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Subject: Male Voice Choir

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Original Message 1/5             20-Aug-06  @  07:42 PM   -   Male Voice Choir

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

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It has come to my attention over the last, er, day or so, that there has been a generally negative depiction in the media of those of the jewish persuasion. Whether Israel has been attacking or retaliating - it's all kill/killed/war/etc

I'd like to add my oar's worth by reminding folk they have excellent male voice choirs. For the last two nights (10ish to 12ish) I've been listening to a group of what I imagine to be some sort of 'orthodox' jews (wearing the garb) singing their stuff in the next field. What a sound! The missus said parts reminded her of the 'Red Indian'-type chanting. Bits made me think I was at Rourke's Drift as another wave of 'em prepared to advance. Yet other bits were more like the sterotypical Fiddler on the Roof thing. There must have been a hundred or more singing. Ai Yai yai Oohuh!

Must buy a portable recorder then this post could have been in the tracks section.

Anyway, anyone tempted to think that Jews are all about the latest military weaponry should listen to some of this.

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Message 2/5             20-Aug-06  @  08:50 PM   -   RE: Male Voice Choir


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what have the welsh ever done for us?

apart from singing flat.

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Message 3/5             21-Aug-06  @  12:54 AM   -   RE: Male Voice Choir

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

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Foamin' jugs of ale served by enmelonedly buxom wenches!

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Message 4/5             21-Aug-06  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: Male Voice Choir


Posts: 274

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Yes, I agree with you Musineer... I recently downloaded a really good mix with loads of klezmer (sp??) tunes on it. Cool stuff.

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Message 5/5             23-Aug-06  @  06:28 AM   -   RE: Male Voice Choir


Posts: 4573

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Pretty soon I'll be working on my second album with the "klez dispensers". I've also done some "messianic jewish" stuff... which I don't get philosophically... but hey it's nice to listen to. Harmonic minor rules!

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