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Subject: Minus one for the doom sayers

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Original Message                 Date: 22-Mar-03  @  08:05 AM   -   Minus one for the doom sayers



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Despite that most (not all) of the somewhat comical protests are funding by communist groups, the US troops are in fact welcomed by Iraqi people....see article.

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Message 41/44             24-Mar-03  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers


Posts: 673

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its fvuckin useless

see what i mean

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Message 42/44             24-Mar-03  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers



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I was thinking the same thing of your words.

Kids aside, adults are invited to give mature points of view.

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Message 43/44             24-Mar-03  @  04:23 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers



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I'm a kid at heart!

Jon, you can't possibly BELIEVE this sh+t, can you? This kind of thing always disturbs me that people in this country think like you.

Ohhhm look, a handful of joyful Iraqi's are happy to see thew white people tearing down Saddam posters. Just warms your shiny lacquered little heart doesn't it?! They cheared when the US forces arrived in Um-Qasar as well. Took 3 days to kill enough of them that they would shut up there. Nasariyia seems to be rolling out the welcome matt as well! Ah, well, I'm sure a few 2000 pound bombs falling on that village will get them cheering in the streets too, eh?!

By the way, I'm a Social Democrat insofar as I'm anything. I don't want to take over your country OR manipulate public opinion. I'm completely fuggin' PUT OUT by the huge majority of idiots who refuse to see MOST situations with a bend toward educated thought.

ANd I'm even MORE put-out by the unfortunate morons who think that now that we're at war it's important to support the war effort. Like it's OK to espouse your beliefs and the sick you feel at the murder of so many people but once the killing starts we need to support the killers!

That's sad...


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Message 44/44             24-Mar-03  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: Minus one for the doom sayers



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Proper link  

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