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Subject: Matrix Reloaded

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Original Message 1/90             27-Jan-03  @  01:05 PM   -   Matrix Reloaded


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Ok.. caught a link to the Superbowl trailer for this on Aint it Cool news and I gotta admit, it looks pretty fucking impressive... that AND the teaser for the Hulk...

Any thoughts?

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Message 2/90             27-Jan-03  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Def Z


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I caught both as well. I think Matrix looks like it could be good, but I get the feeling that the Hulk will be like Godzilla - a good idea only.

Did you catch the trailer for Daredevil? I knew it was only a matter of time until Jennifer Garner was doing a super-action-hero roll. And I bet she and that dude from Triple XXX will be in an action movie together...

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Message 3/90             27-Jan-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Daredevil looks pretty good... I'm a bit of a film fan, and tend to keep an eye on the 'net buzz.. apparently, the script itself was receiving some pretty good reviews which bodes fairly well coz if the script sux then the movie has less of a chance of being any good (well I think so anyhow..)

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Message 4/90             27-Jan-03  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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I will watch the Hulk but only cuz Jennifer Connelly is in it

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Message 5/90             27-Jan-03  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

broken silence


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requiem for a dream = the most disgusting movie ever

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Message 6/90             27-Jan-03  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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that movie was _good_; so what if it was a bit disturbing...

watch "night&fog" (or.. there's some crazy surrealist film about a slaughterhouse..)if you want disgusting.


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Message 7/90             27-Jan-03  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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requiem is about PERFECT in terms of execution.

anything "Matrix" related is bound to be an empty shell, coated all about the exterior with flashiness, fancy editing nonsense, and "stars"

on the other hand, most humans seem to like these intellectual voids of films. hence the proliferation of such.

whatever. stupid people make stupid films because stupid people want to see explosions and such. they make $$, the formulae work.

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Message 8/90             27-Jan-03  @  10:11 PM     Edit: 27-Jan-03  |  10:15 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Steve Roughley

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"anything "Matrix" related is bound to be an empty shell, coated all about the exterior with flashiness, fancy editing nonsense, and "stars""

Yeah, I must admit that when I saw an extended trailer to the new Matrix films, I just had to yawn. They are filming 5 whole people at once in slllooowww motion matrix time now. Oooh boy. The first film was a one off and, I felt, a damned good movie (even though the entire story, style, characters, wardrobe, plot, in fact the whole bloody film was stolen from about twenty other productions/stories that I can think of... erm, where was I? oh... close bracket), how on earth can they better it?!



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Message 9/90             27-Jan-03  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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well they could have removed that retard keanu for starters. [sigh]

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Message 10/90             28-Jan-03  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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I dunno, I think Keanu did pretty well in the first one. I'm not really sure where they gonna go with the movie though. I mean, He's the one - he can't die. Why are they trying to kill him?

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Message 11/90             28-Jan-03  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Oh, and I know that i'm a bit off topic here but Someone recently made me watch "Fight Club" brilliant movie. Anyone else like it?

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Message 12/90             28-Jan-03  @  01:57 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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I like the underlying theme of Fight Club..but..the most fucking hilarious part of the whole thing is the people who were so excited about that damn movie (and/or the book) and are apparently incapable of acknowledging that it/they were about THEM the fucking LEMMINGS!

asshole with his blink182 shirt on talkin about tearing down the system..YEAH ANARCHY

as for the matrix..well..the first one blew my mind but I was subtly aware that I was being duped into thinking that this wasnt a regurgitation, which I, heh (subtly), was sure wasnt the case. what is original anymore?

is "subtly" a word?

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Message 13/90             28-Jan-03  @  08:30 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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I think the best thing about the Matrix was the casting. But, yeah how do you follow up with that. I read that they needed a gloomy freeway for the final scene in Reloaded. When they couldn't find one with the right "look". So they built there own freeway for 30-40 mil dollars. The thing is closed and just goes round and round, but has signs and everything. The contractors refused to build it at first. That's dedication.... but at the same time it might spell doom for the chance of telling a good story like in the first one. We'll have to see. Then of course there's the third film coming end of the year.

