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Subject: Scray shit...

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Original Message 1/55             12-Aug-05  @  09:56 AM     Edit: 12-Aug-05  |  09:57 AM   -   Where god meets dinosaurs


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Message 2/55             12-Aug-05  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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to paraphrase: KILL!!!! KILL!!!! KILL!!!! EVERY!!! LAST!!! ONE OF THEM!!! and let god sort them out

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Message 3/55             12-Aug-05  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Lets rock!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/55             12-Aug-05  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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i used to have a nice bumper sticker which read:

god must love stupid people...he made so many of them.

of course...i had my windows bashed in.

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Message 5/55             13-Aug-05  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/55             14-Aug-05  @  12:40 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe

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Message 7/55             15-Aug-05  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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why is it so scary? why is it so damn abhorrent for people who truly believe to want their faith perpetuated?

I agree, religion really should be a private matter, and if people want their children to believe a certain way they should send them to private schools with the same beliefs, or home school (I think we should all do this anyway since public school is nothing but a conformity factory where those that dont quite fit are often beaten into submission)

what irritates me though is the way you lot ridicule people, as if somehow having faith in science makes you infallible, and those that simply "have faith" are idiots.

fucking bullshit!

science doesnt prove jack shit. everything is theory. we dont know what the fuck happened 15 million years ago. we dont know what happened 5000 years ago...even the written record is often tainted with subjectivity.

quit acting so damn pompous. both sides. we dont fucking KNOW.

the only thing you can really KNOW is direct, personal experience, right here, right now. all this speculation about the past is just useless.

whats wrong with teaching different perspectives then, huh? if science is so damn correct, why do you lot act so threatened by religion? why not allow it to be taught as a perspective?

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Message 8/55             15-Aug-05  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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on top of that, you spelled scary wrong, proving that the scientific viewpoint is fallible


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Message 9/55             15-Aug-05  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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science doesn't say humans came from a rock. straw man argument again. these guys are just plain lieing to further their own fallacies.

"The virtue of using evidence is precisely that we can come to an agreement about it. But if you listen to two people who are arguing about something, and they each of them have passionate faith that they're right, but they believe different things -- they belong to different religions, different faiths, there is nothing they can do to settle their disagreement short of shooting each other, which is what they very often actually do."

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Message 10/55             16-Aug-05  @  02:40 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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i always like it when you get mad influx....i don't know why.
as if religious types are never pompous....that's hilarious.
they never bash people's car windows in or attack foreign nations or burn crosses in people's yards either..
if you weren't so funny i'd say you were plain off yer nut.

but the original sign (see above & look closely before you explode all over the place)
isn't FOR religion's AGAINST the TEACHING of SCIENCE.
it's against the teaching of ANYTHING that isn't biblical.

looking forward to meeting you finally.

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Message 11/55             16-Aug-05  @  08:28 AM     Edit: 16-Aug-05  |  08:59 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Influx wrote:

science doesnt prove jack shit. everything is theory.

Ask any decent scientist involved with these kind of researches and they will admit that yes, it is a theory, but really we fucking don't know. Will any priest/rabbi/whatever admit that their version is merely a theory? No, they can't they MUST believe.

So lets say both versions (theological and theoretical) are wrong. Science will sooner or later figure it out. Church will never. What if - at some point in the future - the scientific knowledge about our past will be essential in saving humankind? Do you really think it is good strategy in the long run to teach children that science shall not be trusted?

edited: ok, I've just talked to a catholic priest, and no, they interpret the whole 7-day creation thing symbolicly. So consider the first paragraph invalid.

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Message 12/55             16-Aug-05  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yeah but Influx, people who subscibe to subjective scientific theory dont tend to also beleive those who think differently are 'going to burn in hell'



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 13/55             16-Aug-05  @  08:59 AM     Edit: 16-Aug-05  |  08:59 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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all good points.

clay, I wasnt defending religion. dogma angers me no matter where it is coming from

beds...damn good point about being able to admit the possibility that you might be wrong/someone else might be right. My mother is a fairly dogmatic born again, and I get in the most venemous arguments with her for that very reason. for the longest time she thought I was a "cultist" (I had an interest in buddhism at the time) and I would try so hard to the point of angry frustration to just get her to say "well, maybe its possible that things happened somewhat differently than the bible says they did. maybe the bible was an interpretation of events, a metaphorical guidebook from one perspective.

but nope. she wont even consider it.

yes, that frightens me. but her wanting her perspective taught in schools while simultaneously allowing kids to drawn their own damn conclusions doesnt strike me as all that dangerous

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Message 14/55             16-Aug-05  @  09:01 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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arent you a muslim? if there was ever a fiery depths of hell religion islam is one of em.

