aaa Jomox Xbase09 song write mode... - Drums / rhythms / programming forums
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Subject: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...

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Original Message 1/9             22-Nov-07  @  07:24 PM   -   Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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Hi everybody, this is my first post here. I bought a second hand Jomox Xbase09 two weeks ago. It's fantastic and very easy to use despite all the tricks you need to know to create your patterns and give them the right sound. Easy to use??? er... actually there is something i haven't been able to do and it's chain a few patterns together to create a song. I have followed all the steps of the manual (it sounds so easy there), but i can't succeed. I don't know what i am mistaking here. Would anyone here who has the same machine try to explain (in other words, not the manual ones pls) what exactly i need to do?

Apparently there is no song on my machine at the moment, but when i'm on play mode (song) a pattern starts and runs only once and then stops. The same pattern plays every song i try to play. I tried to shift/clear all the songs, one by one, but when i play that pattern goes.... Is that normal?

Please help if you know the trick.

Thank you


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Message 2/9             24-Nov-07  @  05:08 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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I'll check it out this week-end, can't remember what it is, but there is a simple twist that is not so evident in the manual.

stay tuned

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Message 3/9             24-Nov-07  @  05:28 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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Thank you for that. I'll be here waiting

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Message 4/9             24-Nov-07  @  08:27 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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e one nutoniom


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/9             25-Nov-07  @  03:16 AM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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Ah ! Now I remember !! The thing is you MUST save each song step after editing them. It's exactly how it's described in the manual, execpt they should have explained Store song Step (7.2.5) Before explaining Song End (7.2.4.). I remember going nuts on this back then, I just hadn't read 'till that point. hope that helps

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Message 6/9             25-Nov-07  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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That's great, i'll give it a try and i'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks a lot

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Message 7/9             25-Nov-07  @  01:28 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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It seems to be working now but i have noticed i need to play the song once (after chaining my poatters) when i'm still in write mode, otherwise the machine loses it. Don't know if this is a bug or what, but at least now it seems like i can chain the patterns. Thanks nutoniom, you're star!!

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Message 8/9             25-Nov-07  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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haven't noticed you had to play the song once in order to retain, will have to check, but then , not much of a problem since you will want to hear how it goes anyway. Maybe it needs to initialise or something, dunno. The manual doesn't say anything about it.

Glad I could help.

Now enjoy this amazing piece of gear (they will have to surgically remove it from my dead fingers...)

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Message 9/9             25-Nov-07  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: Jomox Xbase09 song write mode...


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tell me about it, i have been playing it every day for hours since i bought it, it's becoming part of my body lol

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