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Subject: What do YOU use?

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Original Message 1/16             28-May-00  @  12:05 AM   -   What do YOU use?



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Just wondering what programs (sequencers) everyone uses to program drum n bass beats/songs.

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Message 2/16             28-May-00  @  05:30 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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my mpc. thats a bit unusual tho, most seem 2 use either VST or Logic on PC or even cubase on the atari.

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Message 3/16             28-May-00  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?

Poor lonely Mac users


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I'm all alone aren't I?

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Message 4/16             28-May-00  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?

Poor lonely Mac users


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I'm all alone aren't I?

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Message 5/16             28-May-00  @  10:34 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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Looks like it.....

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Message 6/16             29-May-00  @  08:22 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?


Posts: 2003

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My friend just uses cubase of fruity loops to build some sick ass drum loops, then dumps them into his sampler, and uses a midi controller to mute and unmute the loops, and loads samples as he plays to make live DnB. It works really well, and my other friend does the same with bass lines. They are called Mange de la Bass. Good stuff. This is for live gigs, but in the studio, most of them are using Cubase. Very simple stuff to use. I just use an mmt8, but I'm wierdand have to do things the hard way.


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Message 7/16             30-May-00  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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I now use logic, just made the switch from cubase, I find the midi timing to be a lot tighter than cubase ever was, great for D&B where you can't afford for the beats to sounds sloppy.


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Message 8/16             01-Jun-00  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?

Mac too


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I got a Mac too but I sure as fuck ain't going to sequence on the no feel bastard.It's quite dope for video editing and mastering music on though.I sequence with the mpc.

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Message 9/16             01-Jun-00  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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I now use a combination of this stuff: Sonic Foundry Acid Pro 2 (for sequencing and editing), Wavelab 3 (for editing), Recycle 1.7 (for extracting the samples from loops and sending them to my Emu Sampler), Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 (for sequencing the loop clusters in the Sampler). I also have tons of plug ins that I rely on for processing. Some of my favorites are MaxxBass, Magneto, Waves Renaissance Compressor,.. Geez I dunno the names of em all. Anyway Acid Pro is awesome stuff for drums. I've sequenced drums with many boxes (Atari's, piles of drum machines and sequencers, PC's and whatnot) but nothing gives me the control that Acid does. Try it. I pretty much ingnore everything else now.

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Message 10/16             01-Jun-00  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?

mac too


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Isn't Acid a phrase/loop arranger?It doesn't work on a mac so I haven't tried it.I like my MPC

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