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Subject: Utilizing Quantize

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Original Message 1/4             24-Jul-00  @  05:30 PM   -   Utilizing Quantize

Solid Algoriddim


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YO! just wondering...any 505 users out there listen up...i understand, even technically, what shuffle does and i understand how grid maps the notes to predetermined blah blah blah. Question?: how can i figure out which groove quantize is right for the sub-genre of Electronica that i happen to be producing at the time. ( i make everything from drum and bass to house to electro to down tempo hip-hop). please give me some suggestions or ideas from experience on how to fully take advantage of the groove quantize function. i have dabbled with it, but i can never get it to improve the feel of my tracks. Any help would be much appreciated....Late....

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Message 2/4             24-Jul-00  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: Utilizing Quantize


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heh.. you nutter ;)

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Message 3/4             25-Jul-00  @  06:07 AM   -   RE: Utilizing Quantize



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obvisously you didn't understand what quantize is. you cannot rely a subgenre to a determined quantize or shuffle setup.
i think subgenres in electronic music are often seperated cause of their instinctive use of samples and the spees.
example: d+b and electro. it is the same asynchronous beat structure. the accent is on the snare. (electro drums are often very (have got a very short attack time).
make your electro beat fast and use long snares -> d+b.

quantize: yup. generally everybody who composes with a sequencer has got "quantized" music, cauze you are going step by step. quantize as a function is just an algorithm you can add that modifies your step-patterns. there are definitely no typical d+b shuffle effects or whatever.
i use quantize as an additional feature of my sequencer to get easily new structures and inspirations.
it is also very important if you record in real-time. timing problems will be fixed.


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Message 4/4             25-Jul-00  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: Utilizing Quantize

Solid Algoriddim


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yeah, i understand what quantize is. it enables you to add dynamics to your track, swing, etc. it also gan give it a rushing feel or a lagging feel. blah, what i want to know is shoudl i use a high velocity, high dynamics groove quantize for say a DnB song?...please try to understadn that the 505 quantize is a bit, well, eccentric. i have played with a number of MPC models, so i KNOW what quantizing can do, so give me some ideas, somebody.

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