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Subject: sub-basses

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Original Message 1/7             24-Jul-00  @  07:00 AM   -   sub-basses



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i really would like to know how to create subsonic basses. i know about he compression and adsr/filter things. but what the heck means "adding sub" ? how to do this d+b-ish basses, deeper than deep?

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Message 2/7             24-Jul-00  @  07:31 AM   -   RE: sub-basses



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subbs aren`t hard to get - just roll the rez up and the cutoff down and then fiddle with the KB tracking so you can play a riff and then maybe even bring the rez back down a leetle if needs be. The waveforms you use dont matter so much but couple of detuned square waves seems to make a nice meaty lowend.

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Message 3/7             24-Jul-00  @  10:12 AM   -   RE: sub-basses


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if you have a bass that sounds good but needs more sub then just layer the sound with the ressy one mentioned above.

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Message 4/7             24-Jul-00  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: sub-basses



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sqaure and sine waves are best, saws tend to sota crack up, you want something smoother if you think about what the speaker cone is doing in this case, you are resonating the bass cone smoothly hopefully... try sampling some earth hum with a guitar jack shortied out etc etc... that can make a nice bass tone

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Message 5/7             25-Jul-00  @  03:51 AM   -   RE: sub-basses



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thanx! oh yeah, i used to tweak the sound with rez/co, i think i should get a better compression effect.
thanks for your suggestions about the waveforms, i will try k's multiple detuned square idea.

i use the roland sp-808's filter. let us talk about some external filters as sherman filterbank, waldorf x-pole and this electrix thing.

i reckon i am gonna buy x-pole, what do YOU think. probably loads of you guys out there use an akai-sampler.


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Message 6/7             25-Jul-00  @  05:31 AM   -   RE: sub-basses



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I`ve got the same filter as the x-pole in my microwave - its a top-draw piece, but really with the x-pole you`ll only be getting lopass whilst with the sherman you`ll get hi, band and notch too. If lopass is all you really want, then its maybe worth thinking about picking up a waldorf pulse plus - it has a superb 4pole lopass filter with an external input socket which you can route any sounds you wish through with full midi control with a crapload of modulation options available. Oh, and you get a monster of a monosynth too - a bit unweildy sometimes, but it sounds large, very large.

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Message 7/7             25-Jul-00  @  05:50 AM   -   RE: sub-basses


Posts: 424

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I use a microwave2 and a yamaha a3000.. both got great filters for sub-bass and kicks etc.

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