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Message 15/55             16-Aug-05  @  01:58 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Hi Influx

"why is it so scary?" - cos while we can balance science with choice little minds just believe what you tell them. Also it scary cos they prbably make everyone sing communally bfore they get food, brrrrr - thets scary

" agree, religion really should be a private matter, " so why is this shit forced onto unsuspecting kids?, no i think this issue is more scary cos it shows what length political influence will result in. No one has said - "lets just stop all this 'mico fucking evolution' fucking around. Sorry! science's best guess here is that evolution works and just because it runs contrary to your religeouns flavour there is no need for newspeak to mince arund and fuck up childrens heads with basically bullshit. Live with it". Also the fact that there are groups making money out of this is hideous. Just evangelical.... whatever the mid west are bitching about

""have faith" are idiots" - well the ones that stand up outside of their churches and try to force this down anyone elses throat are reprehensible

" teaching different perspectives then, huh?",Its ok if its stats - nice and ballanced and everyone can get what they want, but in reality somee great atronomer is going to end up as an astrologer for the fucked up parents middle of the road attitudes, worse - there will be ambivalent families endiong up getting this crap logic

"allowing kids to drawn their own damn conclusions " hahahahahahaa - see all my points above. Also think about the fashion crimes you committed during your school days - and i bet you though you looked good. hahahaha

The thing that sticks in my craw is that these wasp bastards spend their lives screwing everone (as good capitalists are encouraged to do), get guilty, find god, then spend there time forcing god down others throats. Thats fucking scary

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Message 16/55             16-Aug-05  @  03:45 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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File?:  No file just answered one of my long-sought-after questions brother.......and that is to what extent your mother is, was, and always will be a truly iron pan-handling bible thumper...... the kind that makes you fear women and doubt your own ability to sort out your own philosphical and spiritual matters.
she IS the epitome of all that is wrong with religion and those who will foist their ideologies upon young unsuspecting minds.
there is no kindness there....just wrath and vengeance...the kind which burns in a soul which can know no peace except that waged through war.

you are a hero for having ALMOST withstood this abusive onslaught upon your innocent soul.

so now you should understand WHY we don't want this bullshit in our schools.
and why i don't stand for it from anyone...including my customers...whenever they try to rear it's twisted retarded head in front of me.
america's gotten weird dude......and you're shirking your responsibilities as a rational free-thinking individual......and i'm not talking intellectual......but simply a person with a brain......
everytime we back down to this iron cross mentality which aims to take seige of our government (done that) television (done that) and now our schools.

i won't go on forever because this stuff is absolutely basic and elementary to me.
and worth dying for.

but i always smile when facing my enemy......and it's odd how they become such sheep.
it's not a coincident they can only pick on little children or as adults attack in large numbers.
a few attack helicopters paid for with your tax-dollars always come in handy for such purposes.
and on the seventh day we rested......oh i mean he rested.

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Message 17/55             16-Aug-05  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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as a footnote: on those occasions i was was always by 3 or more guys...
forever teaching me about christ's love.

