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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 61/113             07-Jul-99  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

Rambling madman (you have been warned!)


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I think a true full-blown psychedelic experience could really change a persons life for the better. E (which I don't regard as being a 'full-blown' psychedelic by the way) has been used with succes in psychiatry.

Having eaten way too much shrooms once, getting the worst trip (so far) of my life, spending some weeks after that trying to reintegrate in society again, Is something I experienced and wouldn't have any of the people I care for need to go through.
But... for me that trip planted a seed and totally threw my life around in a very positive way on many different levels (personal, career, values,.. ). And although I wouldn't do it again at the moment, I don't regret having done it, and might do it again in the future.

But really... the term 'drugs' is being used too general to often...
For me drugs are coke, crack, heroin, speed, jellies, tranquilizers, ... And there's a HUGE difference between these and shrooms, lsd, mescaline, dmt, 2cb,...
I don't know exactly where to put E though... it's a nice 'gateway' psychedelic, but only the first few times it seems.

Hey... told you I was a 'Rambling madman'.

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Message 62/113             08-Jul-99  @  03:31 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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i think it's fair to say, that with all these things, even the guy who has a few beers wakes up in the gutter one night after way too many and says - "never again in my life"... heheheh everyones gotta experience both side of it, as they do most things they flirt with... if it's down to a 'saving lives' thing of your loved ones, care and protection... well we're all nonchalant about cars, but i do recall ive lost more people to them than drugs.... so with that sorta carnage going on (y'all remember the "more people killed weekly than in vietnam war" thing.. well car carnage is always going up regardless of airbags & side impact bars and all that bollox)... i think it'd be hypocritical of any one to suggest that societies self-appointed guardians have a balanced setup...

also i think it depends what you beleive... see, if we had no cars, and drugs etc.... would the same people die anyways ?... at the same time ?.... some people beleive so

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Message 63/113             08-Jul-99  @  08:30 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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hmmmmmm.....gimmy a moment to think about that!........To some a car is a necessity, to me even.....a drug is NOT! One makes a drug a necessity, or chances it becoming that. All I'm trying to say is, what's the point? All I know is one day some idiot gave me a cigarette, a month later I was half a pack a day, two monts later, a whole pack....Now I can barley breath when I walk up a flight of fucken stairs.....I wish I never started smoking, but I did. In other words I gave myself an affliction I could have definitely done withought! No one ever know how they will handle something, all I know is, thank god it was a cigarette I was introduced to instead of heroin, coke, or tweek!

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Message 64/113             08-Jul-99  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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I also fell prey to the cigarette thing.. Was it good? No. Did I get hooked? Yes. Did I think I was too smart for my own good? Sure. Fuck I was 16... BUT: DO I THINK THERE SHOULD BE A LAW THAT SAYS PEOPLE CAN'T SMOKE IF THEY WANT TO: NO!!!

And the question of whether or not I would want a loved one dabbling in whatever... Of course not... But approaching it from a legal perspective, that's irrelevant. My point is that it's not something our governments should have a right to dictate to us... I'm not saying that the anti-drug and anti-booze and anti-smoking campaigns are bad things... I'm saying that those campaigns should be the vehicle for people who care about these topics from the opposite side of my particular fence to voice their opinions... Not to have the government ban whatever it deems "unsafe".

Here's a good example: In the county I live in, it is illegal for restaurants to offer smoking sections (without full enclosure and seperate vetillation). I know most of California is like this too. Anyway, I don't think it should be the government's business to tell a business owner what to do with his establishment. If an owner doesn't want me to smoke in his establishment, I won't, but I don't want the government pushing those people or me around...

My $.02


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Message 65/113             08-Jul-99  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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so what are the reasons behind prohibition?
Are they relevant as we enter the next decade?
I will put one reason to rest...
Overdose deaths=Statistically meaningless.

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Message 66/113             08-Jul-99  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

Flux Grid


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Until very recently I was as straight edge as they came. Now that is slowly changing. In highschool I saw people getting bombed and screwed out of their heads to "escape reality" or what have you. Personally I never saw the point of it, and I don't regret my choise to abstain. Now several years late rI think I'm ina much better postion to try these things if I want to. I have preset limits to what I will and won't try, I'm sure everybody does, but where does one draw the line? And you are more likely to cross that line the closer you get to it. If you want to do drug etc. that's fine, but's when it starts affecting other people thatthere is a problem. Hence governmental regulations (designated smoking sections). You guys are right though, where do they draw the line? Pot is very much the same thing as alcohol, and safer physically than cigarettes. Caffine is legal, what about downing 10 cappacino's? I still think moderation is the key, and if a person has an excessive personality than maybe they should steer clear.

