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Subject: question about scotland

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Original Message 1/7             14-Apr-11  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: question about scotland


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two days ago a woman asked if we could hook up at around 8ish the next day meaning not really at 8 but near 8. it brought a question to mind. if someone says they're scottish does that mean they are not really from scotland? 

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Message 2/7             14-Apr-11  @  01:36 PM   -   RE: question about scotland


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hmmm, itseresting

So Sean Connery is going thru his lean years in the 70's & 80's when he couldnt get much work... he's at home.. the phone rings... it's his agent.. Sean get excited!

Agent says "So Sean.. I think i've got a job for you.. you have to be at such and such a place, tomorrow, for ten-ish"

Connery pauses, and then says.. "Ten-ish?.. But I don't even own a racket!"



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/7             14-Apr-11  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: question about scotland


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hahaha. omg. 

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Message 4/7             15-Apr-11  @  01:24 PM   -   RE: question about scotland


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Dear Lord


"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." Hunter S.Thompson -

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Message 5/7             17-Apr-11  @  12:15 PM     Edit: 17-Apr-11  |  12:24 PM   -   RE: question about scotland


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Remember Spot ?  He runs a hotel up in the Scottish Highlands now, in a small town called Evanton.  I've been up there a couple of times to visit. The Scotch are drunken animals.  Pastey faced, heart attack prone, deep fried mars bar eating drunken animals.

I've been drinking in the bar with them until 5am, staggered back to my hotel room and passed out. Woke up with a severe hangover and had breakfast in the hotel restaurant. When I've gone walking back to my room the same Scotch locals are back at the bar at 11am to repeat the entire day/nights drinking exploits again. Whilst I'm ready to poo out my liver they are already half drunk.

Animals you hear. Animals.

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Message 6/7             18-Apr-11  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: question about scotland


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I beleive there is a crazy drink called Buckfast in Scotland, fortified wine with massive quantities of caffeine.

It's like Scotland unique answer for Redbull, i think there are some
"buckfast" videos on youtube.

They are a hoot, sort of.



SafeandSound Mastering, low cost, high end

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Message 7/7             26-Apr-11  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: question about scotland


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I'm suprised they havent tried to deep fry the drink in batter.

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