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Message 18/55             16-Aug-05  @  08:09 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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clay, you never cease to amaze me with your arrogant attitude and willingness to pass judgement on people based on a few sentences. how idiotic can one who claims to be so "universal" be?!?!?

you just personally attacked my fucking MOTHER. what the hell is your problem?

my mother is NOT a bad person, does NOT "thump bibles" and does NOT persecute other people. She has beliefs, and is certain they are right. I question her beliefs all the time and it often results in arguments, but dont you fucking dare try to deduct anything about her as an individual you asshole

how the fuck you decided my mom IS THE clay...youre constantly slinging shit at other people. you are one of the most judgemental fucks I have ever run across, and yet you sit there all smug and perfect (you think) in your little world. Isnt your son a gangster or something? and your daughter a druggie? something along those lines? And youre talking shit on MY mom and MY perspective?

fuck you, clay. fuck you good and hard.

and before you come back with some arrogant smug retort, go fucking read what you wrote you asshole.
"there is no kindness there....just wrath and vengeance...the kind which burns in a soul which can know no peace except that waged through war."

you know...people like my mother, who simply want something to believe in, to create order and love out of chaos and hate (like yours) arent the problem. YOU are the problem. My mom goes out of the way to help people all day long and is sweet and genuine to EVERYONE she comes across. At this point, I wouldnt even let her piss on you if you were on fire.

dont email me. dont even bother to respond to this because I wont be reading it. you need some fucking mental adjustment, clay.

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Message 19/55             16-Aug-05  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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woah, it look like the gloves are coming off here

anyway Influx - where the abuse at me, mine! I put some quality boot in above and not a word in respnse. Having spent time in Glasgow I know to stay away from critisiing mothers but really - it looks like you have to be got to be a MF before getting any response out of you

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Message 20/55             16-Aug-05  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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eeeeeee..... you could see that coming, peoples' mothers is a place you dont go - especialy in public - You fucked up bigtime there Clay


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 21/55             16-Aug-05  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yeah... did that once to some punk kid, only to have his whole gang jump out of the shadows at me. shoulda seen that one coming tho. young and unwise, i was....  

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Message 22/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:06 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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your mom for my two kids...fair's fair but i would've rathered it be my mother for yours.
i was about ready to share some classic fond stories about my dear old mum too......but alas i love the dear....and since we're too mad to participate once again......oh well.
anyway...our mothers!.....freud was really onto something there but i think john lennon said it best.

as for my son he worked a solid day with me again without a word of complaint and he kicked he has a regular job of his own.

my daughter don't do drugs. she's head of the graphics department at her company....she seems to be well-liked...her boyfriend is extremely talented...
she understands the difference between exploring buddhism and being a cultist
to her credit....she is able to anger without exploding on a regular basis.

but you're probably do need to drink less.

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Message 23/55             17-Aug-05  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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anyways, back to the subject. I spose it is a little irritable that they teach Darwinism as FACT in schools, it kinda irks me that much theory is propogated in schools as if it is undeniable scientific fact, perhaps loopy christians would be more calm if they called it 'a theory'

but hey, you'd then be teaching kids to think, & we cant have that can we  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 24/55             17-Aug-05  @  02:26 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yeah mums are off limits which is a bit of a bitch- especially when your flat mates mum is so overtly racist i can't even listen to her at times- problem is she comes round every week....would love to tell the guy- never will....


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Message 25/55             17-Aug-05  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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But it's "JUST a THEORY"
Version 1.0
Copyright 1999 by Ken Harding
[last update August 24, 1999]

This is such a common complaint about evolution that it deserves a page of it's own. This comment is born out of misuse of the word theory. People who make statements like: "But it's only a theory; it's not a scientific law," or "It's a theory, not a fact," don't really know the meanings of the words their using.

Theory does not mean guess, or hunch, or hypothesis. A theory does not change into a scientific law with the accumulation of new or better evidence. A theory will always be a theory, a law will always be a law. A theory will never become a law, and a law never was a theory.

The following definitions, based on information from the National Academy of Sciences, should help anyone understand why evolution is not "just a theory."

A scientific law is a description of an observed phenomenon. Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion are a good example. Those laws describe the motions of planets. But they do not explain why they are that way. If all scientists ever did was to formulate scientific laws, then the universe would be very well-described, but still unexplained and very mysterious.

A theory is a scientific explanation of an observed phenomenon. Unlike laws, theories actually explain why things are the way they are. Theories are what science is for. If, then, a theory is a scientific explanation of a natural phenomena, ask yourself this: "What part of that definition excludes a theory from being a fact?" The answer is nothing! There is no reason a theory cannot be an actual fact as well.

