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Subject: my uncle is not a monkey

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Original Message 1/48             24-Apr-05  @  08:41 PM   -   my uncle is not a monkey


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Cassidy Turnbull (grade 5) presented her uncle, Steve. She also showed photographs of monkeys and invited fairgoers to note the differences between her uncle and the monkeys. She tried to feed her uncle bananas, but he declined to eat them. Cassidy has conclusively shown that her uncle is no monkey.

and other gems. these people are surely fucking mad.

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Message 2/48             25-Apr-05  @  12:55 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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2nd Place: "Women Were Designed For Homemaking"

Jonathan Goode (grade 7) applied findings from many fields of science to support his conclusion that God designed women for homemaking: physics shows that women have a lower center of gravity than men, making them more suited to carrying groceries and laundry baskets; biology shows that women were designed to carry un-born babies in their wombs and to feed born babies milk, making them the natural choice for child rearing; social sciences show that the wages for women workers are lower than for normal workers, meaning that they are unable to work as well and thus earn equal pay; and exegetics shows that God created Eve as a companion for Adam, not as a co-worker.

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Message 3/48             25-Apr-05  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Dangerous absurdity.It's amazing the capacity that some people have for blind,unreasoning stupidity.I think that these creationist types of people suffer from a severe mental delusion.The guys at the top of the creationist dung heap wouldn't ever be cynically coining it in from all the deluded loonies who believe it all would they?.

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Message 4/48             25-Apr-05  @  02:37 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Message 5/48             25-Apr-05  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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I was going to post this separatelyx but since we are talking

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Message 6/48             25-Apr-05  @  08:49 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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what an excellent alien shaped head tony's got

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Message 7/48             25-Apr-05  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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indeed the word "carapace" did form in my mind when I saw him

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Message 8/48             25-Apr-05  @  01:14 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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bloody hell! - it's the baddie from Robocop!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/48             26-Apr-05  @  12:15 AM     Edit: 26-Apr-05  |  12:21 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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well trying to get an image in here...oh well, fuck it. That Tony Ferarri site is well messed. Too funny!!

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Message 10/48             26-Apr-05  @  12:16 AM     Edit: 26-Apr-05  |  12:19 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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fuckin annoying code!!

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Message 11/48             26-Apr-05  @  02:12 AM     Edit: 26-Apr-05  |  02:18 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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"Impaled on a god's eye" hah hah

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Message 12/48             26-Apr-05  @  02:37 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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"Eileen Hyde and Lynda Morgan (grades 10 & 11) did a project showing how the power of prayer can unlock the latent genes in bacteria, allowing them to microevolve antibiotic resistance. Escherichia coli bacteria cultured in agar filled petri dishes were subjected to the antibiotics tetracycline and chlorotetracycline. The bacteria cultures were divided into two groups, one group (A) received prayer while the other (B) didn't. The prayer was as follows: "Dear Lord, please allow the bacteria in Group A to unlock the antibiotic-resistant genes that You saw fit to give them at the time of Creation. Amen." The process was repeated for five generations, with the prayer being given at the start of each generation. In the end, Group A was significantly more resistant than Group B to both antibiotics."

oh great! intentionally creating antibiotic resistant strains of highly destructive bacteria! what a fucking idiot!

that site cant be real. please tell me its not real. please?

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Message 13/48             26-Apr-05  @  02:45 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Influx it's real these people really are trying to tell us that the fact of evolution is only a theory.

The guy in the sky made us all.

I find those kinds of christians to be a bit creepy with that enlightened twinkle that they have in their eyes.

