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Subject: an announcement - read

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Original Message                 Date: 04-Nov-02  @  11:09 PM   -   an announcement - read


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can we please stop responding to the baiting of trolls like GT & loopy - it's (as they want) creating negative energy on the site.

if you ignore them they'll go away - they just are a couple of young guys getting a kick out of taking the piss and watching the reaction.

ignore please.

if a decent conversation entails over various issues of this nature then fine... but dont respond to 'troll inserts' or troll started threads.

let's all chill and make some good vibes i suggest.

Every little helps, as ASDA would say, and this trolling and the vibe it's making is really wearing on me, I dunno about you.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 31/83             05-Nov-02  @  09:16 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read



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"whatcho need. a little respect.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T." -- Eurethra Franklin

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Message 32/83             05-Nov-02  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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hey k...thing is...lemme ask you america, slavery is OVER and there ARE people who refuse to let it rest

NOT glossing it over, but saying that...aside from the cultural impact, why is it still an issue? Why should it have anything to do with NOW?

Honestly...the race thing is so maddening, because both sides are just wacky sometimes. Anyone mistreating anyone based on skin-tone blown idiocy. But at the same time..things HAVE changed drastically. Its not the same as it was in many ways, and the opportunities are there for the taking, but some folks choose to mope about it, hindering their own progress.

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Message 33/83             05-Nov-02  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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Influx, would you not agree that there is a serious difference between what I think you're talking about - people using it as a scapegoat for something they themselves might be responsible for, versus for example a car driven by a black kid being pulled over in an affluent white suburb just because he's black (and if you think that doesn't happen, come visit me sometime)..

I'd think that there are more people who are legitimately discriminated against than who use race as a scapegoat.. True it does happen, but in my experience it's more likely someone is harassed because of race or gender.

Sad world, isn't it?


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Message 34/83             05-Nov-02  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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That'll explain why a black guy in the US is six times more likely to be convicted and jailed for a first offense than a white guy.. because they moan too much and need a little jail time to sort their whining butts out? Or what? You tell me...

The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S. Although African Americans make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate. In addition, since 1990, African Americans have accounted for more than 75% of persons incarcerated for drug offenses in Georgia and make up 97.7% of the people in that state who are given life sentences for drug offenses.

O, but that's ancient history right? They should just stop moaning and server their life sentences?

Can you imagine what this does to families? Mother's brothers, sisters, children?

A friend of mine got picked up by the police for 'being in the vicinity of a street disturbance while black'. As it turned out he is a gentle, well spoken, highly educated Nigerian who was with his brother at the time (who happens to be a molecular biologist trying to find a cure for heamophilia)... and after his beating at the hands of the police, took them to court and won 10K in compensation. Most people don't have that backup. The police thought they had some street guy who they could intimidate into pleading guilty.. tough on them. And they wasted 10k of my tax money!

His brother recently spent 2 years applying for work and got nothing, no interviews, nothing. It finally occurred to him to change his Nigerian first name, let's call him 'Enoke' for here, to 'Ethan' on his job application forms. Within a week he had 5 job interviews and got 3 offers.

Go figure.

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Message 35/83             05-Nov-02  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read