For example, there is the phenomenon of gravity, which you can feel. It is a fact that you can feel it, and that bodies caught in a gravitational field will fall towards the center. Then there is the theory of gravity, which explains the phenomenon of gravity, based on observation, physical evidence and experiment. Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity replaced the less accurate gravity theory of Sir Isaac Newton, which was the first complete mathematical theory formulated which described a fundamental force. ...


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Message 26/55             17-Aug-05  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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what's interesting is how evolution involves that little phenomenon which has the greatest capacity to wipe human existence off the face of the earth> the virus.
now this desire to survive is so strong within them that scientists can actually leave them in a dish
only to return and find that they've actually changed their appearance and personality.
they actually become something other than what they were a short time ago.
it's as if it were man's destiny to become this thing...this powerful intelligent wise and knowing thing with all his skyscrapers and elctronically guided nuclear missiles so we can step backWARDS and chant:

6 days
6 days
6 days

6 days
6 days
6 days

6 days
6 days
6 days

what we won't finsih the virus just might.
is it god?

back 2 one.....


evolution is.


always will be.

......until we evolve ourselves right out of existence.
a perfect circle back into the void from which we came...still not knowing a thing.
but drinking and shouting nevertheless.

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Message 27/55             17-Aug-05  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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having a slow start this morning so i'll sit here and continue instead of rushing off to this marathon job i'm on>

it's odd what a parallel can be drawn between the discussion of our mothers and the discussion of
having evolved from apes.
and to what extent we are so resistant to squarely look at that from which we arose and give it objective definition.....simply because the meaning we give her is so strong and represents nearly everything we are on this earth.

just as there are those who cringe at the fact that we evolved from apes.....and long before that from some primordial tell a guy his mother is a fat unthinking slouch who does nothing but eat chips all day and glare at the tv dreaming of elvis's tantamount to getting murdered.
no matter how true it can't say it because it is a reminder as to the
very nature of who we actually are.
the fact that your friend has now become a fat unthinking slouch who eats chips all night and watches tv and dreams of being rambo has no connection whatsoever.
it's just that you're an asshole for bringing it up (even if you didn't).

same with the refined white dude with the hoity toity perfect society mom and now her very own perfect hoity toity prick of a son.
same same.
like mother like son.
the saying used to be "like father like son" but it hink we have to look at our moms....seriously.

and though i love my mom to's a short one:

not long after she first learned to drive after my father died.....we're at a very quiet intersection with no signs.
a car is coming from 1+1/2 blocks away......a very great distance. i see it coming and know how fearful my mum is about driving and assume she's going to wait a ridiculous 5 years to let this vehicle i say NOTHING.
i have to go to school and don't want to be late and don't want to upset her as she is easily i remain quiet thinking the day will come when the car will pass and we will cross the road.
well.....the car is finally about to pass when hard-step the gas me mum does and right smack into the vehicle.
of course.....young mcc> is like FUCK MOM WHAT THE FUCKIN HELL YA THINKIN~?~??~?~
didn't ya see the damned car. what are ya retarded? blind?
and she's like OH!!!!! i DON'T knOW!!!! i don't know!!!....quit yelling at me.

anyway.....mother....she raised us and therefor she is god and if we doubt that we will
she is not some little loving kindly confused once-sexy well-meaning monkey like evry other mom
in the world.....she IS god.
it took her 9 short months to create's a mystery how so we'll just leave it at that.
but keep your flame retardant suits handy because i seriously doubt any of you think she is god.
we should know better.

6 days.

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Message 28/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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even Hitler had a mom

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Message 29/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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I think religion is a dangerous state of delusion,so dangerous in fact that it I think it would be healthier for the human species if we could eradicate it from our minds with education.I used to think that it was ok for people to believe what they want but when people are willing to kill themselves and others due to religious beliefs then I think the time has come to remove religion from the decision making process.Questioning our beliefs leads us to discovering flaws in our thinking religion requires unquestioning belief.

Religion has had an overwhelmingly negative effect on human societies for many centuries it uses up time better spent in more useful activities,it is used to justify the most horrific acts.If people could simply realise that life is a one way trip with no 72 virgins at the end,or fluffy cloud land with angels and harps or whatever the tempting scenario offered by the druids may be,maybe they would try to improve things in the here and now where it really matters.