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Message 14/48             26-Apr-05  @  04:44 AM     Edit: 26-Apr-05  |  11:13 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Well if you can't be chosen then you can at least have gods mobile number

Oh yeah Influx - check the link for truth

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Message 15/48             26-Apr-05  @  01:15 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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yeah, BUT while i'm not christain, 'evolution' IS a theory, it's a bit audacious to teach it in schools as fact, it's a not a fact, & while it's logical & probable, it's not a proven 'fact' just like the 'theory' of why dinosaurs dissapeared, etc. There's a lot of theory taught now as fact, so i can see why loopy christians would get raggy about it what with their alt' agenda to push


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 16/48             26-Apr-05  @  01:18 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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what was it someone once said? "If man evolved from apes, how come the other apes didnt evolve"

good question, sounds like tosh to me. I'd say humans were a flawed gentic experiment, hence our appaling behaviour & senseless idiocy  

My Japanese freind says "We are on the earth in a big glass case in a school room. Before, the children made dinosaurs, but they got bored with them. Then they made people. They are starting to get bored with them now also"

heh heh


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/48             26-Apr-05  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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who said apes didn't evolve? evolutionary theory doesn't say that were are descended from a modern monkey, just related to them.

yes evolution is a theory, but saying that the earth is only a few thousand years old and claiming that fossils where put on earth by some god to test our faith is just fucking superstition.

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Message 18/48             26-Apr-05  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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yeah...I was gonna IS just theory. Its ALL just theory. Anyone else tired of folks from any direction claimin to KNOW such things?

anyone tells me they KNOW shit is gonna get a sideways look and see me headin the other direction.

I still think this is a fake. gotta see cheddar's link

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Message 19/48             27-Apr-05  @  01:07 AM     Edit: 27-Apr-05  |  01:08 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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science changes it's views based on evidence a lot of the time (but not all the time). religion responds to science by changing it's own dogma or by blindly denying the evidence.

fuck god

whether that site is a spoof or not, there's no doubt people 'have faith' in this shit.

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Message 20/48             27-Apr-05  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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and science is often just as arrogant and pigheaded as religious zealotry

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Message 21/48             27-Apr-05  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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true, that's why i included a caveat, but once a consensus is reached science has no problem accepting new thoughts. new thoughts are bad for religious dogma.

you're not meant to think. especially for yourself.

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Message 22/48             27-Apr-05  @  02:41 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Im not defending organized religion but "science" is quite often a fallacy as well. How many times have we been told something is concrete, final, or finite only to have the "truth" revealed 10 years later?

Im fed up with anyone tryin to tell me anything at this point!

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Message 23/48             27-Apr-05  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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While everything is agreed - I think the Sci Am article can be taken as "there is sooo much evidence supporting evolution it IS crazy not to assume it to be the most probable cause of what we see around us", hence Sci Am using this specific topic to ridicule the opposition in an April1 issue.

I am out of the theory for a while but while I was in it (and OK I did not get lectured in the creationist viewpoint) I realised it's a beatiful theory and Darwin was a most major boy for figuring it. I do not say 'it's true' i dont know, but everything is a theory (black swan and all that) including the sun rising tomorow morning

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Message 24/48             27-Apr-05  @  05:29 AM     Edit: 27-Apr-05  |  05:31 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Well I take the theory of evolution to be a fact as it explains the diversity of life in a rational,clear demonstrable,observable way as opposed to simple faith in a creation myth that there is obviously no good evidence to support.

Scientists may be overly resistant at times to challenge their own sacred cows but it is eminently more helpful to rely on scientific methods of evaluation because they require proof, and science inadequate as it may be at explaining things to our satisfaction has proven itself to be a far better way of making sense of the world around us than the superstitious ignorance billions of people are indoctrinated with all over the world e.g. today people have scientific rational explanations for birth marks that in a previous age would have got you burned at the stake because the prevailing explanation for birth marks at that time would have been that your hairy mole was a sign that you were in league with lucifer.

Reason is progressive religion is regressive imo.

What do you think of what is written at the above url?

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Message 25/48             27-Apr-05  @  08:53 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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makes sense to me. evolution is fact, the mechanism is theory.

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Message 26/48             27-Apr-05  @  11:42 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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new thoughts are bad for religious dogma

ah, wait... that should read "Bad for CHRISTIAN religious dogma" - Islam has no problems with science, it's based on science in some respects, mentions 'the atom' in the opening of the Koran, and has always encouraged scientific discovery


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 27/48             27-Apr-05  @  11:36 PM     Edit: 28-Apr-05  |  01:00 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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he is being polite
link: flash but...

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Message 28/48             28-Apr-05  @  09:00 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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"evolution is fact, the mechanism is theory."

