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Subject: What makes Goa, Goa

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Original Message 1/68             28-Feb-00  @  11:25 PM   -   What makes Goa, Goa



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I know its a place, and Ive listed to examples, but all I come away with is speed techno. Theres obviously alot more going on, but what?

What are the rudiments of Goa, if theres such a thing, or the scales at work here/there.

If possible a grid definition, or any other pointers would be appreciated

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Message 2/68             29-Feb-00  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa



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Dark melodic instumental lines. Much like native chants. Lots of changing and interrupting beat. Find and buy Astral Projection cds. They are mother and father of Goa Trance for me. Were 3 guys, now 2 guys from Tel-Aviv Izrael. They do produce real Goa Trance music.

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Message 3/68             29-Feb-00  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa



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umm, often indian related scales (somewhat close to harmonic minor i would guess), at any rate very (minor scale) sounding to me. also, goa uses a lot of panning and often plays with the spatial relationships of the sounds as well. other than that, i think it's actually closer to trance than techno. -p.

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Message 4/68             01-Mar-00  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa



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yeah, and 'that' squeeze-box/organ sound

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Message 5/68             02-Mar-00  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa


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I've worked with hungarian, diminished and enigmatic scales before, which can yield a middle eastern or gypsy sound, as well as the different variation of minor, but I'm not familiar with eastern (indian) scales. Any idea how they're structured and used? Do they use microtonal tunings? Sitar?

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Message 6/68             03-Mar-00  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa



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wish i knew this one too. be nice to get my hands on some music and just figure it out. got a ravi shankar album someplace. mebbe that'll help. if you find anything out, post it here. i'll do likewise. -p.

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Message 7/68             03-Mar-00  @  03:36 PM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa


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Found this website ^^^ and read what was there. Fascinating although not entirely helpful. An entirely different mindset. I don't think I have any purely Indian records, just western fusions with that tradition such as John McLaughlin's Shakti works and the jazz group Oregon that combined sitar and table with upright bass, oboe and classical guitar. Also within that Indian Melody site are links to Indian Pop MP3s.

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Message 8/68             04-Mar-00  @  09:27 AM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa



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Meet someone that lived in Goa for a while, from what he said about it, it was a lot of sex, drugs and raves on the beach, sounds like Ibiza, and there I was thinking it was a place for a different kind of enlightenment

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Message 9/68             04-Mar-00  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa


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Indian scales. There are every combination possible in Indian scales. North Indian is NOT microtonal. 12 tones are used. However the notes when sung are slid to rather than jumping from one to the next which we tend to do in the west, so their scales sound different. BTW Indian instruments were created to mimic vocal ability as closely as possible. This is why the sitar, sarod, sarangi (amazing instrument) were built to slide between notes.

A very popular Indian minor scale is Bhairavi. Below is the basic scale, but during most performances all notes are used. Playing Bhairavi is considered a master's art.

There are scales with: flat 3rd and flat 6th...flat 2nd, flat 3rd and flat 6th....flat 2nd, flat 3rd, sharp 4th, no fifth and flat 6th. All other notes are natural in the above mentioned.

Using pitch bend will begin to emulate the sound of an Indian melody if that is ever what you are looking for. If you can control pitch bend enough to be able to dance around accurately between 2 to 12 notes, your in good shape. I've tried and it would take some real practice. I wonder if some pitch bend wheels are better for accuracy than others. A real can of worms there.

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Message 10/68             04-Mar-00  @  10:30 AM   -   RE: What makes Goa, Goa


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Sorry. Bhairavi showed up above not below as I mentioned.

P and Damballah...if you can find some of the pre 80s recordings of Ustad Vilayat Khan or Ustad Imrat Khan, you will hear some real sitar playing. Also look for Nishat Khan or Irshad Khan....these would be more recent as they are Imrats' sons. Shujaat Khan too...he is Vilayats' son...don't get "Lajo Lajo" only because that is more singing of romantic songs. This family is 8 generations of nothing but sitar players. Drop dead musicians.

I have a friend who lived in Goa and hung out with a woman who since wrote a book about the place which has become a bit of a cult book from my understanding. According to him it was all drugs and sex.

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