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Message 14/90             28-Jan-03  @  12:50 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Matrix... for me its either a really good movie with some crap rambo scenes inserted for the MacMovie generation, or a bad movie with some really cool bits in it. fight club... i expected more from it, i think its somewhat weak...

K19 was decent though! different type of film altogether, but well done. they actually got a real russian nuclear sub, towed it over to canada, added another 30 meters to its bulk, and then made it seaworthy. bloody impressive what you can do with the money.

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Message 15/90             29-Jan-03  @  02:17 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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lets see how many break and dnb tracks are going to sample the fuck out of reloaded.

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Message 16/90             29-Jan-03  @  08:53 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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I reckon someone should sample the shit outta Withnail and I....

(Even if they have before)

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Message 17/90             29-Jan-03  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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What? Harrison Ford going "Vee hhaaf nu-cleeer vepon on board zis sub mareeen"...? No thanks, saw the trailer. Enough.

Although I'm a fan of the Matrix, I didn't really notice the music. Does that means it's a good soundtrack slash score? Maybe it deserves a Slashie.

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Message 18/90             29-Jan-03  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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why not get an NES, and some games with SOUND TEST feature? sample all the sounds. even if it's been done a lot, the sounds in, say, Super C are WELL worth using. if you use sounds to make stuff. right now i just use silver halides in gelatin, but i'll get back to sounds when i have space to spread out my army of MIDI robots.


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Message 19/90             29-Jan-03  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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I was talking about the red pill/ blue pill etc.. every other breaks and jungle track sampled a part of a dialog from matrix... the music in the last one was like a big "electronica" (notice the ") compilation.

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Message 20/90             29-Jan-03  @  11:28 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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"why not get an NES, and some games with SOUND TEST feature?"

que es?

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Message 21/90             29-Jan-03  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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krisgot, grüssgot, he really aint that bad... its a decent flick, and its a true story too so he can say anything which fits

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Message 22/90             30-Jan-03  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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ninja gaiden had the best NES soundtest. And a closer song that could make ya weep.

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Message 23/90             30-Jan-03  @  02:57 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Relax, AC Milan, if you like that movie, no problem. But does it really compare to Matrix?

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Message 24/90             30-Jan-03  @  09:48 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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"AC Milan"... heh, it was bound to come up one day  

and no, totaly different. i thought someone was asking about good films.

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Message 25/90             30-Jan-03  @  11:52 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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i have a gameboy with a sequencing program.. makes some killer ass bass sounds... really! cant find the cartridge... need to find it and make a patch cable too hook it up to the mixer.

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Message 26/90             31-Jan-03  @  04:26 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Good films..... problem is they are so far and in between. The way Hollywood puts together these trailers, making the film look better than it actually is. Sometimes they use footage that isn't even in the movie.

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Message 27/90             31-Jan-03  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Finally he notices..  

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Message 28/90             31-Jan-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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What i hate is when the temp score in the trailer is better than the actual score in the film. Is it my imagination or have film scores REALLY gone down in quality the past decade or so?


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Message 29/90             31-Jan-03  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence


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Kinda the opposite case: Lord of the rings: the two towers played the theme song to requiem. I will admit that the music was quite good in requiem, but still when i was watching gandalf running around shootin shit in the preview, I couldn't stop thinking about that dude with gangrene in his arm. Oh and btw Lord of the rings 2 kicked ass.

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Message 30/90             03-Feb-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Yes, true about the score. Remember Triple X... Hendrix song? In the trailer, but not in the movie. Probably a mix of legal, royaly and marketing issues, ie money. Hendrix sells better that Orbital, even if they are actually in the movie. So, it's nice to see this Sundance thing doing so well.

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Message 31/90             04-Feb-03  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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the Matrix sequal looks sweet theres another
seq comin out 6 months after that one also
the Terminator looks awsome...\\I used to be a
huge Hulk fan when I was a child think i even
dressed up like him on Halloween....

