aaa howdya get them to gell like that? - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: howdya get them to gell like that?

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Original Message 1/21             03-May-02  @  09:43 PM   -   howdya get them to gell like that?


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erm, i decided to ask others for tech advice after a long time.

you see, i have problems with getting my beats to gell properly when using hardware. you know: you take a bunch of samples, make a pattern, and do _something_ to it so they all melt together, into one cohesive substance. i´m primarily talking about breakbeat based beats here, meaning bunch of samples grabbed from different sources.

using software, i find this to be no problem. i can put a plugin on a group which will take care of this. my favourites untill now were TC plugs with "soft-sat" function, or PSP mix saturator and vintage warmer plugs.

only thing is, i dont want to be software based. what the hell do i have a sampler for? or maybe i should sell it (i do use it primarily for beats nowadays) and take the soft route for drums?

in case you think i should stick with hardware, what do you suggest? what comp/tube amp/thingamajick does it for you? i´m making good use of my FilterBank, but that is only mono, and i like having things flexible, e.g. not having to resample things several times only to find out that they dont work.

help me! M.

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Message 2/21             03-May-02  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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exs24 for drums. my sampler is redundant. i'd impart more knowledge but that's all i know.

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Message 3/21             03-May-02  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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Yep. EXS24. Replaced all my other drum doodads (samplers, machines, modules, etc).

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Message 4/21             03-May-02  @  10:41 PM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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dunno. My drums rarely sit together. Always sounds like individual pieces that dont quite fit

honestly tho? Id really say dump the HW sampler. Not that I ever will, could easily, EASILY be done...and way cheaper, less room taken up, etc.

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Message 5/21             03-May-02  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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here's a tip : sample some room tone and layer that behind your drums. fills the gaps, see?

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Message 6/21             03-May-02  @  10:54 PM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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I got a prefader aux bus feeding my J-Station with a gritty amp model and can dial up an appropriate amount of crud and squish which kinda smacks everything together a bit. sumpin like that?

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Message 7/21             04-May-02  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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a subtle reverb with a dash of predelay?

And ghost snares and hats always help... just some really low, maybe panned snares under your other stuff, making another rhythm subtley underneath the main beat, low velocity.... same with hats.... just be sure to use different snares and hats than you are using for your main beat... This almost always helps my beats to "gel".... but be subtle...

If you dont wanna give the HW, why dont you do your beats in software and import them to your smapler?

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Message 8/21             04-May-02  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


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yu couylkd go for a multi-in audio device & route your outboard into the s/w mix and add vsti fx etc in the s/w mixer!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/21             04-May-02  @  03:28 AM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


Posts: 5701

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WOW! you guys rule   but what are you all doing at home on a friday evening?

i´ll have to re-read all of this tomorrow when my braincells reconnect.

thans all! M.

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Message 10/21             04-May-02  @  05:06 AM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?


Posts: 6231

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use some synthy things and put notes in with them.

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