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Subject: Would YOU sell a track to POP?

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Original Message 1/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:39 PM   -   Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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So I'm doin' little today, and thought I'd stir the pot!

Screw politics, religion and other coffee house banter... Here's one to really get your feet muddy.

Would you sell a track to Britney, Christina N'Sync et al... ???

Come on kids, fess up. $50,000 for a 5 minute fluff number filled with "Philly Hits" and one note bass lines...


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Message 2/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:40 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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yes.. what's your point?

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Message 3/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I know no one will believe me, but I just don't agree with what theyre doing, and I would be a chump to help perpetuate that crap

Of course, I am not starving, not homeless, and dont have kids to support. If that ever happened I would hope that I could find some alternative, but if it came down to actual survival, well...damn that would be a tough one. Would I die for these ideals which are ultimately just a bit lofty?

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Message 4/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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me too,

but um, er... Techno is the new punk rock, and um... uh, we're not sell outs and... and

I bet this crowd's to old for this to work!


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Message 5/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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dunno..the e-music as truly underground thing has totally faded as far as Im concerned. Sure there are pockets, but the way Ive seen everything handled...its almost all standard MO.

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Message 6/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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"me too,

but um, er... Techno is the new punk rock, and um... uh, we're not sell outs and... and

I bet this crowd's to old for this to work!


me too as in you WOULD?

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Message 7/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I would and put the money to good use..

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Message 8/73             02-Oct-02  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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I got this little hunch they'd never be interested
in any of the crap I turn out

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Message 9/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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well that too.

and Ive heard the "put the money to good use"...but...oh hell I should probably give up

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Message 10/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Well, if u could write a song for britney what would you call it?

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Message 11/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:28 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I'd do it. Me and my mate churn out pop songs for this very purpose. No joy yet though. Britney, Kylie, any fucking one really. I sell my music all the time, animation, tv, and you don't get to keep royalties a lot of the time, so getting a very popular singer to sing one of your songs is a very good deal, seeing as you get the royalties. (unless they change one word in the verse just so they can have a cut)

I really don't see a problem. If i was some very good producer, then i might think twice about remixing any of them, but writing a song for them? any fookin day. I'm hardly gonna be a popstar myself and i can't sing, so if i can write a tune, what's a poor welsh boy to do?  

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Message 12/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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"but um, er... Techno is the new punk rock, and um... uh, we're not sell outs and... " LOL
two letters.. B T

my girlfriend is so cool.. she is playing super Mario on color gameboy... and she just started to play ps2.. she is slowly turning into a geek like me ..yeah!

My friend works at Microsoft and i was chatting with him and he said

"somedays i feel as i should wear knee pads to work"

its all about money... and as of now i am broke... if i wanted to support myslef thru music and not do anything else then may be.. i really dont wanna be a part of pop industry But I would like to do music for video games or movies.. and the style of music i am doing is definreltey not gonna be on a movie or game that wold take a chance so no big movies or etc.

food is good

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Message 13/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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It's a double edged sword, in all seriousness. I probably would do it, if it paid well. It would have to be a fairly sweet deal. But I think I do have a price to some extent.

That said, I don't know about actualy signing with a lable for my own work. See, I could divest myself of personal interest if I knew I was writing a crap commercial track! And then I'd have no problem. But if it was to pimp out my hard work, I'd have a different answer...

I'm personaly way more in to live performance than releasing records any way! But who knows???


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Message 14/73             02-Oct-02  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I guess thats true too

but..the thing is...if its something you disagree with, and then you do something that helps it move along...if you contribute, then youre contradicting yourself...

aww fuck I really dont know. Sometimes I think Im so fucking full of shit and living in some dream world

I hear that a lot from people

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Message 15/73             02-Oct-02  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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don't support that untalented shit music.

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Message 16/73             03-Oct-02  @  12:24 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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oh come on. you can come up with more than THAT cant you?

what if you REALLY needed the money. Not just WANTED IT (which far too many people call 'need') but were hungry, no place to live..or were at least facing eviction, etc?

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Message 17/73             03-Oct-02  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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it's hard to imagine having the option to sell a track to Britney's production team when you can't make rent. I mean, these huge pop tracks pay thousands, not groceries.

that's what I'm getting at. Not, will you starve for your art... but do you have a PRICE!???


