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Subject: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?

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Original Message 1/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:15 AM   -   DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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This mixer seems really cool for the price - I was looking at an 01v, but now... Hmmm...

Anybody had a play with this thing?? Whadaya think??


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Message 2/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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behringer isnt really known for a great quality in thier products.

but maybe they shaped up before making this one though.

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Message 3/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:25 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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it's tight. I have an o1v and was looking into those, but i am going with the dm24 instead. Selling the o1v in about two months.

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Message 4/66             16-Apr-02  @  04:03 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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funny, but every piece of behringer gear I had has done what it was supposed to, no prob.

That mixer is sposed to be one solid MF'er. I know someone who knows someone who owns one and just flat LOVES it

Im damn impressed with the inputs alone!

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Message 5/66             16-Apr-02  @  07:54 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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I'm also impressed with what they managed to get into one unit. And the price is excellent, compared to buying two 01vs instead, like some people do...

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Message 6/66             16-Apr-02  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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honestly I think behringer have their shit ironed out enough to make them worthwhile. hear stories, but I have heard stories about Mackie, Emu (seen PLENTY of fucked up Emu gear), Access, Novation, Digidesign, MOTU, Emagic

uh..should I keep going?

sometimes people knee-jerk associate "affordable" with CHEAP, and there is truly a distinction in certain instances

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Message 7/66             16-Apr-02  @  12:30 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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so what the working protocol - you have 16 inputs 12 mic and 2 x stereo line - and 16 faders which either work as 16 chanel fader for whichever of the two position 32 channels you are working and then reverts to be sends & subs when flipped to master mode or something like that?

hmm... read some of the manual - it has a relative mode for mixing - when you click record in 'Relative' mode the faders set themselves to 0db but the actual fader levels is as-is in the mix & display on the fader screen showing their positions which also is audible - then if you go and grab a fader to tweak a channel it moves the fader posotion RELATIVE to 2 whatever the actual fader position is in the mix... handy!!! - so like if the actual value of the fader on channel12 in the mix is -18db and you grab the fader in record-mode while it is reset to 0bd and start to move the fader UP i guess that then picks up the fader position in s/w at -18db and starts to push up the level from there.... hmm!

balanced inputs and inserts too on all channels. also channels13/14 switches to input s/pdif or analog.

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Message 8/66             16-Apr-02  @  01:57 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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And 2 available lightpipe interfaces   I'd kill to get those extra 8 channels into my 01V.


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Message 9/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


Posts: 437

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Don't be such a cheapskate, craig. Go buy another 01v like normal idiots do... ;o)

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Message 10/66             16-Apr-02  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Votive's 01V just went for $850-ish on Ebay.. So if I sold my 01V for $850 that'd still leave me with about $1200 to spend on the Behringer plus 2 ADAT cards.. A second (used) 01V actually WOULD be cheaper for me.


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