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Subject: why i am happy about the elections

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  01:21 PM   -   why i am happy about the elections


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this probably fits into the category K doesn't want posted here.

so fair warning... if you are offended by the topic of abortion quit reading. and take this point: i am not telling you what to believe, i am telling you what i believe so take it for what it is, an opinion.

ok i think that the republicans gaining control of the senate is the absolute most important thing to ever happen in the past 30 years.

this means that bush gets to appoint judges without having them blocked left and right. so just as clinton did before him, bush can put people into positions of power who are anti-abortion.

i think that abortion is the biggest travesty against human life in america since slavery.

just as the white slave owners of the blacks said that they were not human and thereby justified thier actions in pursuit of wealth i see the same thing happening today.

then it was 'these slaves are not humans therefore to gain wealth and happiness we will abuse them and do as we please with them... since they are not humans they have no rights'

today i see people saying the same thing:

'it doesn't matter that i have created a baby because it isn't a human being. i need to go to college/work/whatever so that i can be happy and prosperous. i will therefore do what i like with this nonhuman so that i can persue wealth and an easy life unhindered'

what exactly is the difference between the slave owners and the current people who choose to take human life in order to serve themselves?

i believe that *should* roe v wade get overturned in this country it will be a great stride forward for all humanity.

extremely inflammatory comment here: if bush gets abortion outlawed or at a minimum pushed back to a states right to choose america will be standing in defense of the helpless and needy.

i am aware many do not agree with me but that is fine. many people were against lincoln when he tried to abolish slavery, afterall they weren't humans.

you guys can slam me if you want (used to it) but this has to be the most important civil rights issue since the MLK days and it affects people of all colors and nationalities indiscriminately.

i hope that justice comes for the innocent lives that are lost every day in the name of greed and selfishness.


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Message 71/122             07-Nov-02  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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i like that alot errata.

or you could say instead of living many lives, we live one in which we see division, for reasons unknown, of time and space and we sense this evolution of self and species that in actuality always was. that's what really throws me for a loop when I start thinking about evolution and life and death and meaning. it gets very difficult to accept the conclusions I come to sometimes...

gonna go sit in the corner and think now  


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Message 72/122             07-Nov-02  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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what am I saying? tomorrow's my birthday and I'm not working.

I'm gettin' fucked up!!

See yall latah!


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Message 73/122             07-Nov-02  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections



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Happy birthday psylichon! mine's on Saturday!

Up with Scorpio's! Down with the proletariat!


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Message 74/122             08-Nov-02  @  12:13 AM     Edit: 08-Nov-02  |  12:15 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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yes, penblwydd hapus psylichon!

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Message 75/122             08-Nov-02  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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we are meaning machines...

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Message 76/122             08-Nov-02  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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happy birthday psy!

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Message 77/122             08-Nov-02  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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". I just want to point out, though, that I did a search in this thread for the phrase "I don't care what you think" and the only person who said it was you."

a little late in the game, but uh...when did I say "I dont care what you think, Formant"?

you know...Kilo made a VERY good point. Abortions ARE done factory style. Counseling is offered but its assembly-line

and people OFTEN get torn to shreds emotionally over the whole thing. Its a fucking horrible decision to make.

I'll tell you what...I got a girl pregnant when I was 19. I felt like the biggest fucking asshole idiot on the face of the planet. Fucked up thing she was ON THE PILL. Yes.

so...when she told me she asked me what I thought she should do, and my first thought was the "easy" route...but all I said was "It's your decision and I will go along with what you decide"

What she did decide was something that rarely gets mentioned. ADOPTION. There are MANY good families out there that cant have babies and would be thrilled to adopt.

But most girls say "Well..>I couldnt handle that"...but...what about when you KEEP the fucking kid and SUCK as a parent?

just another fuck up loose in the streets because YOU "couldnt handle it"

in any we gave her up for adoption, and I was fucking TORN for the longest time, but here I am...not a role model, not someone who would do the best job raising a in those circumstances I know the right choice was made.

in all honesty TO ME it seems barbaric and horrific the whole abortion thing

My beef is with legislation...making it illegal. Just opens too many doors and closes even more.

but again...adoption.

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Message 78/122             08-Nov-02  @  01:28 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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Aside from the fact that you, formant, are NOT everyone else, and nor is Bush, and should have no RIGHT to ENFORCE your morals on someone else, (morals being something subjective and non-concrete in the first place), there are other things to consider:

Our population is growing exponentially. That means that it doubles itself, I think the latest figure was every 9 years... and that gap is getting smaller. So in about 20 years, we will double our population in about 4 or 5 years. Catholics better rethink their strategy. I , for one, have no problem with abortion, even if it is considered a life. Ho-hum. It's your own conscience. I wouldn't do it. But it bothers me not one bit if someone else does.

Second: People will still get abortions. But what happens is Bush takes another step at widening the ever growing class gap. Rich people will get abortions in other countries. Poor people wont because they cant afford plane tickets or meds, and have more illegitamate children that they cant feed, which perpetuates their downward spiral of poverty.

I don't expect you to change your mind.

But you have to see where us, who dont believe in your morals because there is no rational REASON to believe in your morals, are coming from.

We're all doomed anyway, at Shrub's hand, I'm sure. So I suppose its a moot point.

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Message 79/122             08-Nov-02  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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two catchphrases from "dad's army"

"we're all doomed" (scottish accent of course)


"don't panic" (english)

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Message 80/122             08-Nov-02  @  01:37 AM   -   RE: why i am happy about the elections


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"there is no rational REASON to believe in your morals"

unless you think killing is wrong?


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