If I bought a big synth from some guy and said to him

"I'll pay you a thousand times your asking price for your synth but only when you are dead."

What do you reckon his reply would be?

Religions(particularly monotheistic ones) promise a similar thing to my mind

"restrict your life to these archaic occult rules and for doing this you will receive your hearts desire once you are dead."

All believers in gods rely on faith not observable,demonstrable facts,faith is simply believing that something is so with no evidence whatsoever to support it.Science may not be able to prove everything yet and may never be able to,but it has proven and continues to prove many things to the satisfaction of our reason.Anecdotal evidence is too flimsy a robe to cover the contradictions of religion.
Epicurus said

"If god is willing but not able then he is not omnipotent."

"If god is able but not willing then he is malevolent"

"If he is able and willing ,whence cometh evil?"

"If he is neither willing nor able then why call him god"

his question still stands the god followers have never answered it.

"Those jesus freaks they're friendly but

the stuff they believe has got their minds all shut"

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Message 30/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Sidenote on viruses: the most succesful ones do not destroy the host organism. The death of the host will eventually lead to the death of the parasite. The more the host lives, the better the chances for the virus to reproduce, spread and - mutate (and therefore: evolve, because the unworthy versions are terminated by natural selection).

It is not unlikely that one day we will be able to control this process and eg. turn lethal viruses into harmless ones (or vice versa).

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Message 31/55             18-Aug-05  @  10:48 AM     Edit: 18-Aug-05  |  10:49 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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It's scary because these people have given given up their critical faculties for received wisdom.

This leads to pointless wars, persecution of the 'other', repression of rational thought etc.


Allah is the one true God, his law is the only law.
Jehovah is the one true God, his law is the only law.

Work that one out with a pencil!

There is a mountain of evidence for evolution with more accruing daily.

Religion, unfortunately, isn't evidence based, it's faith based.

A religion is just a cult with political power.

Personally, I'd like to see my own 'theory' presented in schools:

We are all candies in a cosmic candy jar being eaten by a giant superbeing, we call this death.

I base this view on revealed wisdom (The giant superbeing spoke to me in a dream).

Prove me wrong!

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Message 32/55             18-Aug-05  @  11:20 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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I am not sure we can have any data to compare goodness/badness of religous/non religous worlds, but I do think it's a cop out facing up to you as a point in a big world and how you gonna get through your years. The big why question remains popular also, could be hormonal  

"Sidenote on viruses: the most succesful ones do not destroy the host organism. The death of the host will eventually lead to the death of the parasite." not true is it transmits well.

But selfish DNA is interesting and if the choice of which genes (rather than the presence/absence of 'a' gene) and at which stage of the organisms development is considered then this school BS could actually be changing/evolving those kiddies evolutionary outcome.

"It is not unlikely that one day we will be able to control this process and eg. turn lethal viruses into harmless ones (or vice versa)." Maybee it's the change thats important not the outcome...ponder ponder....

Zazza - would those be the insect overlords much praised here

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Message 33/55             18-Aug-05  @  11:49 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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well i for one welcome our new giant superbeing overlords!

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Message 34/55             18-Aug-05  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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or as a wise cabbie once said:

there is nothing certain but death and taxis...

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Message 35/55             18-Aug-05  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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insect overlords, that's sooooo 3 years ago.

"We have evidence that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe."

May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendage.

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Message 36/55             18-Aug-05  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Message 37/55             18-Aug-05  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yery good

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Message 38/55             18-Aug-05  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...

Steve Roughley

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Rags wrote:

Sidenote on viruses: the most succesful ones do not destroy the host organism. The death of the host will eventually lead to the death of the parasite. The more the host lives, the better the chances for the virus to reproduce, spread and - mutate (and therefore: evolve, because the unworthy versions are terminated by natural selection).

It is not unlikely that one day we will be able to control this process and eg. turn lethal viruses into harmless ones (or vice versa).

Isn't it that viruses have a natural host that they do not harm, its just when they end up in the wrong host that it causes problems?