I duuuunnooooo bout that one. I don't think evolution is self-evident at all, even with the evidence.

The fact is that humans are VERY different from any animal on earth, and we display this with our outrageous behavior all the time. And we came about in a very short period of time. And we also don't really remember much past written history, which doesn't go back very far.

It just all sums up to a fishy situation in my mind... like we have a bunch of pieces in front of us, but we want to put them together in a nice, orderly, linear way that makes sense to us. But my opinion is that our origins are anything but linear (especially in regards to time), and the more we strive to understand what makes us human (i.e. different than any living creature "before" us), the more we'll truly understand our origins and thus our place in the universe.

I know... put on yer boots, it's gettin' deep in here.

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Message 29/48             28-Apr-05  @  09:11 AM     Edit: 28-Apr-05  |  09:20 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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And while I'm ranting, there are some of the persuasion (myself included) that science may not really be discovering anything, but merely experiencing bursts of the same "religious euphoria" that comes in many forms in many religions (healing, speaking in tongues, magic, visions). This breakthrough may come from mere faith alone. Faith heals the spiritual, and some believe it can also lead the scientist to fill and empty category of discovery.

Think about how most research goes about. It starts with a hypothesis... a belief... you then present this to others and try to get them to believe in your belief enough to put money into the effort to prove it. Then you pour years of your life to discover this thing. And lo and behold... eureka! Now, could you not have possibly influenced the outcome of your experiment? Are you really peeking into the absolute, or revealing the subjective?

And for those who immediately poo-poo this kind of talk, check out the page.... they've been collecting data for over 20 years that difinitely shows that humans influence the systems around them, natural or artificial. Summary...

At least science has gotten to the point where theory is outpacing experiment. It used to be that we discovered something in a lab and then tried to figure out on paper how it worked. Now we're devising theories that are absolutely beautiful on paper (when I say beautiful, personally, I'm referring to the theories' symmetry and simplicity amidst complexity... anyone who's into string theory knows what I mean... I think it's beautiful [shrug]), but we have no physical technology to probe the levels of energy we are theorizing. But that's alright, I think, because we can smash particles till kingdom comes and the sun runs dry and I think we'll still see an infinite progression of smaller particles. That's just another lesson in there for us, innit.

Symmetry, Duality, Infinite... it's all over the fuckin place!

Ai, beer gone, rant over... g'night

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Message 30/48             28-Apr-05  @  09:22 AM     Edit: 28-Apr-05  |  09:23 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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ah crap, I messed up the P.E.A.R. link.


why does edit post not work sometimes, k? I can't edit that last one, for example.

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Message 31/48             28-Apr-05  @  10:08 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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"fact is that humans are VERY different from any animal on earth" - rubbish, we have a genetic similarity wth every living thing on the planet thats where evolution is at its strongest in defending it's self from the humans are not animals argument

"behavior all the time" Behaviour is a complex result of many things (many dynamic) but then the genetic inheritance can be traced. A dog behaves like a dog till you don't feed it then it behaves like a wolf - I mean the whole human species is 3 meals away from chaos

" And we came about in a very short period of time." since printing perhaps - but wait - isn't that a mauri over there singing a variant of a song sung for thousands of years, inst religeon just a more formal representation of history? Your society may be hundreds of years old but you cant speak for humanity. Also change in the last hundreds of years has dwarfed change for the thousands of years before.

"what makes us human" - Psy mate evolution is species independent. If you are really saying that humans are different from other animals/living things then we can stop here - is this what your saying, cos if not then human 'understanding' is a sunday suppliment topic not an inherant value

I agree that science is a poorly working device and is as biased any parent for their child, I see it in my work, but what are the alternatives (not that that's and excuse). religons are power bases and without any critisim then this is a tyranny of thought, lets not forget Keppler and Michel Angelo. I can bitch science for fckn hours but I would take it over a faith based system any day of the week

I think the thing I would like to say here is that any massive of theology will result in blind obeyance and I read a sf story recently (Age of Reasons) that raised the point "what is the point?" all these 'advances' and what is the result, what 'good' is it doing, what are we doing. I think there are times when we could draw a line and look at the benefits and the aims and what good it will do. Having said that its me birthday today and I am getting to be an old fuck but really all this rushing and rushing - where is it going and who cares?

happy birthday to me, happy brthday to me.., repeat to fade

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Message 32/48             28-Apr-05  @  11:17 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Alright, Mr. line-by-line motherfucker. I'm game.