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Message 18/73             03-Oct-02  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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so youre what point do standards (real or perceived) get pushed aside?

what number?

me..I wouldnt do it. I dont want to be yet another whore. plenty of em out there

b-sides..this is all stupid. Aint no one gonna want my shit for a pop song, and I couldnt write one if I tried

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Message 19/73             03-Oct-02  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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I said the same thing too.. The type of music I make wouldnt be in anything mainstream anyways... so no worries about some people in bussiness suits knocking on my door and give me a huge cardboard check like Publishers Cleaning House for million dollars to remix a Britney Spears yeah.. no is good.

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Message 20/73             03-Oct-02  @  05:37 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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ive slaved long and hard to scrape together what
might be called a decent home studio/setup. and
now everytime i hear a pop/dance/cheese song on
the radio i'm tempted to throw one together and
make some of my money definitely gonna
keep doing my own shit and push that...but if my
pop career takes off ill just deny everything i
said here  

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Message 21/73             03-Oct-02  @  07:38 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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sure, support the major labels more why doncha :O cause them fuuckers are going to pay YOU loads , right?

shit on that idea i say. Support you local indies peeps.

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Message 22/73             03-Oct-02  @  08:10 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Slight misunderstanding there "w" "cause" it's not record companies that pay writers money it's the public buying records. In the uk it's the PRS that collects royalties, not the records companies. I don't think that record labels give writers a big fat cheque for writing a song, it's always the possibility of royalties that's the payment. If it doesn't sell, they don't get payed.

Songwriters don't sign to a label and churn out tracks for a wage, popstars might.

You have a problem with major labels? Would you write a song for George Michael? What if Prince wanted to cover one of your songs? (if you don't see the relevance of those two, then go read)

Yes, major record labels have killed music, but that means you shouldn't write songs for popstars?

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Message 23/73             03-Oct-02  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I have a price.. at least for writing a stupid song for britney...

I'm a teenage mutant pop whore,
Come on grandad, one more time...


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Message 24/73             03-Oct-02  @  09:45 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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it doesn't rhyme ... come on grandad, want some mo-ore?

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Message 25/73             03-Oct-02  @  11:10 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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yes, definately - think of the money and what you can do with it.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 26/73             03-Oct-02  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Hell yes I'd sell her a song. Would I spend any money buying that crap?!? Hell no  

There's your difference Influx. Why shouldn't you take the labels' money? They've taken enough of our in the past. If you ain't buying, you ain't supporting. But I'll be damned if I wouldn't take money from the sheep!!

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Message 27/73             03-Oct-02  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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I'm not sure if I would have done it.. it really depends. If I personally like their stuff I would have done without a doubt. That's for sure, but I'm honestly not sure if I would have done it only for the money and the fame.

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Message 28/73             03-Oct-02  @  04:45 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I would do it if the song were in any way original and unique to the pop world. I know it doesn't happen much, but every now and then I hear something that's not been done before (at least on the radio) and it's good shit (at least until the 30,000,000th play). If making mind-bending trip music is your thing, then your pop song should have a bit of that in it (I'm thinking Madonna's Ray of Light here and a few others). Why would you put out something that's COMPLETELY not you? Then you can get pigeonholed into a style that you don't like all to make a buck? Not me... I'll go work at Radio Shack or something slightly less depressing.

Not having to do shit we don't want to for money is the hallmark perk of being a musician. It should make us happy not to be drones like everyone else. And if you're poor and starving and don't succeed, at least people will understand, "hey, they're a musician." :}


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Message 29/73             03-Oct-02  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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is there a disticntion between writing a song and the label getting someone else to produce it / or "producing" the track yourself and then getting britney to sing on top? are they both as bad as each other? pop songs are about melodies not about compression settings on your layered kick drum  

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Message 30/73             03-Oct-02  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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"pop songs are about melodies not about compression settings on your layered kick drum "

I wouldn't agree with that - if anything compression etc is MORE critical for radio/pop


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 31/73             03-Oct-02  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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k's right. 13-year-old girls always sing along
with compression settings.

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Message 32/73             03-Oct-02  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Message 33/73             03-Oct-02  @  10:07 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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"Slight misunderstanding there "w" "cause" it's not record companies that pay writers money it's the public buying records. In the uk it's the PRS that collects royalties, not the records companies. I don't think that record labels give writers a big fat cheque for writing a song, it's always the possibility of royalties that's the payment. If it doesn't sell, they don't get payed. "

actually this isnt true here in the US:

a)Bands get lured in by offers of HUGE (recoupable) advances, and,
b)almost never see ANY royalties due to creative accounting.

the record companies control the royaltie payments for the most part...

it really is a sham. no two ways about it

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Message 34/73             03-Oct-02  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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lol @ d!  

