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Subject: old skool jungle: tips needed

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Original Message 1/8             06-Apr-00  @  08:56 AM   -   old skool jungle: tips needed



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hey all.. great forum.

I've been playing with my sampler for a few months now, but that old school jungle sound still escapes me. I fire off the samples from cubase.

I hear the individual snare hits and kicks, I hear the high hat lines, and the crashes. those are all single hits pretty much.. not a problem. and i can do the snare rolls and fills....

what i can't figure out are the background loops with the softer kick drums and snares and hats, etc..... whatever makes that constant rolling noise in the background. the link i included is a
ragga jungle mix full of these kinds of sounds.

is it one bar loops at a lower volume, time-stretched to fit the tempo and placed one after the other to fill the bar with sound? or is it pieces of loops of varying lengths very
carefully constructed into an arrangement note-by-note?

or is it pieces of loops of various tempos cut up into eighth notes and placed one after the other, filling the bar with sound?

sometimes it sounds like that. almost mechanical chikka chikka chikka
sometimes it sounds like loops thru a lowpass.
i'm trying to figure out how the loops are triggered
and organized i guess, and how much time-stretching plays a part...

any help or tips would really be appreciated. thansk!!

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Message 2/8             06-Apr-00  @  09:02 AM   -   old skool jungle: tips needed



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hey all.. great forum.

I've been playing with my sampler for a few months now, but that old school jungle sound still escapes me. I fire off the samples from cubase.

I hear the individual snare hits and kicks, I hear the high hat lines, and the crashes. those are all single hits pretty much.. not a problem. and i can do the snare rolls and fills....

what i can't figure out are the background loops with the softer kick drums and snares and hats, etc..... whatever makes that constant rolling noise in the background. the link i included is a
ragga jungle mix full of these kinds of sounds.

is it one bar loops at a lower volume, time-stretched to fit the tempo and placed one after the other to fill the bar with sound? or is it pieces of loops of varying lengths very
carefully constructed into an arrangement note-by-note?

or is it pieces of loops of various tempos cut up into eighth notes and placed one after the other, filling the bar with sound?

sometimes it sounds like that. almost mechanical chikka chikka chikka
sometimes it sounds like loops thru a lowpass.
i'm trying to figure out how the loops are triggered
and organized i guess, and how much time-stretching plays a part...

any help or tips would really be appreciated. thansk!!

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Message 3/8             06-Apr-00  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: old skool jungle: tips needed



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delay.. doncha know half the dance drum 'groove' styles evolved from applying dub delay techniques to square beats?.. the origin of swing styles mate.. take a square funky breakbeat.. speed it up.. apply some classic reggea 1/3rd delay.. you have original jungle !!... grab a delay, apply some to the hats & mebbe even a touch to the snare etc... set it to a triplet roll... hey presto...

jungle without that flowing frantic triplet-delay is just too dry maaaaaan!

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Message 4/8             06-Apr-00  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: old skool jungle: tips needed



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incidently... EXACTLY the same delay timing applied to the classic Underworld's 'Born Slippy' - once you get that timing off and start adding it to various beats & styles your music will come alive and loose that dry quality..

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Message 5/8             06-Apr-00  @  02:50 PM   -   RE: old skool jungle: tips needed



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k, thanks for your help... if you please, i could use a little clarification on what you mean... im a little thick, and i really want to understand this...

i don't think you're talking about triggering
a break 3 times/bar (like triplets) one right after the other with the second two
(maybe) at a lower velocity... like a regular midi delay effect.
such as: [--------bar--------]

i think you mean that the delayed breaks start
coming through before the triggering break ends...
such as some'ting like this:
trigger: [break] [break]
delayed: [break] [break]
delayed: [break] [break]

with delays set up as (faster than 1st example) triplets.

i was trying to figure out how to do it with midi only, but maybe that's not the way....??
am i close to the mark?
one last thing: if i speed up the break, do i have
to worry about matching it to tempo if im using it this way?

thanks so much for your help. i'm off to click
on the banners!

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Message 6/8             06-Apr-00  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: old skool jungle: tips needed



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ooops. the nice picture i drew in my post
didn't come out. all my text is crammed together.

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Message 7/8             07-Apr-00  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: old skool jungle: tips needed



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midi delay??.. fuck that rubbish.. explain your gear setup...

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Message 8/8             07-Apr-00  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: old skool jungle: tips needed



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I use cubase vst. I put notes onto midi tracks that trigger the chopped-up loops in my sampler.

I was talking about creating a (sort-of) delay effect via midi -- putting some notes several ticks after the first trigger to retrigger the same break again (say, on another channel), before the first break finishes playing, so that the sounds would overlap a bit.

what I just realized is that an audio delay on the break would sound much different. the delayed signal would get fed right back in, and get delayed, and fed back in, etc. it would produce lot more sound than 2 or 3 overlapping breaks like I mentioned above.... a very different result.

too bad my sampler has no fx. s'ok, tho... I'll just record the break, and mess with my delay plugins.

thanks for your help.

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