--"we have a genetic similarity wth every living thing on the planet thats where evolution is at its strongest in defending it's self from the humans are not animals argument"

This is true, and not to be ignored. But we are not aware of any species that contemplates their condition in quite the same way we do. I think ego and individuality single out humanity from an otherwise truly balanced nature. Systems theory worked great till we came along... why did we fuck it up? That's the distinction of humanity I point to. Our genetic similarities frankly disallow the "we can cuz we're special" clause.

--"Your society may be hundreds of years old but you cant speak for humanity. Also change in the last hundreds of years has dwarfed change for the thousands of years before"

I wasn't talking about the U.S. When I said "we" were young, the "we" was humanity, and the scale is the entire scope of evolutionary evidence. Creatures existed for hundreds of millions of years with very slow evolution, then we come about in a couple million years with our big old brains and communication skills and philosophical contemplation? I don't buy it.

--"If you are really saying that humans are different from other animals/living things then we can stop here"

I hope you understand what I'm saying by this point.

--"I agree that science is a poorly working device and is as biased any parent for their child, I see it in my work, but what are the alternatives (not that that's and excuse). religons are power bases and without any critisim then this is a tyranny of thought, lets not forget Keppler and Michel Angelo. I can bitch science for fckn hours but I would take it over a faith based system any day of the week"

Completely agreed. Given the bevy of as-of-yet-conjured philosophies, science seems to be the most on the mark. I simply pose that it is not infallible, as it is subject to the same limitations of any human belief system. This could easily lead into a discussion of the absolute, which I'd love to hear your comments on, queso.

On the same token, I also cannot discredit "purely spiritual" belief systems as easily as you seem to. No matter how corrupt any organized religion has become, there are examples of the devout and transcendental in every faith. We gotten along with nature for millenia without science but plenty of superstition. Shouldn't we be doing better by now?

--"I think the thing I would like to say here is that any massive of theology will result in blind obeyance"

Also agreed... A world brainwashed into one system would be horrible. I would only hope that anyone of any belief system would recognize that the thing that stirs up the passion in their soul is the same spark that drives people of all beliefs..... the power of faith. Now where does this faith come from?

I think people are completely unaware of the power of humanity.

Happy birthday, btw! I'm staying up late and smokin' one for ya. And for humanity.

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Message 33/48             28-Apr-05  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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"But we are not aware of any species that contemplates their condition in quite the same way we do. I think ego and individuality single out humanity from an otherwise truly balanced nature. " hahahahahaah. animals cannot tell a good coffee from a bad one - eh? - thats your argument?. Animals can feel pain y/n?, they can become more violent defending their young y/n?, they can communicate a range of emotional ind informational content y/n? Moving the goalposts is going to find you right everytime Psy

Humans have no animal predators - except other humans - so we loose most of the day to day understanding of the rest of the animals

"Creatures existed for hundreds of millions of years with very slow evolution, then we come about in a couple million years with our big old brains and communication skills and philosophical contemplation? I don't buy it." So you want the full data supporting all this fast change or else you are going to vote for the "created in a week" brigade. Punctuated equilibrium (Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould) is my asnwer to this , it is a case of evolution which allows rapid evolution within massive periods of no change. There is much more - work by a guy called Carson in the Haiwian island chain - really interesting that suggests that diversity (or speciation events) increase when there is no predator chain (ike what happened when the newly rasied Hawian islands were colonised)

"--"If you are really saying that humans are different from other animals/living things then we can stop here"

I hope you understand what I'm saying by this point." - what are you saying - if you are saying humans are not animals - thank you for playing

"science seems to be the most on the mark. I simply pose that it is not infallible" You need to separate the mechanism of science from what science says. The mechanism is the refereance, that any significant statement is based and includes reference to the originator (these are the shoulders of the giants todays scientists stand on), the other bit is peer review so that when something is published in a journal a bunch of so called experts (otherwise known as the editors mates) at least have a chance to correct or reject an article. But what science says is a function of media editors, patenting and the power of granting bodies (aka politics)

"Absolute" is when you are too tired to go on. I say "you can only find true love when you are exactly not looking for it" (ask about proof). Though you cannot ever ignore the obvious, everything else is a personal take. What is the common in common sense?, maybe there is a road to understandng diversity in understanding

What about the point Psy - I can open a door for the spiritual in helping reign in blind progress - so long as there is no compulsory communial signing  

Do you feel animals include humans or not?