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Message 39/55             18-Aug-05  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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even Hitler had a mom

oh yes and she is my my brother was also born on hitler's birthday and now a 4-time felon (god bless him) and ready to take (and has taken) whatever he can from whoever he can get it.....that can't forcibly be repaid in this life.... but nevertheless>>>>>people LIKE HIM.
but for those who think i use astrology as a religion.....conversely i see it as scientific...perhaps not fact but thru general observation and it's always been my belief that there's some truth in every generalization....whether one can find specific exceptions to the rule or otherwise.
with that's interesting to note the absentees here......though not surprising.

my mother always said don't discuss politics and religion and 30+ years later i realize she's always voted republican...which is basically AGAINST ME......her brain turns OFF at regular intervals and
though i wish it weren't true......
she is like the majority of cool nice polite civilized people who support invasions
and whatever the basis of that invasion might must be right....cause she so badly has a need to relate to it.

i think pict made the wisest most clear concise statement of all...perhaps i shall make it a bumper-sticker:::::::::faith is simply believing that something is so with no evidence whatsoever to support it.

to that i add:

i should drink more often and take a day off once every 20 days.

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Message 40/55             18-Aug-05  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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full moon yell @ me only think i'm nutty?!??!.....

it's "thanks bro".

he knows who takes care of shit or at least TRIES.
i do too.

mama's baby boy simply striving to evolve.

white stripes....really?


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Message 41/55             18-Aug-05  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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my only brother just told me how much he loves and appreciates me for taking care of matters.....often to my detriment.
shit....i'll go the distance for a brother's love....especially if he's my ONLY brother.
and she's my ONLY mother.

some guys are just such pussies.

roll call!

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Message 42/55             18-Aug-05  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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it basically comes down to this.
people who lie.
and people who hide.
usually they're one and the same.
people who hide behind the lie.

my client fully understood my need for a day off.
judy's great.

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Message 43/55             18-Aug-05  @  10:43 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Steve Roughley wrote:

Isnt it that viruses have a natural host that they do not harm, its just when they end up in the wrong host that it causes problems?

There are different survival strategies, and if my memory serves me right HIV (or its predecessor) is one of those viruses which cause chronic illness to the animal hosts as well. see:SIV There are other types which can stay alive in different hosts without causing any illness but need a specific one for reproduction (malaria).

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Message 44/55             19-Aug-05  @  01:20 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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is mcc talking to himself again?

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Message 45/55             19-Aug-05  @  04:49 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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ooh yeah very scray that and sorry.
a little reminder why i stopped the drink....especially on full moons.
it does get old.
seriously reminds me of my story about how my mom's brain disengaged right when that car entered our lonely intersection.
it's like here it it comes....okay turn the brain GO!

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Message 46/55             19-Aug-05  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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Police tracked him down from a computer disk to the church where he was lay president of the congregation and arrested him after matching his DNA to old samples from crime scenes.

He said he had a compartmentalised situation where he had social contacts. Thats what he would call his family and people at church, Captain Sam Houston testified. And he would, under Factor X, be the serial killer.

Detectives said the former dog-catcher, who started torturing animals as a child, told them he used a squeeze ball to strengthen his grip after finding his hands turned numb when he strangled people.

Its rough. They dont go down like in the movies, Rader told police after his arrest in February. As evidence of his fascination with bondage, the prosecution showed the court a photograph Rader had taken of himself wearing womens tights and a bra.

They also projected slides of photographs he had taken of his collection of bondage paraphernalia.

The prosecution said that Rader fantasised that his victims would become his sex slaves in Heaven.

A husband and wife he murdered were to become his bodyguard and bathroom attendant in his S&M Heaven, while their young son would serve as a sex valet and their 11-year-old daughter was destined to be his star young maiden. A later female victim was to be his sexual bondage girl in the afterlife, another his mistress.

Rader, who served in the US Air Force before marrying in 1971, began his murder spree in 1974 with the killing of the Otero family. He kept notes on all his projects.

He said he picked Josephine Otero because of her Hispanic background. He called her Project Little-Mex. Intending to tie up the girl and her mother for a thrill, he found the brother at their house as well. After strangling her family, he took Josephine to the basement and hanged her from the neck so that the tips of her toes could just touch the ground.

He told her: Honey, youre going to be in Heaven tonight with the rest of your family. She finally lost the strength to support herself.