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Message 32/90             05-Feb-03  @  01:23 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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matrix had a profound meaning. not the first time that message has been conveyed. the whole thing about being systematically controlled by a civilization that we're unaware of is metaphorical for the mass delusion blinding our collective society. our society operating within the confines of an all encompassing delusion that keeps us in "our place". i thought it was amazing to couple that message with the sleek fx. and of course Carrie Ann Moss didn't hurt the movie a bit.

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Message 33/90             05-Feb-03  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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My money's on Terminator 3

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Message 34/90             05-Feb-03  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Electric Cafe by Kraftwerk. Got it. Techno pop Musique non stop. Boing boom tschak. gonna love this.

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Message 35/90             07-Feb-03  @  09:23 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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EZ now we are getting deep

Scott W from Dynamix 2 even sampled that
movie(Jackal and Hyde) called the track "The
Red Pill"

the Matrix is one of the most incredible movies
I have ever saw in my entire life...mindblowing

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Message 36/90             07-Feb-03  @  09:52 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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And now..

They've released the first of the "ANIMATRIX" shorts... stories meant to fill in the blanks and further fill out the Matrix universe..

Apparently Warners/The Wachowskis commisioned a lot of leading animation teams to work on various shorts - I'm looking forward to seeing the "last flight of the Osiris" one developed by the folx behind Final Fantasy Spirits Within..  

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Message 37/90             07-Feb-03  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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eZs: 'matrix had a profound meaning.'

Asked whether the matrix had a deeper meaning the producers replied, 'naw, it's just Kung Fu vs Robots'


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Message 38/90             07-Feb-03  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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bruce lee vs xoxos?

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Message 39/90             07-Feb-03  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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"eZs: 'matrix had a profound meaning.'

Asked whether the matrix had a deeper meaning the producers replied, 'naw, it's just Kung Fu vs Robots'"

Well I guess I saw more in it than they did. Happens all the time when you think about it.

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Message 40/90             12-Feb-03  @  06:37 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Wouldn't it be cool if Neo had looked at the two pills and said "Whoooa, drugs" and the eaten both of them " ....oh yeeeaaah..... trippy colors......" With Morpheus sitting there stunned.

No? OK I'll be quiet now.

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Message 41/90             12-Feb-03  @  10:58 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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there is no green pill

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Message 42/90             13-Feb-03  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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you have been robotised !!!

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Message 43/90             13-Feb-03  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Turing test result


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How can you tell that I would say this

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Message 44/90             16-Feb-03  @  02:57 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Matrix? Good fun, gives one something to do while eating popcorn in a dark air conditioned room in the middle of summer. Goes without saying, really. If you can only enjoy "deep, meaningful, serious cinema" you're missing out on half the fun.

Go rent "Pumpkin" w/ Christina Ricci. Subversive, very subversive.

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Message 45/90             16-Feb-03  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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"Wouldn't it be cool if Neo had looked at the two pills and said "Whoooa, drugs" and the eaten both of them " ....oh yeeeaaah..... trippy colors......" With Morpheus sitting there stunned. "

heh heh. Morpheus would be like... Dammit! Now I have to make another batch.

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Message 46/90             12-Mar-03  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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But there is no pill... its all an illusion

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Message 47/90             12-Mar-03  @  12:59 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

cheddar 3: this time it's personal


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m i thought i made that joke. must be the way you tell em

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Message 48/90             19-Mar-03  @  12:03 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Oh excuse me good sir my sincere apologies.

But maybe I couldn't be arsed reading the whole thread... maybe you should get a life... cause lets be realistic here... its not funny anyhow, and its really not worth laying a claim to...or good enough to get bitchy about... so...

now this is personal

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Message 49/90             24-Apr-03  @  12:21 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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This just in...

MATRIX RELOADED COMING IN IMAX (approx. 2 weeks after US Theatrical release!!!)