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Message 35/73             03-Oct-02  @  11:46 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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yeah roles ahve changed so much... the whole industry is geared to systems implemnted years ago, but then isnt alot of life?.. like we have stuff the www can do but cable technology to peoples front-door is years behind - by now it all should be optical.

But anyways.. in the old days the publisher paid to gett he songs recorded so that a deal could be obtained.... that was always what they did because after all without a listenable product they had nothing to sell. And they are supposed to go out and get a deal too.

Then you get the doubledeals, where the publishing is a condition of the record deal and the company owns it all, both rights.

you can form your own company and collect the royalties, or sub-licence the publishing to a large publisher...

I think there is two types of pop production - the one where the track is constructed round a song probably written by a guitarist or at a keyboard... a self contained song, and that's mor elike a constrction process to me cos the production really doesnt do that much to the product most times.

Then you got the more organic pop song whoich grows out of a collaboration between writer and producer so it might have more character.

there's alot of work in both technique and arrangements to get contemporary pop/rnb BV's for example, half of it is in the recording processing mix techniques and the rest is the ability to arrange layered vocals interestingly.

The overall effect on some of the better commercial pop is quite lush tho... I mean, mebbe if you look at it like a job, with emotional detatchment to some extent (in the right areas) then it can be fun, anyways it's not as easy as people think... you gotta compliment the basic song and at the same time get a unique sound, and work to get the best out of the singer/s etc.

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Message 36/73             04-Oct-02  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Pop is art

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Message 37/73             04-Oct-02  @  10:35 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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art is arse

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Message 38/73             04-Oct-02  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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arse is pop

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Message 39/73             12-Oct-02  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Pop My Arse for some art

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Message 40/73             13-Oct-02  @  08:30 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Pop Stars the Fame Rivals Academy Extra....

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Message 41/73             13-Oct-02  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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would you pay to pop a pop star's pimples?

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Message 42/73             13-Oct-02  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Or pay to pop poppies with a pop star or perhaps his pop?

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Message 43/73             13-Oct-02  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Pop People park pink pimple parkers, Paul

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Message 44/73             14-Oct-02  @  12:56 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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pay a pretty penny to ponder pink's pudenda?

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Message 45/73             14-Oct-02  @  08:54 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Message 46/73             29-Oct-02  @  05:47 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Techno IS the new punk rock, but man, It'd be hard to say no to Kylie Minogue on an electro-clash track.

Dave Clarke feat. Kylie Minogue
watch for it!

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Message 47/73             29-Oct-02  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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alliteration is funny.

But seriously, 50k worth of gear is alot of gear. you could buy things like...the tb 303 that has a devilfishmod 2.1 on it that is selling on ebay right now for starting price 2200! oh the extravagence!

for real cash though???
one of my e-music profs does the music for the amazing race, and some other random tv shows and commercials. he is well off and all and all he does is music, but he COULD RETIRE right now at age 28 based on his projected royalties alone. he gets several hundred bucks everytime they play one of his commercials, which air on 5-10 of the various superflous cable networks, like Food TV and that kind of crap.
if you can make trite jingles, theres money for you!

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Message 48/73             30-Oct-02  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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As much as I don't like pop, maybe not to go so deep as to not like the idea of it or any of that really making me think kinda stuff I have a couple of beats that I've made that could totally be a r&b track or trendy pop song...How would a broke college student go about selling or trying to sell a song to a pop producer or label or whatever?


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Message 49/73             30-Oct-02  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Hmmmm 50k or remain underground... I wouldn't mind whipping up something for 50k. HAHA if they offered my 50k per track and can guarentee they would keep paying me 50k per track, i'd probably turn pop. Sure you have all these ppl who would say you sold out but sure you can be sitting there in your $2k chair laughing with your grands. I mean even if your favorite artist decided to go do pop, you still would support them, would you not? Every artist has this little something about them that you can link to their music. No matter what they make - they still have that flair.

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Message 50/73             30-Oct-02  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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" I mean even if your favorite artist decided to go do pop, you still would support them, would you not?"


and..mind if I ask why you need a $2000 chair? And mind if I ask why you think that is some sort of validation?

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Message 51/73             31-Oct-02  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Because i wanna be a rich hardass who spends money on shit i don't need. but the real point i'm tryign to get across is that alot of people find it hard to turn down that much money - no matter what your status is. I mean if you already earned your credits - you may reject but if you are one of the little hard working ppl in the business trying to get heard - this could be your way out even if it leads you in a different direction. And the reason i mentioned 2k chair is b/c a friend recently talked about getting one when she digs up the cash. Some type of artsy type of shit.