Three surviving Otero siblings, who were not at home that day, attended the hearing.

You are such a coward, Carmen Otero Montoya told Rader. Its amazing to me that you could be so cruel to a sweet, beautiful little child.

# Dennis Rader is a husband and father of two grown-up children
# Nicknamed himself BTK for his preference of binding, torturing and killing his victims
# Murdered ten people aged nine to 62 in their homes between 1974 and 1991
# Played cat and mouse with police by sending letters, crime scene photographs and jewellery to the media
# Lived in a suburb of Wichita, Kansas, the area terrorised by the killings
# Was the local animal control officer and the president of his Lutheran church

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Message 47/55             19-Aug-05  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...

The Moujik

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Rags - malaria isn't caused by a virus.

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Message 48/55             19-Aug-05  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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The Moujik wrote:

Rags - malaria isnt caused by a virus.

yeah, that's right, its not.
well, at least I can use this new animated "duh.gif"

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Message 49/55             19-Aug-05  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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"The question is how much damage will be done before we start taking concrete action," Mr McCain said at a press conference in Anchorage. "Go up to places like we just came from. It's a little scary." Mrs Clinton added: "I don't think there's any doubt left for anybody who actually looks at the science. There are still some holdouts, but they're fighting a losing battle. The science is overwhelming."

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Message 50/55             20-Aug-05  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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s'funny thing religion cos if you were going to write a book about 'The prime force of evil' working a massive 'grand deception' over the world, then the classic dupe would be for humans to all busily be following 'Good' and thinking they are following 'God' and all thinking they are working against evil when in fact this act of adhering to 'God' is actualy the one thing that stops them from actualy being peaceful & living in harmony... sortoff classic double wammy stuff straight out of Revelations

damn!... where's John Grisham when you need him, lol

trouble is, you cant ban religion so we're fucked basicly forever  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 51/55             20-Aug-05  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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full moon yell @ me only think i'm nutty?!??!.....

C.R.A.Z.Y over the rainbow he is C.R.A.Z.Y.

hope you bro' is not putting himself in trouble again hombre de arcilla.

ah! religion

look my children
look into the sky
tell me what you see ?

GLORY for days....

follow me

tut tut tut tuut tut tu

We are the other people
We are the other people
We are the other people
You're the other people too
Found a way to get to you . . .

Do you think that I'm C.R.A.Z.Y.?
Out of my mind?
Do you think that I creep in the night
And sleep in a phone booth?
Lemme take a minute & tell you my plan
Lemme take a minute & tell who I am
If it doesn't show
Think you better know
I'm another person

Do you think that my pants are too tight
Do you think that I'm creepy?
Better look around before you say you don't care
Shut your fuckin' mouth 'bout the length of my hair
How would you survive
If you were alive, shitty little person?

We are the other people
We are the other people
We are the other people
You're the other people too
Found a way to get to you

Baby won't you buy me a brand new suit
Like they wore in '62
I wanna be in the latest craze
I wanna be in the news
Wanna get my name on the front page
'Cos my suit was all the rage

I wanna be teenage
I wanna be teenage
I wanna be

Baby won't you buy me a pair of wheels
Ten lights and shiny chrome steel
You can be my Lambretta lover
Put your fox furs on my grill
Get your face on the TV screen
You know you're my teenage dream

Baby won't you buy me a real flash car
Tail fins and wire mag wheels
We'll ride on down the freeway
With the police on our heels
Flashing on their speed trap screen
Fastest thing they've ever seen

Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream

C.R.A.Z.Y. over the rainbow i am C.R.A.Z.Y.

put on your red shoes and dance on the yellow brick road,

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Message 52/55             20-Aug-05  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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"trouble is, you cant ban religion so we're fucked basicly forever"

it still might become obsolete one day... i think the process is called evolution or something  

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Message 53/55             20-Aug-05  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Message 54/55             20-Aug-05  @  10:43 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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My point is the same

This is unimportant bolox, this liliputian argument keeps us from the real issues. I don't says we shouldn't talk about it but using it to let out your frustration with the real issues is a cop out

more tea anyone

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Message 55/55             21-Aug-05  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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earl gray please

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