aaa Who is the enemy - The lounge forums
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Subject: Who is the enemy

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  01:42 PM   -   Who is the enemy


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Really if the US is spending more on military than the rest of the world combined then ...who is the enemy?

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Message 61/138             03-Nov-02  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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and those lazy rich people get on my nerves too... hiring fancy lawyers to evade tax and writing themselves huge bonuses and share option deals, then just giving all those stolen millions to their spoilt brat kids.. up against the wall with 'em!

Hey, what happened to kenneth lay .. is he in prison with his stolen money confiscated yet?

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Message 62/138             04-Nov-02  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy



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i guess kilo pussied out - lol!

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Message 63/138             04-Nov-02  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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dude...zazza...what the FUCK are you on about?

I didnt say I like the fat rich fucks either! and corporate welfare is disgusting, but I'll be DAMNED if Im gonna subsidize someone else who refuses to contribute

me personally...Im pretty much self sufficient...I dont taz the system...

but...what are you getting at? can you drop the facetiousness?

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Message 64/138             04-Nov-02  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy



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influx, sincerely i say, you make laugh my ass off ;)

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Message 65/138             04-Nov-02  @  07:57 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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uh oh

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Message 66/138             04-Nov-02  @  08:05 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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wanna explain that too? whats so funny about what I said

I dont appreciate being ridiculed or talked down to...but Im not even sure thats what you fuckers are doing

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Message 67/138             04-Nov-02  @  09:02 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy



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i'm not speak whatcha feel, and that's cool.

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Message 68/138             04-Nov-02  @  10:16 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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Vote Zazza!

tax, gansta, rich corupster, finacing the status quo.

Look at the numbers, % wealth held by % pop, countries of money, who does what, politic Inc.

All this efficiency where does it get us..? busier and more frightened for our jobs. "3 day week" thats what I say. Lazy people oooh you naughty lazy doing nothing people while the peasants work all hours and the well educated coerce the strategy everyone thinking of those weekends and how you naughty lazy people watch Celebrity lawnmoving live on the afternoon channel.

I have been unemployed - it was ace

I think we should consider free and quality time within a nations wealth. What is akll the point of this industry (except to consume irreplacable resources, keep boss wealthy and country tax coffers flowing)

I think people are stupid, sell the gift horse for an SUV

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Message 69/138             04-Nov-02  @  10:42 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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I'd rather pay for a single mother and her kids than all the other shit that my tax money gets spent on is all i'm saying..


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Message 70/138             04-Nov-02  @  10:48 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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I wouldnt "rather" any of it! got me wrong, man..Im not some howard roark industrialist thinking that all time should be spent DOING SOMETHING...

I just dont believe in leeching. If you can be self-sufficient then laze away!

hell...I dont work much...but I take care of myself. Im not getting checks...but have in the past because I worked since I was 14 and I had paid into that system

point is...too many leeches...(and not all of them are "poor people" either!)

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