Apparently the running times limitation normally associated with IMAX films have been overcome (allowing features of upto 150minutes)

Which version would YOU wanna see???!?!


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Message 50/90             24-Apr-03  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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ooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeea! Haven't heard bout that. That's gonna be intense. I got vertigo seeing Fantasia on an IMAX screen. As Neo would say...whoa.

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Message 51/90             24-Apr-03  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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2 WEEKS?!?! THats wAAAAAAAAYyyyyy to long to wait. But but... awefnson

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Message 52/90             24-Apr-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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you realise that matrix is an entirely scientologist production? you walk into that theatre, god knows what you'll find in your head. i sincerely suggest skipping it.

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Message 53/90             24-Apr-03  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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if turned to such putty that you are that easily influenced, I might agree there xoxoxs.

But to avoid it because of that, well... that's a bit like Jehova's Witnesses refusing to speak to their own children becasue they've turned from the lord!

Is your faith so weak, your mind so easily tempted?!!! hehehe


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Message 54/90             24-Apr-03  @  11:00 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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perhaps you don't understand how the mind works, errata.

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Message 55/90             25-Apr-03  @  12:51 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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OH... I know!!!


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Message 56/90             25-Apr-03  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Hey it could have been gods doing. you'd never know.

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Message 57/90             25-Apr-03  @  01:37 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Message 58/90             25-Apr-03  @  03:14 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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well ya know, my pa was an intelligence agent for two different countries, but i think burroughs put it well when he said 'whatever you feed into the machine, the machine will process.' you don't believe me? take a look around you, you fucking cork. go watch your brave action figures shoot each other, you are neo, whatever.

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Message 59/90             25-Apr-03  @  08:40 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Its two hours in a movie theatre.. nothing more nothing less.. entertainment, so some would say..  

Its either that or "Help I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here.."

Or having to listen to murky mids on yet ANOTHER badly mixed track I've been given to master... (Hell, I should send the damn thing back with a polite little note.. "GET IT RIGHT MOTHERFUNKER!")


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Message 60/90             25-Apr-03  @  08:43 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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hehe you tell 'em marc.

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Message 61/90             25-Apr-03  @  12:03 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Steve Roughley

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xoxos is absolutely right there! Look up neurolinguistic programming. However, not everyone is susceptible to this. You can find out whether or not it will affect you by seeing if you can be hypnotised. You need a reasonably organised mind to be affected by such techniques of suggestion.



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Message 62/90             25-Apr-03  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Steve Roughley said "You need a reasonably organised mind to be affected by such techniques of suggestion"

Means I can see the flick with no worries.

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Message 63/90             25-Apr-03  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Steve Roughley

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I imagine that, as people who are intensely involved in creative arts, thus having creative minds, a fair few people who hang around here will be less susceptible to this stuff.


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Message 64/90             25-Apr-03  @  03:07 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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The point is... how much of life are we supposed to avoid for fear that it will adversely affect our brains? I mean come on... grow a set... live a little. Smoke a bowl, kill some braincells. Your real intelligence lies elsewhere anyway...


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Message 65/90             25-Apr-03  @  04:22 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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try monitoring media targeting one demographic sufficiently removed from your own for an extended period and get back to me on whether you noticed any synergetic or cumulative impulses. "an orderly mind.." shit.. what kind of order is excluded? now you can feel safe, as an informed intellect! :p "only orderly minds.." whew!

then go and sit in front of the big screen. this isn't a two hour experience and it's not a purely linguistic experience. that's a lot of light and sound up there, but one movie is not the half of it.

yeah, remain calm. i'm sure they'll cue you when the nicely dressed gentleman swinging the pocket watch appears.

i'm glad it's cool for you, i hope it's a really cool movie. just keep.. doing what you're doing, bon appetit.

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Message 66/90             25-Apr-03  @  05:44 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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no wonder your brain scares everyone, x.... it sounds like you're afraid of it yourself

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Message 67/90             25-Apr-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Now Psy, that's just going to piss him off.