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Message 52/73             31-Oct-02  @  02:17 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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earning money is one thing...and we all need to do it NO doubt! Gotta eat, gotta have shelter, nice to play around some times.

but its the $2000 chair that gets me. So incredibly unnecessary yet people think they need this sort of shit...

its a vicious cycle. spend more, need more, spend more...and it just keeps goin on and on and on

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Message 53/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:40 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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well it's all relative innit?

I'm sure nearly everything I spend money on looks like mindless self-indulgence to someone in the third world who's watching his family starve to death...

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Message 54/73             31-Oct-02  @  10:00 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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this is true, too.

but...gluttony is not relative. it is clearly evident when present, no?

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Message 55/73             31-Oct-02  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Message 56/73             31-Oct-02  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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really. you honestly dont think so?

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Message 57/73             31-Oct-02  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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i do think so. Zazza's right. And it's gluttony to people in India that americans have such a varied diet. But this is known to be healthy (not the way americans do it, I'll grant...)

And to a family that is concerned about where food is coming from tomorrow, the free time we have to post conjecture about them is obscene!! But we do have it, it's a luxury and we should be thankful for it! But it is relative. The $2000 chair in and of itself is just a chair. If you've sold your ideals, and notions of right and wrong! Acted out of character for the sake of a $2000 chair... well i'd call that gluttony. If yuo act out of character for a head of lettuce to feed your children, I'd call it necessity!

Is the $2000 chair gluttonous at Bill Gates' house? Not really... He is obscenely wealthy, but he also see's his wealth as a responsibilty! His Gates Foundation Doles out a billion dollars a year! Now, he still lives quite comfortably, and perhaps he simply has a case of Noblesse Oblige... but if he were on equal financial footing with the rest of us, where do you suppose that Billion dollars would otherwise be going?


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Message 58/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Well its really the reason why you want the chair. Is it so you can show off your wealth or did you buy it to sit in it to feel how it feels to sit in a 2000 dollar chair.

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Message 59/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:16 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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sorry but a $50 chair works just as well.

we're definitely spoiled here, but not everything that is above the "bare necessities" is gluttony

best to look up the definition first. and yes, it is clearly visible when observed

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Message 60/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Well I did look it up:


Excess in eating or drinking.

So yes, I guess there is an easily defined threshold of gluttony, which is that which goes beyond what is necessary to maintain your health.

I think most Americans, even the thin healthy ones, probably do this on a regular basis. People are out of touch with their bodies' needs.


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Message 61/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:56 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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its not just eating.

but hell...I should quit setting myself up as hypocrite of the month

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Message 62/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:58 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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heheh, me too. We're way OT anyway.

but if yer gonna be literal, gluttony is only about eating. I guess there's another word for what we're talking about here. Materialism?


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Message 63/73             31-Oct-02  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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i heard john travolta's just bought his own jet liner.

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Message 64/73             31-Oct-02  @  10:39 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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you betta shape u-hup!
cos i need a man!
and to me you must be true!

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Message 65/73             31-Oct-02  @  11:23 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Yeah, I hear you just bought a car!

Are there any tall skinny Americans that aren't on speed?

Hypocrites are us...

I'm your man.... baby!


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Message 66/73             01-Nov-02  @  02:53 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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50 dollar chair! ha, you spoiled. I'm sitting on a friggin cardboard box. AHAHAHHA beat that.

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Message 67/73             01-Nov-02  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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sure i sat on milkcrates for six years and i was programming a MIRAGE on 3 tracks of tape cassette  

there's got to be some kind of award for people like me..

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Message 68/73             01-Nov-02  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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I didnt say I had a $50 chair, holmes. I got mine from the trash at the college 

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Message 69/73             01-Nov-02  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Milk Crate!!??? Carboard box!!???

Bloody luxury.. in my day we had to sit on 't sharp end of srewdriver and record onto a wax cylinder!

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Message 70/73             02-Nov-02  @  01:54 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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from trash?!? I had to take on four guys to fight for my box. I think i took some guys' home.  

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Message 71/73             02-Nov-02  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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an award? you don't consider 'roids and a carp in your tunnel an award?

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Message 72/73             02-Nov-02  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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droids fighting a giant fish in a tunnel? sounds exciting and mysteriously arousing.

besides, i have a great series of scans of waffle-buttitis!

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Message 73/73             02-Nov-02  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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waffle-buttitis, lol!  

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