aaa help what is all this?? - Theory / composition / technique forums
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Subject: help what is all this??

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Original Message 1/3             13-May-01  @  06:35 AM   -   help what is all this??


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Hi all iv been in to music for a bit but I'm more of a sound scientist than a musician my problem is that when I'm writing thing in cubase I get stuck know I was thinking that this may be to my lack of music theory i.e. keys, chords and scales. Would this knowledge help me to get my ideas down into cubase as what I want to play and what comes out are 2 different things. So would learning some theory also help me improve my playing.

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Message 2/3             14-May-01  @  12:27 AM   -   RE: help what is all this??


Posts: 1005

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Theory will help you by giving you an understanding of the individual components of music and how they work together.Knowing how to build chords and develop interesting melodies and rhythms will be a great advantage to you.As for improving your playing well that is merely a matter of practice for example learning the major scale in all the keys using the correct fingerings and practicing that for an hour a day for an extended period of time will undoubtedly improve your dexterity on the keyboard once you get that under your belt you can move onto other exercises.Theory informs but practice convinces.

A very good book for developing your keyboard and musical skills is "The Contemporary Keyboardist" by John Novello it is very comprehensive and will give you material for years.

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Message 3/3             11-Jun-01  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: help what is all this??


Posts: 3872

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Yes learning theory can improve your composing skills. I'm finding that in dance there are almost 2 kinds of theory, music as in harmony, rhythm, scales, counterpoint, melody....and sound creation as in waveforms, filters, envelopes, lfos. Actually having chops on a keyboard can help if you want to stand there and play live, but for composing with the sequencers available today chops are only a slight benefit I think. For composing that is.

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