Cheers and have a sip for me

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Message 34/48             28-Apr-05  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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go to bed you fucking hippy.

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Message 35/48             28-Apr-05  @  12:30 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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. Having said that its me birthday today and I am getting to be an old fuck but really all this rushing and rushing - where is it going and who cares?

happy birthday to me, happy brthday to me.., repeat to fade

happy birthday- it was mine yesterday...april babies rule


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Message 36/48             28-Apr-05  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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soneone i used to know once said "when it comes to making baby camels, camels are superior"

i'd strongly refute any idea that humans are a 'superior' intelligence tho, that's complete garbage.

I for one...... etc


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 37/48             28-Apr-05  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Intelligence is an evolutionary advantage.According to our own idea of intelligent behaviour we can see that a pig or a dog exhibits more intelligent behaviour than a sheep or a chicken.We seem to see varying degrees of intelligent behaviour across a myriad of speciesand it isn't related to brain size as crows and rats small brained as they are exhibit more intelligence than a larger brained sheep..If we died out then I'm convinced that another intelligent being would develop to take our place because intelligence offers a great survival advantage otherwise it wouldn't be so evident in so many species.

I also think that self awareness is an inevitable result of developed intelligence.I think the common belief is that our brain has a primitive core that has these big lobes that have developed around that core and that these expanded lobes are where all the appreciation of art and abstract thought,reason etc take place.This is the path evolution has taken us but I often imagine us to be in a race against time will we evolve enough in time to avoid our own extinction at the hands of our own primitive instincts.I believe that empathy developed through reason will at least bring us to a point where we can sanely discuss how to create as pleasant and fulfilling an existence as is possible for everyone on this planet.There is no empathy in a heirarchichal instution with a heirophant on top superiors are only concerned with inferiors to the extent that their superiority is maintained over them.

Religion might even be rudimentary grasping at reason but it can lay no claim to being rational when it refutes the obvious in the service of dogma and makes entirely unsupportable claims.I asked in a previous thread why no one believes in Zeus or Thor(okay maybe a small group do but seriously folks) It makes as much sense to claim the Norse mythological version of creation to be fact as it does to believe the tribal god of the Hebrews created the world.The idea that we are specially imbued with some divine spiritual essence is merely an example of human arrogance and conceit in my opinion and that particular frame of thought has been the cause of some extreme misery.If we could simply accept the fact that we are finite this is your only kick at the ball we might start trying to get some heavenly ideas implemented here on earth.

I doubt that any scientist would ever make the claim that science is infallible or that any given scientist is infallible but that is exactly the claims made by the roman church when they say God is infallible and so is his man on earth the pope.Tell that to Gallileo.

To me christianity (and it's attendant sub cults like creation science),judaeism,mohammedism, whilst I don't deny that they may contain some interesting parables and even some universal wisdom in the body of their beliefs ,belong in the occult section of the library along with astrology,ouija board conversations after dark,theosophy,ectoplasmic visitations, and astral apparitions but if we could simply confine them to the history bin I'd be happy with that.

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Message 38/48             28-Apr-05  @  07:49 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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some class banter in this thread. keep it up folks

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Message 39/48             29-Apr-05  @  09:26 AM     Edit: 26-May-05  |  01:17 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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"If we died out then I'm convinced that another intelligent being would develop to take our place because intelligence offers a great survival advantage otherwise it wouldn't be so evident in so many species."

