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Subject: techstep for x

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Original Message                 Date: 09-Aug-02  @  02:30 PM   -   techstep for x


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BEATS 1 0 0 0  |  2 0 0 0  |  3 0 0 0  |  4 0 0 0
kick 1 0 1 0  |  0 0 1 0  |  0 0 0 0  |  1 0 0 0
snare 0 0 0 0  |  1 0 0 0  |  0 0 1 0  |  0 0 0 0
cl hat 1 0 1 0  |  1 0 1 0  |  1 0 1 0  |  1 0 1 0

thats what i meant in the chat. long whooshy snare.

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Message 21/27             13-Aug-02  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: techstep for x



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yeah, back in 96-97 160 was fast! I was just having this conversation with someone. About the death of ambient and chill-out trax. After jungle became popular the tempo of everything started rising house has gone from 120 to 130 in the last few years, trance is between 140 and 150 nowadays, it used to come in around 135 just back in 98. I've heard GOA tracks at 155! (Astral Projection etc...) That's 4 on the floor!

So now, no one has time for a track that's say 110 or 115 BPM. Just not enough energy. It's a shame, really... Intelligent ambient music is why I started making dance music!

Oh well, it'll probably come around again.


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Message 22/27             14-Aug-02  @  08:03 AM   -   RE: techstep for x



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i _always_ try for 110bpm. it's more interesting.

i don't know why, but it's much easier to get things grooving at higher tempos... less empty space i guess, so it's easier to tie stuff together.

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Message 23/27             14-Aug-02  @  02:22 PM   -   RE: techstep for x


Posts: 440

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can house be house if it's only 100 beats per minutes? Maybe a stupid question, but are there any house tracks that are 100 bpm?

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Message 24/27             14-Aug-02  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: techstep for x



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I'm not going to pretend to give too much of a damn about genre/sub-genre/sub-sub-genre... etc!

But it would seem that these things are often defined by tempo! Jungle id hip-hop only twice as fast... progreesive house/progressive trance are the SAME thing with a different tempo!!!

So I think that's a valid question, I also think (sadly) most people would try to "pigeon hole" a track at 100 bpm and say it's not house... all the same elements, all the same arrangements, but the tempo would be "wrong"!

Stupid, really...


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Message 25/27             14-Aug-02  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: techstep for x


Posts: 7627

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well..100 is just too slow to feel right on a floor, so that would probably be the ONLY qualifier

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Message 26/27             15-Aug-02  @  08:32 AM   -   RE: techstep for x


Posts: 1128

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"After jungle became popular the tempo of everything started rising house has gone from 120 to 130 in the last few years"

What are you talking about errata? :-)

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Message 27/27             15-Aug-02  @  04:52 PM   -   RE: techstep for x



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117 is so nice with a big, soft, rolled-off attack kick. perfect for both getting down and getting down.

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