Xoxos, It's a bit of a game yo! Like watching the news, or commercials on TV! You see? Look what they're doing there. What's the message?

If I worried about everyone that is trying to manipulate the way I think, I'd never get out of my bathroom!

And i'd still be stuck with myself!


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Message 68/90             25-Apr-03  @  06:28 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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fear, anger, reaction projected. see what movies do?

i would guess it's more a suggestion to keep an eye on
that mirrror.

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Message 69/90             25-Apr-03  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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shiiit. puke CENTRAL!

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Message 70/90             25-Apr-03  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Humans are like used up sponges. Absorbtion =
subconscious filtration to the conscious output(mouth/
mind/senses). Not all of it can be filtered. My hippocampus
is getting tired..

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Message 71/90             25-Apr-03  @  10:27 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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well it seems there's not all that much at stake anyway. insert picture of one of those monkey with cymbals puppets here. hope you like a big hand up your ass.

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Message 72/90             26-Apr-03  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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x is right

a filter finds what it is filtering. We get what we want - the more we want it the more we response to it. Thats fine and all but i get frightened when i see the cv's and salaries of the guys designing the experience. who can resist? and even if zou do there will be something out there YOU WILL FEEL ABOUT


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Message 73/90             28-Apr-03  @  08:28 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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heh, Xoxos called someone a cork..

cork farming is pretty cool - stripping the bark of cork trees every 9(?) years..

it is funny though, that some people are SO into matrix "philosophy" that they think there's REALLY something there aside from the robots vs. omnipotent human-types.. whatever.. it's all programming. why do you think they call it programming anyway?

not like the audience didn't demand these types of things anyway. they're the ones who lapped up these guys previous "efforts" like Assassins and Bound, thus enabling them to MAKE wash like Matrix is.. eh..

the major part of the paying viewing audience wants to be programmed anyway - if they had to start thinking for themselves all of a sudden, when they've been conditioned NOT TO all along, they'd fall even harder on their proverbial face..

it's all right, people are just stupid.. you know it

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Message 74/90             28-Apr-03  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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hey get your big hand out of my ass! I popcorn.

Gee it sure is greasy. The popcorn I mean.

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Message 75/90             29-Apr-03  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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HEY! I fucking liked Assasins!


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Message 76/90             29-Apr-03  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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so what... you quoted "can't hardly wait" in the deniro thread. your opinion is moot!


hehehe, i liked c.h.w. too  

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Message 77/90             30-Apr-03  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Assassins was nicely photographed - but banderas needs to go choke on his bitch's vomit : )

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Message 78/90             30-Apr-03  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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sorry if someone posted this already but...

4 free 10 minute animated matrix type stuff episodes from ^^^

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Message 79/90             30-Apr-03  @  01:42 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Yeah, they're releasing a DVD with those animated shorts and some other bits and bobs in June...

Be interesting to see just how good this whole "virtual cinematography" malarky is.. what they're saying is, rendered CGI that is indistinguishable from the real thing so you won't be able to tell what's real "physical" stunts and what isn't... Hmmm.. we shall have to see.. but hey, Joel Silver always "talks" a good movie..  

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Message 80/90             24-May-03  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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just seen it.

100 minutes of action, 20 minutes of dialogue. thats about it... funny if you had a good spliff beforehands  

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Message 81/90             24-May-03  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence


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I saw it the day after it came out...I had tickets the night but ing traffic I swear to god I hate dc...

Acting is just like the one before, there isn't acting so it's not that tough.

Special Effects: Mindblowing. Almost makes you think that it has too much..except for a few things like when trinity decides to fall out of a building backwards, her guns look ghetto (not to mention that she fires WAY too many rounds out of two guns as she is falling in oh maybe 5 seconds..PLEASE). And the polefight scene with the 600 agents- fake looking and not to mention lame.

