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Subject: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Feb-03  @  07:37 PM   -   Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


Posts: 118

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Just wondering........

Aside from the obvious potential threat to Heathrow we are all hearing about, what kind of disaster preparedness is everyone in the UK being told to do? In the US, we are being told to stock up on water, canned goods, radios, and to put plastic sheeting over our windows, doors and ventilation systems. Can our government be any more frightening? I've searched some of the european news organizations and couldn't find anything over there. What have you been told?

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Message 31/52             13-Feb-03  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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(smoking his 8th spliff) "I'm Duct"

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Message 32/52             13-Feb-03  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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Well here's a chemical threat that has already caused
far more harm than Osama and them boys ever will:

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Message 33/52             13-Feb-03  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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If this is the headline "Everybody Loves A War Thug" then this link is it.

OK it's information but will we ever learn after the event either

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Message 34/52             13-Feb-03  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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Well f*cking hell. I just gaffer taped up my Mum and Dads house with plastic sheeting like the yanks have been doing. I only f*cking went and suffocated them. Now I got no one to bail me out when my credit cards max out.

Thanks for the f*cking advice.

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Message 35/52             13-Feb-03  @  11:20 PM     Edit: 13-Feb-03  |  11:21 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Well, I certainly know how Michael Lerner feels. And if the world thinks I am a threat now, just wait till they see what I am like when I'm on Americas supply of Duct-Tape! You've never seen a more sticky and dangerously disoriented chemical weapon in your life.  


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Message 36/52             13-Feb-03  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting

Blue Peter


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and on tomorrows episode we will be showing you how to make a chemical/biological protection shelter from sticky back plastic, used cornflakes boxes and cling film. Also Goldie the dog will be having his bath.

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Message 37/52             14-Feb-03  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting



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Go to this link for a reasoned device you can make at home to protect yourself NOW!!!


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Message 38/52             14-Feb-03  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


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Message 39/52             14-Feb-03  @  12:35 AM     Edit: 14-Feb-03  |  12:48 AM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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That AFDB site is absolutely class. It certainly has tickled me pink!

I also need a worrying amount of sleep.

for(varying conditions) {

The term AFDB instantly makes me think of anaphylactic-database! I have been programming computer code [for major university project] since 9:30am [it is now 12:30am] and I feel all tingly and dizzy!


I'm gonna watch 'Monkey' then die!



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Message 40/52             14-Feb-03  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting


Posts: 1502

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Ah Pigsy!


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