But is intelligence a survival trait, why is "advantage" not considered in the long term. I mean if we die out - was our intelligence an advantage. Maybe the importance of intelligence is overated. I admit tool wielding has been useful in removing predators and allowing us to scale Mazlo's pyramid but intelligence to do what? However I do like the idea that intelligence is a vacuum and will pull some species into it - sort of makes sense if all is relative

lobes and evolutionary development, like clothes on a savage.

"If we could simply accept the fact that we are finite this is your only kick at the ball we might start trying to get some heavenly ideas implemented here on earth." hear hear

I am worried Psy really does believe he is not an animal

I wanted to add this to the last message but the machine wouldn't let me

As with DNA (is it a crystal?) peoetry break
the crystal become liquid under measurement
(what with question being answer)
fixed free resonation of the line*
Newton's cradle like (feed back with *)

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Message 40/48             29-Apr-05  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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oh really?... i'd say 99% of everything humans do, think & say is habitual behaviour without a genuine 'thought' or intelligent process taking place.

Juts like chickens in a yard


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 41/48             29-Apr-05  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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i seen plenty of them run around with no heads

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Message 42/48             29-Apr-05  @  10:22 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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lol... excellent link cheds!

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Message 43/48             30-Apr-05  @  09:06 AM     Edit: 30-Apr-05  |  09:08 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Well if you wanna get down to it, cheds, I not only believe I'm an animal, I believe that when all is said and done, I am every animal and they are me.

Then if I go there, I have to state my general distrust of the concept of linear time and our being "trapped" in it, which really puts evolution on its ear.... for me at least. How can I believe that A begat B because A came first when I don't truly believe the universe works like that.

I know... hippy shit to be sure, but my beliefs on unity stem from purely mathematical and scientific concepts (that and tripping). Then my respect for spirituality and religious folk stems from the realization that, at they're best, they're experiencing what the mathematicians are describing just by believing in something... a lot.

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Message 44/48             30-Apr-05  @  09:41 AM     Edit: 25-May-05  |  10:02 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Just checkin Psy, If you had of believed you were different I would have been forced to talk about 'we'

I am cogitating the 'time is a crystal' concept with relation to evolution. I like and have known it before but not in relation to evolution. Otehr eternals are theme, intention, arrival/departure (transit as a function of 'outside') , order. Maybe DNA...., hmm. I go out party tonight I will return

So mechanism. Patterns and fractals. zero, infinity and one.
If a butterfly's wing can do this thing the we can do everything
enter the sound of a tree falling in the empty wood or one hand claping

And the crystal is filled except for spaces in the lattice where the atoms can jump (even at very low temperatures). Change in the crystal? not in compostition but arrangement, minute. Exploration of possibilities, with what result? - a change in the properties of the crystal due to the atom jumps. And how to tell what result caused by an atoms jump? Do something/measure/probe the crystal

Subjective and objective are ends of the same line here (experience and separation are the travelling of the line)
The properties of crystal can change as a result of atoms jumping between space in the lattice

And if we change the deffinition of the argument to
i) time being the human conception of the crystal then human is the measurement of the properties of the crystal
ii) the crystal is the human then time can be the measurement of us by us

Interesting note here that if electricity is substituted for time in (ii) then this is shown in crystal studies - that electricity can only flow in one direction through the crystal. Does this mean time and life flow in one direction only. What of the communal ego / mass catharsis and immortality

Can measurement/probing make the atoms jump
can the diversity of the measurment reponses from the combinations of atoms presence/absence in the lattice spaces represent all diversity
Can this diversity be analogous to life diversity
if so can all combinations represent all potentials of evolution, if so then all evolution is represented in the crystal structure and the behaviours of the atoms within it (and so the output from measurment)
Crystal is multidimensional so different facets can be different entry points combined with different measurment points (measurment output location) so appraocing infinite.
Can speed of atom reconfiguration approch zero?

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Message 45/48             30-Apr-05  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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my beliefs on unity stem from purely mathematical and scientific concepts (that and tripping).

class! - that'd be awesome on a T-Shirt!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 46/48             30-Apr-05  @  11:58 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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hehe... dibs on that one. front and back right?

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Message 47/48             04-May-05  @  01:32 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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Would a monkey want THIS

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Message 48/48             04-May-05  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: my uncle is not a monkey


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