Action sequences: Pretty cool..took some shit to a whole new level, definatley with the one on one scenes. I think they got too rolled up with the idea of multiperson fighting which kinda gets tiring. Slow motion is done way too much and is more obvious as a cover up than for glorification of the movie. Ever wonder why they NEVER did one of those impossible jumps in fast mode? The weapons are finally cool than those stupid ing really sick of em in the first one and now they are using weapons that take skill, and they obviosly did some training for them.

Music: Decent..the first one was much better with the musical timing. The music in some of the fighting scenes and some of the original scores sucked major ass.

Plot: Just like the first one, there really isn't a plot, just an idea that they somewhat creativley use in this one. The plot is again a cheesey love story with nearly everything visually raped off of other movies. Then the idea is more expanded...and tries to tackle a theme that the directors really do not understand as well as they should, since they are making the movie and all.

There was way too much shit that should have been cut out of it. The sex scene which tries to grasp a deeper meaning is gratuitous and USELESS to the plot, not to mention the camera zooming on on random bitchtits during the "tribal dance scene" where they played some lame 4/4 music that didn't fit. They are obvioulsy trying to get more risky for some stupid reason with this one. They are also emphasizing the cause and effect plot which was weak and DEFINATLEY overdone with the useless orgasm cake scene.

It didn't have the same feeling as the first one- it was out of place, the dirty scenes were stupid, overdone, usless to the fundamentals of the movie. It was one of those LETS MAKE MONEY NOW movies and it really showed it.

When I walked out of the theater, I was bitching and complaining about how much I hated the movie. But after you think about it for a while, it does grow on you, but only its entertainment facter- nothing more.


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Message 82/90             24-May-03  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence


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wow i dont think i spelled one word right in that one hahaha

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Message 83/90             26-May-03  @  03:35 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Absorb Fish

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You know the one thing i didn't like about the movie? Well 2 but anyways. In the first one, all of the ppl on the ship had a very mysterious cover on them as if they don't show any emotions. They kinda lost that in the second film. I don't know why but the mystery behind the characters is what i liked alot about the first. The other thing that i didn't like from the movie was the pointless rave scene. If they are going to need 2 movies to fit this huge story, they might as well cut out the pointless scenes.

"And the polefight scene with the 600 agents- fake looking and not to mention lame."
I found this scene wicked funny especially when he wacks them off like with a bat. Kinda cartoonish i guess.

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Message 84/90             26-May-03  @  03:44 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence

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yeah looked like japanese animation haha

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Message 85/90             26-May-03  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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looks like Mortal Kombat from the trailer. Hope it looks better in the film, but from all accounts it doesn't.

Still waiting for the wife to stay awake through the first one (only her second viewing since the theater.... but she has a problem with pot and movies), but I do intend to see the second one just like all the other Americans.


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Message 86/90             26-May-03  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Watching it with low expectations I was kinda hoping to react pleasantly surprised and think: "Hey it wasn't so bad" Still I have to struggle to find something I really liked. Either it had the really light toyish elements like the cave scenes, which has too much of a star wars community of a rebel people and their strange ancient laws. Or it was so profound and deep you just sat in the theater looking at your friend who was equally baffled, as in the white suit old dude. The movie also committed the cardinal sin of a sequal: repeating the best bits of the first one: i.e. The Oracle scene. the newly liberated kid.

Any good news? Sure I liked the timely French snob and Mr. Smith is still my favorite.

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Message 87/90             27-May-03  @  08:41 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Saw it.. more of the same.. which depending on how you felt about the matrix is either a good thing or a bad thing. Sure enough, I felt it was just MORE of the story rather than a sequel. Pages 111-222 in a 333 page novel as it were...

A LOT will depend on whether Revolutions resolves all of the things they're attempting to lay down in this film.. if it doesn't.. file the whole lot under "Good SFX test"..  

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Message 88/90             27-May-03  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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"white suit old dude" aka Colonel Sanders

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Message 89/90             29-May-03  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Little Ronnie Hubbard


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Lived in a cupboard.

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Message 90/90             29-May-03  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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UT2003 player?

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