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Subject: Number 5 has arrived.

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Original Message                 Date: 10-Mar-03  @  12:24 AM   -   Number 5 has arrived.


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9th of March a baby boy(after 4 girls).Mother and child doing fine.

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Message 71/80             30-Mar-03  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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"Little theory pah! Its true, systems and systems but I am not aware of any reproduction based autodestruct for men. "

prostate cancer, innit?

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Message 72/80             30-Mar-03  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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"Psychological LIMITS of our biological architecture? HA. " Well..., what are all these classifications and biologists running around researching the exceptions. We are more similar than different thats why we are species, as to thinking, well to separate thought from any physicallity (though not nessecarily joined) they are likelz to be, else society will have you in soft rooms in special clothing being fed through a straw

"Psychological li"it's a common fallacy that having children will carry on one's own opinion. " Not if your opinion is to not have children - aahh

I hear you and i thought i covered that, the point i try to make is that we are natural first and the natural reason to be here is to make more. I respect your opinion (I did share it with you before i married) but to argue this cycle, no matter how sophisticated the modern argument, is like tackling a tsunami with inflatable armbands.

"bury the human mind's capabilities in all the ways modern man created just for this very purpose" I don't know who you call boss but this is exactlz where the wheels come off, you think this is organised, believing the "latent potential" primer you got free with the cornflakes, we are nothing special we are animals man! (does this explain how we behave toward each other and the planet) its response, change and response and numbers matter, the more experiments the more chance. OK nowadays where evolution is not the factor in perpetuating the species it is a little neither matter here nor there as it constitutes such a minute fraction of our developmental story, but doo watch that space

"why, then, the fight against cancer? " Thats societal care and the hipocratic oath or money and pharma companies if you want to look at it that way, but thats another story

I don't want to rub anyone ip the wrong way but cafe room reasons have no place on the African planes, besides kids are ace, fun, loving little bundles and i love it.

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Message 73/80             30-Mar-03  @  08:04 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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"thank heavens, for little girls.
without them where would little boys be?"

Charles Aznavour..

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Message 74/80             30-Mar-03  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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oh yeah...the ones next door are all laughing and putting out the garbage and watching pops and granpa z preparing the sunday barbecue. mom's inside braidin hair. it's nice when the truck tells me it's time to u-turn home so we can change the plugs.

like the captain "suggests" in his epic> universe according to geoffrey brown....
we inhabit....we earthlings consume and pollute and destroy's going too fast to stop the machine....find a girl or boy....enjoy kisses under the stars....all to lovely music.

i haven't heard an incorrect argument here yet.

but i think we're missing tha beat.

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Message 75/80             30-Mar-03  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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So you still think we are animals. This is where you will discover, in time, that you are most likely wrong.

I'm done. Fuck all of you.

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Message 76/80             30-Mar-03  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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yes of course, some edge of a box like 'Fertile offspring" while determining our current actions (love base anyway) - its an arbitary, or at least a something else

animals yes - what else?

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Message 77/80             30-Mar-03  @  08:37 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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here's to french wine....dead german composers...and some age-old african rhythms.....

all of us naked...with bits of hair...farting away etc....all of us. okay the exception.
yae no craeture to this earth.
well of course not~

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Message 78/80             30-Mar-03  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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didn't realize when you put those arrow brackets in you disappear the content in between>>>>

shoulda read:
okay the exception. yae no craeture to this earth. well of course not~

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Message 79/80             30-Mar-03  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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"So you still think we are animals."

What are we then... aliens? ;)


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Message 80/80             30-Mar-03  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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cheddar surely you can think your way out of "we're more alike than we are different.." hmmm... could there be any reason why the majority bear a trait of similarity? hmm.. "assimilate.. assimilate.." heh, you funky automaton.

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