Sorry for the rambling train of thought.

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Message 67/113             09-Jul-99  @  05:45 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Just gotta say...Mindspawn..I think you took that dude wrong up there when you lit into him...Im pretty sure that he was on "our side"...
This is one of the coolest threads Ive seen here...its quite impressive to see how well spoken some of these arguments are...
I gotta disagree with the statement by more than a few that "all drugs are the same"...drugs of a purely organic nature have a place in our bodies..a little "niche" if you will. I remember reading an essay that explained clearly that this is why certain substances get us high...there are receptors that "accept" these substances, allowing them to trigger favorable (soemtimes) reactions. If there are no receptors=no "high"...
now..these natural substances, being "acceptable" in our bodies, to me seem far less harmful than other substances that do not...the closer to synthetic a substance gets, the closer to totally foreign it is to our bodies and the more harmful it is! This "receptor" theory has holes..cuz how are things like PCP explained...since wack is purely synthetic, then how can our bodies accept it and let it get us hi? The answer is...poison...poison..poison. and the reaction seems pleasurable in minor amounts...
Im not making sense now. ..smoked one too many superkools  Final word: ADDICTION IS A FUCKING CHOICE! No two ways about it...somebody said that if someone does some coke you never know what will happen? BULLSHIT! If that person ends up hooked, there was a certain point where they said "well..this is getting out of hand, but...fuck it..gimme another toot.." and took that step knowingly NOT BLINDLY!!! And oh yeah...regulation sucks...I DO NOT want anybody telling me what to do with my body/mind/dick/whatever. It is none of their business, as it is none of mine what they do with theirs. AS SOON AS MY ACTIONS INFRINGE ON OTHERS THEN I NEED TO BE REGULATED. This I firmly believe...if you hurt someone else then it is up to the community to keep you in check. But since our government has lost all concept of community this has become impossible...

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Message 68/113             09-Jul-99  @  05:59 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Eh, Influx? Agreed. I was already scathed by some other folk on that account. I respectfully withdraw my statements as directed to Ison, but remain committed to the ideas the statements were directed at. See how drugs can make you misinterpret things. Evil weed..... (as he stairs into rings of thick pungent smoke wafting away lazily toward the ceiling).

Peace Out


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Message 69/113             09-Jul-99  @  06:02 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Hmmm, well where do i start. I lived in London from 1992-1994. My mate turned me on to some E and we went to Heaven and Trade on Saturday night. I never liked MOS, and most other clubs were naff as fuck. We once tripped acid in Hyde Park, watching the flower pots twist thier tops and seemingly laugh with incurable joy. I was laughing to, but scared at the same time, think about it. I personaly believe hemp is okay to smoke, but I don't smoke it any more (my deep personal beliefs and piss poor memory  

My last trip was on a microdot that last near 20+ hours. That my friend was the last time ever I tripped on anything, E or acid. My point is, if you take something to many times; for to long, you'll end up losing in one way or another. Now I am 29 (still in college   making A's. I don't regret what I have done, for I can feel a deeper meaning of art and music. If it grows natually (right from the ground only) then do it, otherwise leave it alone, i.e. acid, pcp, e's ect.

Ensure you are hurting no one with whatever you do. If you are effecting your family's pride and joy by them seeing you OVERUSE drugs, then reconsider your ways. Love those who love you, and forgive (and bloody ignore) those who give you grief mates.

Lastly, for you dance heads life me self, you CAN dance your way into a trance like state by not only listening to the music, but letting the music move you with its own feeling. I am originally from Chicago, "jackthehouse Nation". I been a dance head since around '85, and now I produce some chunes of my own(BT'ish and PVD) You really don't need E and trips to really get in the groove mates, you just gotta get IN that groove, saving your heart valves, some brain cells, ache'n jaws, and about 25 quid.

Regards and Peace to all


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Message 70/113             09-Jul-99  @  06:08 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Mad props to me boy Influx ! Properly said mate.


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