JX3P0 da white guy


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WOW! I missed something.Glad I did
though.All I know about life doesn't come
through statistics.But here in my town you do
get massive chances as long as you don't kill
anybody.It really doesn't matter if you're
black,white,or hispanic.It more or less
depends on which judge you get.Judge
Fitch(black) will give you a chance at getting
things back to where they need to be.But if you
go up against judge Brown(white) you're
SOL.Now when I shot that guy across town
they didn't print it in the paper cause it was an
everyday ghetto occurance.That just goes on
here.NC has a bad crowd in it in
general.There's not much to do here but fall
into the traps of society.Where I live it's known
as little Jamaica because of the high
concentration of dreads and yardies.Naturally
when you have a group so large that is feeling
so opressed by the system,violence plays into
it so easy.We have 2 cops for each "criminal"
and they roll w/ subgunz and what not.Just
trying to get by day to day in this enviroment is
wicked tough.Look at me for example i'm
white but all except 2 or 3 white people here
hate me cause i'm a "race traitor".I mean
come on that's so wack it's out of line in any
social fabricated society.The thing is if I were
to totally flip out right now and start gunning
down police half the ghetto would hide me
out.They show me more love than any hicks
even my own so called "family" of cousins and
such.They aren't shell people like the resty of
the crackers here.These white people have
nothing better to do than sit around talking
about each other and spreading rumors
around the country club.The coolest thing
about this town is that the police chief is
black,the sherrif is black,and one of the
Superior judges is black.So for a race traitor
like me it gives me a level of security I haven't
found anywhere other than ATL.Sure it's small
and boring but at least the racial purifiers
aren't in total control.Anyway as one of my
homeboys told me i better walk a pretty
straight line cause do a black crime i'll get
some black time.But you know if that's the way
it goes then that's life.Sure I had a choice as
to what peer groups and so on I could hang
with.But my choice was between real people
and shell rednecks.But the way things have
turned out I feel pretty good and proud of my
mishmash culture.Sure I might not have
someone I can go to and ask for a handout
cause most of my peeps is broke.But in the
end to get back love in exchange for being me
is far greater a reward than to be a racist pig
like the other whites.So I guess my whole
point pf rambling on is that to throw out a
stereotype from a lilly white perspective is just
inbred and stupid.So if k can't deal w/ a certain
type of stereotypical behavior than who can
really blame him.It's just not right and shows
your true ignorance if you think that just
because it's a screen and can bounce off of
you like that is dumb.We're all real
people(maybe not xoxos) and expect a degree
of sanity on our computers when we try to
escape whatever it is we call our lives.To be
confronted w/ racial politrix when you come for
the music flys in the face of what k is trying to
achieve here.This is a community and it
allows outsiders to have a place to kick

H- to say the holocaust didn't happen is
disgusting and evil,not some sort of subject
for jokes.Slavery sucked but black peeps don't
"whine" to me about it cause they know how I
feel.This shit gets depressing as it can when
the race card starts flying around.sorry bout
the rambling,just had to say my bit.seen.

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Message 36/83             05-Nov-02  @  11:31 PM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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ok zazza...youre totally running with the ball on what I said

I never said racism doesnt exist. I never said people arent horribly mistreated for such a truly small facet of their "being"

I said NONE of this.

and craig..I live near Irvine, which has a really bad rep for hassling "suspicious" types.

its wrong and there are no two ways about it, but PLEASE zazza dont go putting words in my mouth or making inferences that I didnt make.

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Message 37/83             06-Nov-02  @  02:29 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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Hank you shot a man?!?

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Message 38/83             06-Nov-02  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read



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lol!!! ... it's off again!!!!!!!

oh well... and yes, most non whites I know just get one with it, they dont carry any 'chips' etc - just cos people here are making a pointing something out about the realworld doesn't mean they are bleeding hearts who bang on about it all day.. i never talk about this shit with anyone i know - why should we? - we know what happened, we know we all aknowledge that, we get on with it.

and of course it doesnt mean we think it's restricted to one group of people either. It's in all people/cultures practicaly, we also know that, I've been on the receiving end from both sides abuse wise so I know THAT, and we can all see examples from recent times of each nation genociding their people in all sorts of political or tribal or religious or whatever conflicts... europeans, africans, asians, they've all had a go at it.

So no-ones singling anyone out it should be noted.

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Message 39/83             06-Nov-02  @  09:00 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read


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JX3P0 and K... respect.

I think most (not all)of the users on this forum feel the same way about colour and race. Probably through life experiences and not the the propaganda fed us through our parents or governments.

Assholes come in all colours. Most people here seem willing to accept someone who puts out respect for others but won't tolerate and/or bitch and moan about the rest. Thats why this forum IS different that the others.


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Message 40/83             06-Nov-02  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: an announcement - read

Steve Webster


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I am half black, half white. I think during the last 5 years, attitudes have changed. Being black in England is cool. There are black people in Eastenders, half the english football team is black and even the 10 o'clock news presenters are black.

Alot of inner city white kids have adopted black (street) culture. Especially in the London garage scene. I see black and white kids on inner city London estates getting on great. The Black Mans culture has been adopted neatly and I love england for that.

The real problem is with the asian community. They don't have anything to identify with. No sportsman, not a big asian (nationally) music scene and not alot of asian actors on TV for the asian kids to identify with.

Seriously, I think being black in England is cool now. Being an Asian britian is not.

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