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Subject: increasing drum roll tempo

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Original Message 1/5             12-Apr-02  @  05:12 AM   -   increasing drum roll tempo


Posts: 76

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damned if i know what to call it...

i'm working on a track where at one point the hits get closer and closer together until it starts to become a drum roll but at an increasing rate until it gets that "killer driller" sound. (listen to "BadAssMoFo" 1:30 to 1:40)

i originally did it by cutting and pasting the one hits in acid by hand, moving the beats closer and closer together. i'm not anxious to do that all over again so i'm programming it into cubase now, triggering battery. the timing isn't quite right though...i figure i'll take the audio file into acid and do some nudging there a better way to do this?

how do you hardware guys do this live?

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Message 2/5             12-Apr-02  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: increasing drum roll tempo


Posts: 2890

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you could set up a hit with some silence after it and set it to loop, then just move the loop point closer to the start with a controller. never tried it, dunno if battery does it, just thinking out loud.

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Message 3/5             12-Apr-02  @  10:27 AM   -   RE: increasing drum roll tempo


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i think that you have the right idea with doing it in audio. i don't think that the midi timing for one will be good enough. and it shouldn't take too long to do it again. get cracking already!

btw that track is cool. pretty nuts. would like to hear it hifi.

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Message 4/5             12-Apr-02  @  03:45 PM   -   RE: increasing drum roll tempo


Posts: 6231

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a sampler with modulatable loop points? don't hurt me bedwyr.

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Message 5/5             31-May-02  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: increasing drum roll tempo


Posts: 13

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Ummm... I know I'm a little late replying to this thread, but if you are using Acid Pro 3.0 they have the oh so convienent "Chopper" that lets you make flawless drum rolls with almost no effort.

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