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Subject: Destroy All Media

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Original Message                 Date: 05-May-03  @  11:26 PM   -   Destroy All Media



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check this out:

What's your take on all this you guys? Some extremely lucid points here... A good read!


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Message 31/53             09-May-03  @  04:00 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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man that virus thing was the most frighteningly ludicrous thing Ive ever heard!

you want HUMAN scientists to create MORE organisms?

jeez louise! did I miss your point?

Im all for sterilization after one child. really I am...but a fuckin VIRUS?



(with all due respect;))

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Message 32/53             09-May-03  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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I feel your overpopulation argument, ape, but you would probably agree that no that no true social change will ever come from a governmental edict. If the govt. wasn't what you had in mind, who do you propose oversee the administration of your plan?


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Message 33/53             09-May-03  @  05:04 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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"nah, i really don't think you do.." -x

you're right. I lied... thought it made me sound all deep and shit.

Fuck I wish I could be consistent and pure.


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Message 34/53             09-May-03  @  05:15 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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Ape, you missed my point entirely but I still wnat whatever it is you were on when you wrote that. Please.

Raise your hand if you know the difference between God and "God". ;)

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Message 35/53             09-May-03  @  09:08 AM     Edit: 09-May-03  |  09:35 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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Then perhaps you do miss the point. This would not be governmental edict. It would be a biological factor of existence. No right or wrong, just fact, and the result being the actions required for survival of the human race. Acceptance of the fact that life must be preserved and respected by each and every one of us, or the entire race dies, and nobody takes ANYTHING with them. Nobody leaves anything to anybody else if folks don't get along cuz there will be nobody to leave it to. That's why it has to be contageous. It has to be non-discriminatory. The only things like that are typically micro-organisms. Of course in normal ones there are almost invariably some individuals that exhibit immunity. However there are plenty that have nearly no immunity, like HIV, or Herpes, or Ebola. I'm not suggesting any of those be unleashed in a widespread fashion, just this fertility modifier. Food for thought.


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Message 36/53             09-May-03  @  10:21 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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"However there are plenty that have nearly no immunity, like HIV, or Herpes, or Ebola. I'm not suggesting any of those be unleashed in a widespread fashion, just this fertility modifier"

unh....too late. about instead of some more than likely out of control becoming organism we fucking learn these things, and put them into action? I aint that fucking hard to realize that one child, maybe two, is ENOUGH!

Personally Id rather not relinquish MORE control to ANY "governing body"


I want LESS, not more

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Message 37/53             09-May-03  @  11:21 AM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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"When the is enough enough?" it is never enough, think about envy.

"...removed from their places of controlling others and studied,..." who, by who and who chooses. Anyway it sounds scary and for someone who has been accused of controlling people - you might be in the firing line

I don't know if you have kids or whether you think you are a good parent P but I see parents going through great sacrafice and pain to have first or subsequent children.

Anyway overpopulation is not the cause - competition is, and competition is built in - evolution. The rest of your scheme sounds like Ford MoCo and their covert sterilization program in Africa (besides the more organisms and immunity arguments) AND completely ignores that we have enough food to feed the world already, you should look at US hotel dumpsters.

About your medical tech question we have discussed this before and I think it is a class A example of have and have not. patents last normally only around 1O years from product launch so given that tech becomes commonplace (and there are suitable solutions - which i and many pharma compnaies believe) life prolonging tablets should be available and relevant to the current youth and immortality shots well - there you have it - will there ever be, I have no idea but i am sure i will never know of it, these will be kept and used only by those who control.

I think the thing you ignore is the problem of technology and the lack of respect for the millions of years of behaior. We have developed such technology over the last 2OO years but have made (statistically) no moral progress. IS the problem the tech or the people. People cannot be wrong, so the tech is the problem. OK here we are in tech rich lives continualy (being driven) to substitute ways of doing things and posessions to keep up. Musicians are just as guilty and the people here, possibly especially so, as they exploit the latest and hence drive it's development. I always thought the voice was the most powerful musical instrument, but in todays new improved world this is not enough.

Solutions - information is not saving us, communications are being held and legislated and made available only because they offer much more poosibility for monitoring, OK we can share but if we start to do anything we run the risk of being labelled terroists/reactionary etc etc. Maybe we can grow up but i think only through the school of hard knocks and by the looks of it the race wil loose it's biological and cultural diversity (the very things that are worth the fight) during the process. Sad news really. In the end I gotta go with X and say everyone is a robot - otherwise these topics could actually become something that have to care about and of course death to all humans

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Message 38/53             09-May-03  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: Destroy All Media



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this is a man's man's man's world... ; |

why not propose a solution that suggests or at least
includes control over your little swimmy guys? i have to
wonder, seeing as they are an equal contribution. not
that the idea of a 1 per 5 year cycle isn't delicious, but it
seems a little...canted.

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Message 39/53             09-May-03  @  06:05 PM   -   RE: Destroy All Media



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Man Pongoid,

I'll just say this, you're solution is (as i read it) to change the conditions of our existence in order to change our perspective... am i right? If so, I would suggest that you're on to something (though I'm extremely hesitant to embrace this fairly extreme notion.) But, these behavoural "problems" you describe take place in even small groups. I'm not convinced that thinning the population, or even threatening it, would change peoples attitudes. Like Cheddar says above, it's evolution... we are in the process of overcoming millions of years of domination cycles and survival of the fittest. And yes, a lot of the attitudes you describe are SELFISH and narrowminded and based in that evolutionary drive to procreate. But I really think that to some extent we are getting better.

People have this narrow vision of our own race (understandable, we are narrow and selfish creatures). We look back 10,000 years and see relatively little change in our developmant as a species... but forget that it took 2,000,000 years to get to that point. Give it time, we are still children... as a people we have a LOT of room to grow.

For me, to suggest that we need an artificial breeding dam in place to circumvent millions of years of evolution just seems a bit reactive! Like shooting a guy for flipping us off. There just seems to be little patience in it.

BTW, P... Why was the quote so familiar? (I didn't put anything in quotes in my last post, not sure what you're referring to)... did I "borrow" there?


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Message 40/53             09-May-03  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: Destroy All Media


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"does the shaman own wisdom?" i'd say if they are the sole recipient and it's only preservation, then "yes," for all practical purposes... especially if everyone else is an oblivious robot bastard who fucking sucks and makes my live a continuous wash of agonies.

ethical evolution? i'm going to use the term "white man," regardless of skin tone. it's a matter of convenience. there are, and have been.. cultures in this world that nurture an awareness of consideration.. that all animals are kin.. ..some just tell you they don't have souls, instead of different organs.

higher power, i see i have done nothing here... mick, have you read my license?? ^ if it ain't .txt it's .html - thoughts?

"once they are parents, that's what they are." as has been intended, condoned, promoted by clorox, lysol, bounty.. and most probably most of the musicians on this forum.. you like pizza, don't you! it's the only choice! the only choice! you don't want people to think you're a snob! dance to the hip fucking music.

..and goddamn you if you don't aspire to be the same! may you suffer a thousand cuts!

psy - you're not driven by consideration, you're driven by the desire to be considered clever. if conscience wasn't "in mode" here, you wouldn't give a fuck.

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