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Subject: Drum Sub Groups

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Sep-02  @  02:13 PM   -   Drum Sub Groups


Posts: 1128

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My question is about grouping drums through a compressor.

My kick and bass are shoved through seperate compressors. Then I send the rest of my drums to a seperate compressor.

At the moment, I send the drum track (not kick) to groups 1 and 2 on my makie and have the main L&R switch on each track I'm sending to the compressor up.

The thing is that I want that pumping compression going on and to do that I have to send the kick to the same compressor as the rest of the drums. To do that, I need to send the kick but when I lift the L&R switch on that channel, the signal is not going to the kicks individual compressor.

Do you lot have the desk returning a mix between the compressed and uncompressed drums or do you just monitor the compressed drums via sub group 1 and 2.

Not explaining this well but hopefully you get the drift. Thanks.

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Message 11/11             18-Sep-02  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


Posts: 1128

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Don't be angry with me Milan.

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