh at himself later on in life.

btw errata, you're a graceless idiot.

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