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Subject: triplet delays

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Original Message 1/10             18-Jul-00  @  01:11 AM   -   triplet delays



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what are they, anyway?
3/8 in 12/8 beat, or 3/16 in 4/4?
if i use 3/16 delay on beat that has shuffle on 16th doesn't that mean that every other time "tap" doesn't line up exactly with the beat? is that something to be concerned about?
or am i just confused?

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Message 2/10             18-Jul-00  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: triplet delays



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um try messing around with a delay at 314 - 328 on 136-140 bpm.. look for the ripple.... like more drums coming in... just set it up with a click on the 4, anyways it is the delay in that old lagar lager leftfield track that thunders the drum along... er.. i think - i just call 'em triplet delay.. i dunno if they are tripletas but they skip like it to me like a galloping horse.. then when it's swetup, you can start popping in synth notes on the grid, and see how patterns emerge without so many notes by utilising the delay repeats... oooo:

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Message 3/10             03-Aug-00  @  01:21 PM   -   RE: triplet delays



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k, leftfield? wasn't that track from underworld?

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Message 4/10             03-Aug-00  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: triplet delays



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yes, sorry, born slippy

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Message 5/10             04-Aug-00  @  05:29 AM   -   RE: triplet delays


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it sounds better if you can muffle up the delays too, like an old tranny unit.. otherwise it can sound a bit clinical. return it through a channel on the desk and turn the treble down.

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Message 6/10             04-Aug-00  @  07:18 AM   -   RE: triplet delays



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hehe, or/and add a sweep filter, autopan, flange etc to the return... yummy

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Message 7/10             04-Aug-00  @  07:57 AM   -   RE: triplet delays


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yeah? that sounds good. I'm inspired now  

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Message 8/10             10-Aug-00  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: triplet delays



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err jasper, im expecting you'll be setting up said triplet delays using your a3000's internal delay fx? ...errmmm... good.... is there any way to avoid going through and changing the L delay, R delay, feedback 1 delay, feedback 2 delay seperately? For just getting the times right it's driving me nuts to have to do 4 things. the a3k seems so well designed, but i can't figure away around this...?

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Message 9/10             10-Aug-00  @  06:11 AM   -   RE: triplet delays


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first get yourself "musiccalc" or a bpm to millisecond time sheet.. it helps a lot. dunno about a loc for either though.. sorry.

if you have a delay setting you use a lot you can setup the a3k to initialise to it.. I mean that you'd switch on the a3k and the fx slots would allready be assigned with your favorite 3 fx and their settings.

chck the manual cos of the top of me head I can't think how you do it..

saving it as a program will work also though.

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Message 10/10             10-Aug-00  @  06:17 AM   -   RE: triplet delays


Posts: 424

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also, I tend to use my midiverb4 for delays.. for excactly the reasons your giving.. I'm going to buy a dedicated delay though.. you can pick up a well useable rack digital delay for anything from 50 quid 2nd hand. there are loads about..

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