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Subject: Roland VM3100PRO???

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Original Message 1/25             25-Apr-02  @  06:03 AM   -   Roland VM3100PRO???



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The Roland VM3100PRO is on sale for $549.99 at AMS...Is this a good digital mixer or no? I've heard that it's complicated but it is a great sounding mixer and I am looking for a mixer because I have about 4 things I'd like to use with the mixer (mpc2000, jp8000, filter factory, a-station).... Thanks people!!!

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Message 2/25             25-Apr-02  @  07:50 AM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???


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Me studio partner has one, got it with the Roland "insta studio" kit. I didn't want to like the setup, but it certainly does a good job an' more than fills his needs. It is a bit complicated to get around in, but like anything, once you're used to it a bit it flows well. The sound seems very decent, even the mic pres are decent. The FX are good basic stuff, too. Not a bad deal for the dosh.


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Message 3/25             25-Apr-02  @  01:31 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???


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i have one...

the user interface is twiddly for sure (coming off an o1v)

i got the studio package which has the soundcard, cable and mixer.

so i get 8 track in and out of the computer digital as well as all the analogue inputs. midiman makes the drivers. it also throws midi on that cable but i have had problems with the midi and sonar (but not the audio)

its fiddly to do your efx, but not horrible. routing crap is a pain but if you do it once you can save it. and the faders are not motorized (didn't know how much that would bug me)

overall its a good sounding mixer, i think it sounds better than the o1v did (less harsh) and the efx are better than the o1v for the most part as well. as good as any roland efx out there.

in a word, fiddly but sounds good!


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Message 4/25             25-Apr-02  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???



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So what's the main advantage to digital mixers and analog...I could just get a Mackie 12 channel for the same price. Besides saving the knob setting what else is possible with digital? And why do all mixers have just ONE 1/4" jack for you to plug something into...wouldn't you want you synths and samplers and the like to be in STEREO? How come you have to use two channels for that? Wouldn't synths be best in stereo?? Thanks again!!!!

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Message 5/25             25-Apr-02  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???


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well, except being able to save the knob settings (and everything else), on a digital mixer you usually get 3 or 4 parametric EQ´s per channel, compared to fixed frequency shelve/peak/shelve combination, plus a few FX thrown in, compared to (usually) no FX on an analogue. PLUS you can do midi automation on digital, and often you can also use it as a midi controller for yer virtual mixers/synths/what not...

as for why you only get one input per one mono channel on a mixer, well... i really couldnt imagine why that is... Brett i´ll give it to you, you really hit the nail straight on the head this time. why do we have to have our synth and samplers in dual mono and NOT in stereo... hmmm...

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Message 6/25             25-Apr-02  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???


Posts: 316

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yah you get to store efx settings x2, eq, volumes, etc etc all with one push of a button.

its very nice.


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Message 7/25             25-Apr-02  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???


Posts: 7627

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that cant be the same Brett...

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Message 8/25             26-Apr-02  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???



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Thing is, you can no latency run you softies right thru the effects/compressors with the included M-Audio card. 8 channel digital.

IMO, at that price it's a "can't lose" buy cos it's very flexible.

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Message 9/25             26-Apr-02  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???



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Well help me out...I am completely nuts on what mixer setup I should buy! I want good sound and around 14 channels (at least) because I have the Mpc2000 with the additional 8 outputs so I want to utilize them once and for all... So I could go with the Roland digital mixer and get a sub-mixer (for like $200) to give me additional inputs...OR I could get a Mackie 1402VLZ but not have digital with might not be such a good idea...OR there are things like the Samson PL1602 LINE Mixer with 8 stereo channels input (!!!) but it's rackmountable and only $350 so it can't be as good as the regular desktop mixers (or is it?)...or should I just use y-connectors to hook everything up?? (just kidding!) I am just confused on what to buy...I need inputs for the future and I want a good board...what's your opinions??? Thanks a MILLION, Brett

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Message 10/25             26-Apr-02  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: Roland VM3100PRO???



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ALSO I don't need multiple mic inputs...all vocals will be coming off of the just basically for line inputs or 1/4" jacks...thanks!!

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